卷 之 一 梁惠王 上
volume|possessive particle|one|King Hui of Liang|above
第一巻 梁の恵王 前編
卷一 梁惠王 上
Volume One: King Hui of Liang - Part One
一 孟子 見 梁 惠王 。
one|Mencius|saw|Liang|King Hui
Один Мэнцзы встречает Ляна Хуэй-вана.
1. Mencius meets King Hui of Liang.
王 曰 :「叟 不遠 千里 而 來 ,亦 將 有 以利 吾 國 乎 ?」
the king|said|old man|not far|a thousand miles|and|came|also|will|have|benefit to|our|country|question particle
Ван сказал: «Старик не путешествовал тысячи ли, чтобы прийти, разве он не принесет пользы нашей стране?»
The King said: "Old man, you have traveled a thousand miles to come here, will you also have something to benefit our country?"
孟子 對 曰 :「王 何必 曰 利 ?」
Mencius|replied|said|king|why must|say|profit
Мэнцзы ответил: «Зачем же, Ваше Величество, говорить о пользе?»
Mencius replied: "Why must Your Majesty speak of benefits?"
亦 有 仁義 而已 矣 。
also|have|benevolence and righteousness|and nothing more|final particle
There is only benevolence and righteousness.
王 曰 『何以 利 吾 國 』?
the king|said|how to|benefit|our|country
The king said, 'What benefits my country?'
大夫 曰 『何以 利 吾 家 』?
the doctor|said|how|benefit|my|family
The noble said, 'What benefits my family?'
士 庶人 曰 『何以 利 吾 身 』?
scholar|commoner|said|how to|benefit|my|self
The scholar and commoner said, 'What benefits myself?'
上下 交 征 利 而 國 危 矣 。
up and down|interaction|demand|benefit|but|country|danger|indeed
The upper and lower classes collude for profit, and the country is in danger.
萬 乘 之 國 弒 其 君 者 , 必 千 乘 之 家 ; 千 乘 之 國 弒 其 君 者 , 必 百 乘 之 家 。
In a nation of ten thousand chariots, if someone murders their ruler, they must come from a family of a thousand chariots; in a nation of a thousand chariots, if someone murders their ruler, they must come from a family of a hundred chariots.
萬 取 千 焉 , 千 取 百 焉 , 不 為 不 多 矣 。
Taking ten thousand for a thousand, and a thousand for a hundred, does not mean there is not much.
苟 為 後 義 而 先 利 ,不 奪 不 饜 。
if|for|later|righteousness|but|prioritize|personal gain|not|take away|not|satisfied
If one prioritizes profit over righteousness, they will never be satisfied.
未 有 仁 而 遺 其 親 者 也 ,未 有 義 而 後 其 君 者 也 。
not|have|benevolence|but|abandon|his|parents|one who|particle indicating assertion|not|have|righteousness|but|betray|his|ruler|one who|particle indicating assertion
There has never been a person who is benevolent and neglects their parents, nor has there ever been a person who is righteous and puts their lord last.
王 亦 曰 仁義 而已 矣 ,何必 曰 利 ?」
Wang|also|said|benevolence and righteousness|and nothing more|particle indicating completed action|why must|say|profit
The king also said, 'Is it not enough to speak of benevolence and righteousness? Why must we mention profit?'
二 孟子 見 梁 惠王 ,王 立 於 沼 上 ,顧 鴻 鴈 麋鹿 ,曰 :「賢者 亦 樂 此 乎 ?」
second|Mencius|saw|Liang|King Hui|the king|standing|at|marsh|on|looking|wild goose|crane|elk|said|wise man|also|enjoy|this|question particle
Mencius met King Hui of Liang, who was standing by a marsh, looking at the swans and deer, and said, 'Do the wise also enjoy this?'
孟子 對 曰 :「賢 者 而 後 樂 此 ,不 賢 者 雖 有 此 ,不 樂 也 。
Mencius replied, 'The wise enjoy this only after they are wise; the unwise, even if they have this, do not enjoy it.'
詩 云 :『經 始 靈 臺 ,經之 營 之 ,庶民 攻 之 ,不 日 成 之 。
poem|said|scripture|begin|spiritual|platform|scripture's|operation|possessive particle|common people|attack|possessive particle|not|day|succeed|possessive particle
The poem says: 'The scripture begins at the spiritual platform, managed by the scriptures, the common people attack it, and it will be accomplished in no time.'
經 始 勿 亟 ,庶 民 子 來 。
scripture|begin|do not|hastily|common|people|children|come
Do not rush at the beginning of the scripture, the common people will come.
王 在 靈 囿 ,麀 鹿 攸 伏 ,麀 鹿 濯濯 ,白 鳥 鶴 鶴 。
Wang|at|spirit|park|female deer|deer|leisurely|lying down|female deer|deer|clean|white|bird|crane|crane
The king is in the spiritual garden, the deer are lying down, the deer are bright, the white birds are cranes.
王 在 靈 沼 ,於 牣 魚 躍 。」
The king is in the spiritual pond, where the fish leap.
文王 以 民力 為 臺 為 沼 。
King Wen|using|the strength of the people|as|platform|as|marsh
King Wen used the strength of the people to create a platform and a marsh.
而 民 歡樂 之 ,謂 其 臺 曰 靈臺 ,謂 其 沼 曰 靈沼 ,樂 其 有 麋鹿 魚 鱉 。
and|people|happiness|possessive particle|to call|their|platform|said|spiritual platform|to call|their|marsh|said|spiritual marsh|happy|their|have|elk|fish|turtle
And the people rejoiced, calling the platform 'Spirit Platform' and the marsh 'Spirit Marsh', enjoying the presence of deer, fish, and turtles.
古 之 人 與 民 偕 樂 ,故 能 樂 也 。
ancient|possessive particle|people|and|commoners|together|happy|therefore|able|to be happy|also
The ancients shared joy with the people, hence they were able to be joyful.
湯 誓 曰 :『時日 害 喪 ?
King Tang swore: 'When will the days of harm and loss come?'
予 及 女 偕 亡 。」
And I will die with her.
民 欲 與 之 偕 亡 ,雖 有 臺 池 鳥 獸 ,豈 能 獨 樂 哉 ?」
people|desire|to be with|them|together|perish|although|have|platform|pond|birds|beasts|how|can|alone|enjoy|question particle
The people wish to die with her; even if there are ponds and birds and beasts, how can they enjoy themselves alone?
三梁 惠王 曰 : 「 寡人 之於 國 也 , 盡 心 焉 耳 矣 。
King Hui of Liang said: "As for me in relation to the state, I have done my utmost."
河內 凶 ,則 移 其 民 於 河東 ,移 其 粟 於 河內 。
If there is disaster in He'nan, then move its people to He'dong and move its grain to He'nan.
河 東 凶 亦然 。
river|east|ominous|also so
The river east is also fierce.
察 鄰國 之 政 ,無 如 寡人 之 用心 者 。
observe|neighboring country|possessive particle|politics|not|as|I (humble self-reference)|possessive particle|effort|one who
Observing the governance of neighboring countries, none are as diligent as I.
鄰國 之 民 不 加 少 ,寡人 之 民 不 加 多 ,何 也 ?」
neighboring country|possessive particle|people|not|increase|decrease|I the ruler of a small state|possessive particle|people|not|increase|decrease|why|question particle
The population of the neighboring country does not decrease, while my population does not increase, why is that?
孟子 對 曰 :「王 好 戰 ,請 以 戰 喻 。
Mencius|replied|said|the king|likes|war|please|use|war|to illustrate
Mencius replied, "If the king likes war, let us use war as a metaphor."
填 然 鼓 之 ,兵刃 既 接 ,棄 甲 曳 兵 而 走 。
After the drums sounded, when the weapons clashed, they discarded their armor and fled.
或 百 步 而 後 止 ,或 五十 步 而 後 止 。
Some stopped after a hundred paces, while others stopped after fifty paces.
以 五十 步 笑 百 步 ,則 何如 ?」
using|fifty|steps|laugh at|hundred|steps|then|how about
If one laughs at the other for stopping after a hundred paces while they themselves stopped after fifty, what then?
曰 :「不可 ,直 不 百 步 耳 ,是 亦 走 也 。」
It was said: "That is not acceptable; it is still just a hundred paces, they too have fled."
曰 : 「 王 如 知 此 , 則 無望 民 之 多於 鄰國 也 。
He said: "If the king knows this, then there is no hope for the people to be more than those of neighboring countries.
不 違 農時 ,穀 不可 勝 食 也 ;數 罟 不 入 洿 池 ,魚 鱉 不可 勝 食 也 ;斧 斤 以 時 入 山林 ,材 木 不可 勝 用 也 。
not|violate|farming season|grain|cannot|exceed|consumption|also|count|nets|not|enter|shallow|pond|fish|turtle|cannot|exceed|consumption|also|axe|weight|by|time|enter|forest|timber|wood|cannot|exceed|use|also
If the agricultural seasons are not violated, grains cannot be overconsumed; if the nets do not enter the ponds, fish and turtles cannot be overconsumed; if the axes and saws enter the forests at the right time, timber cannot be overused.
穀 與 魚 鱉 不可 勝 食 ,材 木 不可 勝用 ,是 使 民 養生 喪死 無 憾 也 。
grain|and|fish|turtle|cannot|surpass|food|timber|wood|cannot|surpass use|this|make|people|live|die|without|regret|also
Grains and fish cannot be overconsumed, timber cannot be overused, this allows the people to live and die without regrets.
養生 喪死 無 憾 ,王道 之 始 也 。
nurturing life|death|no|regrets|the way of kings|possessive particle|beginning|also
Living and dying without regrets is the beginning of the king's way.
五 畝 之 宅 ,樹 之 以 桑 ,五十 者 可以 衣帛 矣 ;雞 豚 狗 彘 之 畜 ,無 失 其 時 ,七十 者 可以 食 肉 矣 ;百 畝 之 田 ,勿 奪 其 時 ,數 口 之 家 可以 無 飢 矣 ;謹 庠序 之 教 ,申 之 以 孝悌 之 養 ,頒 白 者 不 負 戴 於 道路 矣 。
five|mu (a unit of area)|possessive particle|house|plant|possessive particle|with|mulberry|fifty|those|can|wear silk|past tense particle|chicken|pig|dog|pig|possessive particle|livestock|not|lose|its|time|seventy|those|can|eat|meat|past tense particle|hundred|mu (a unit of area)|possessive particle|field|do not|take away|its|time|several|mouths|possessive particle|family|can|not|hungry|past tense particle|carefully|school|possessive particle|teaching|extend|possessive particle|with|filial piety and brotherly respect|possessive particle|nurturing|distribute|white-haired|those|not|burden|carry|on|road|past tense particle
A house of five acres, planted with mulberry trees, can provide clothing made of silk for fifty people; if the livestock of chickens, pigs, and dogs are not neglected, seventy people can eat meat; a hundred acres of farmland, if not taken away at the right time, can ensure that several families do not go hungry; by carefully teaching the rules of the household and promoting filial piety and brotherly love, the elderly will not be burdened on the roads.
七十 者 衣帛 食 肉 ,黎民 不 飢 不 寒 ,然 而 不 王 者 ,未 之 有 也 。
seventy|those|wear silk|eat|meat|common people|not|hungry|not|cold|yet|but|not|rule|those|not yet|possessive particle|have|also
If seventy people are clothed in silk and eat meat, and the common people do not suffer from hunger or cold, yet there is no king, this has never happened.
狗 彘 食 人 食 而 不 知 檢 ,塗 有 餓 莩 而 不 知 發 ;人 死 ,則 曰 :『非 我 也 ,歲 也 。」
Dogs and pigs eat what people eat without knowing how to restrain themselves; the roads are filled with starving corpses, yet they do not know how to act; when a person dies, they say: 'It is not me, it is the year.'
是 何 異於 刺人 而 殺之 ,曰 :『非 我 也 ,兵 也 。」
is|what|different from|stabbing a person|and|killing him|said|not|I|also|soldier|also
What is the difference between stabbing a person and killing them, saying: 'It is not me, it is the soldiers.'
王 無罪 歲 ,斯 天下 之 民 至 焉 。」
the king|innocent|year|this|world|possessive particle|people|arrive|there
King is innocent, and the people of the world come to this.
四 梁 惠王 曰 :「寡人 願 安 承 教 。」
four|Liang|King Hui|said|I your humble servant|wish|to be at peace|to receive|teachings
King Hui of Liang said: "I, the humble one, wish to peacefully accept your teachings."
孟子 對 曰 :「殺人 以 梃 與 刃 ,有 以 異乎 ?」
Mencius|replied|said|killing|with|stick|and|blade|there is|by|any difference
Mencius replied: "Is there any difference between killing a person with a stick and with a blade?"
曰 :「無以 異 也 。」
said|without|difference|particle indicating assertion
He said: "There is no difference."
「以 刃 與 政 ,有 以 異乎 ?」
with|blade|and|governance|has|with|different from
"Is there any difference between blades and governance?"
曰 :「無以 異 也 。」
said|without|difference|particle indicating assertion
回答说: 「没有什么不同。」
He said: "There is no difference."
曰 : 「 庖 有 肥 肉 , 廄 有 肥 馬 , 民 有 飢 色 , 野 有 餓 莩 , 此 率 獸 而 食 人 也 。
他说: 「厨房里有肥肉,马厩里有肥马,百姓却面临饥饿,野外有饿死的尸体,这就是兽类吃人的原因。
He said: "The kitchen has fatty meat, the stable has fat horses, the people show signs of hunger, and the wild has starving corpses. This is the way beasts devour humans.
獸 相 食 ,且 人 惡 之 。
badger|each other|eat|and|people|dislike|it
Beasts eat each other, and people detest it."
為 民 父母 ,行政 不 免於 率 獸 而 食 人 。
for|people|parents|administration|not|exempt from|leading|beasts|and|eating|people
As the parents of the people, the administration cannot avoid leading beasts to eat people.
惡 在 其 為 民 父母 也 ?
Is it evil to be the parents of the people?
仲尼 曰 :『始作俑者 ,其 無 後 乎 !」
Confucius|said|the one who first made the funerary figurines|he|should not have|descendants|question particle
Confucius said: 'The one who first made the puppet, will there be no consequences for them!'
為 其 象人 而 用 之 也 。
for|its|resembling a person|and|to use|it|also
It is used to represent the likeness of a person.
如 之 何其 使 斯民 飢 而 死 也 ?」
how|possessive particle|so much|make|these people|hungry|and|die|particle indicating affirmation
How can we let these people starve and die?
五 梁 惠王 曰 :「晉 國 ,天下 莫 強 焉 ,叟 之 所 知 也 。
Wu|Liang|King Hui|said|Jin|state|under heaven|no one|stronger|than it|old man|possessive particle|what|knowledge|also
King Hui of Liang said: "In the Jin state, there is no one stronger in the world, this is what the old man knows.
及 寡 人 之 身 ,東 敗 於 齊 ,長子 死 焉 ;西 喪 地 於 秦 七百 里 ;南 辱 於 楚 。
and|few|people|possessive particle|body|east|defeated|by|Qi|eldest son|died|there|west|lost|land|by|Qin|seven hundred|li (a unit of distance)|south|insulted|by|Chu
As for myself, I was defeated in the east by Qi, and my eldest son died there; I lost seven hundred li of land in the west to Qin; and I was humiliated in the south by Chu.
寡 人 恥 之 ,願 比 死者 一 洒 之 ,如 之 何 則 可 ?」
I|me|ashamed|of it|wish|to compare|dead person|one|to spill|of it|how|it|what|then|possible
I am ashamed of this, and I wish to share the fate of the dead, what can be done?"
孟子 對 曰 :「地方 百 里 而 可 以 王 。
Mencius replied: "A territory of a hundred li can be ruled.
王 如 施 仁政 於 民 ,省 刑罰 ,薄稅 斂 ,深耕 易 耨 。
the king|as|to implement|benevolent rule|on|the people|to reduce|punishments|light taxes|collection|deep plowing|easy|weeding
If the king implements benevolent governance towards the people, reduces punishments, lowers taxes, and encourages deep plowing and easy weeding.
壯者 以 暇日 修 其 孝悌 忠信 ,入 以 事 其 父兄 ,出 以 事 其 長上 ,可 使 制 梃 以 撻 秦楚 之 堅甲 利兵 矣 。
strong man|using|leisure day|cultivate|his|filial piety and brotherly respect|loyalty and trustworthiness|when entering|using|serve|his|father and elder brothers|when going out|using|serve|his|superiors|can|make|create|a type of weapon|to|strike|Qin and Chu|possessive particle|strong armor|advantageous soldiers|final particle
The strong should use their leisure time to cultivate filial piety, brotherly love, loyalty, and trust, serving their fathers and brothers at home, and serving their superiors outside, so they can wield a staff to strike against the strong armor and sharp weapons of Qin and Chu.
彼 奪 其 民 時 ,使 不得 耕 耨 以 養 其 父母 ,父母 凍 餓 ,兄弟 妻子 離散 。
he|robs|his|people|time|causes|unable to|plow|weed|in order to|support|his|parents|parents|freeze|starve|brothers|wife|separated
When they seize the people’s time, they prevent them from farming to support their parents, leading to parents freezing and starving, and brothers and wives being separated.
彼 陷溺 其 民 ,王 往 而 征 之 ,夫 誰 與 王 敵 ?
he|entraps|his|people|the king|goes|and|conquers|them|then|who|with|the king|opposes
He entrapped his people, the king went to conquer him, who would oppose the king?
故 曰 :『仁 者 無敵 。」
therefore|said|benevolence|one who|has no enemy
Therefore it is said: 'The benevolent have no enemies.'
王 請 勿 疑 !」
Wang|please|do not|doubt
The king requested, 'Please do not doubt!'
六 孟子 見 梁 襄王 。
Six|Mencius|saw|Liang|King Xiang
Mencius visited King Xiang of Liang.
出 ,語 人 曰 :「望 之 不 似 人君 ,就 之 而 不 見 所 畏 焉 。
exit|speak|person|said|look|at him|not|resemble|ruler|approach|him|and|not|see|what|fear|him
The speaker said: "Looking at him, he does not resemble a ruler; approaching him, there is nothing to fear."
卒然 問 曰 :『天下 惡 乎 定 ?」
suddenly|asked|said|the world|evil|particle indicating a question|determined
Suddenly, he asked: 'Where in the world is there certainty?'
吾 對 曰 :『定 于 一 。」
I replied: 'Certainty lies in the One.'
『孰 能 一 之 ?」
'Who can achieve the One?'
對 曰 :『不 嗜 殺人 者 能 一 之 。」
replied|said|not|fond of|killing|person|can|one|him
He replied: 'Those who do not enjoy killing can be one with it.'
『孰 能 與 之 ?」
'Who can be with it?'
對 曰 :『天下 莫 不 與 也 。
replied|said|the world|no one|not|to be in harmony|also
He replied: 'Everyone in the world can be with it.'
王 知 夫 苗 乎 ?
Wang|knows|man|Miao|question particle
Does the king know about Miao?
七八 月 之間 旱 ,則 苗槁 矣 。
July and August|month|between|drought|then|seedlings wither|already
Between July and August, if there is drought, then the seedlings will wither.
天 油然 作 雲 ,沛然 下雨 ,則 苗 浡然 興 之 矣 。
sky|suddenly|become|clouds|abundantly|rain|then|seedlings|quickly|grow|them|past action particle
If the sky suddenly forms clouds and rain pours down, then the seedlings will flourish.
其 如 是 ,孰 能 禦 之 ?
In such a case, who can resist it?
今 夫 天下 之 人 牧 ,未 有 不 嗜 殺人 者 也 ,如 有 不 嗜 殺人 者 ,則 天下 之 民 皆 引領 而 望 之 矣 。
now|indeed|all under heaven|possessive particle|people|shepherd|not|have|not|fond of|killing|one who|also|if|have|not|fond of|killing|one who|then|all under heaven|possessive particle|people|all|lead by the neck|and|look up to|possessive particle|past action particle
Now, among the people of the world, there is no one who does not have a desire to kill; if there were someone who did not have such a desire, then all the people of the world would look up to them.
誠如 是 也 ,民 歸 之 ,由 水 之 就 下 ,沛然 誰 能 禦 之 ?」
as it is|this|also|people|return|to it|by|water|of|flow|down|abundantly|who|can|resist|it
As it is, the people return to it; who can resist it when it flows down like water?
七 齊宣王 問 曰 :「齊桓 、晉文 之 事 可 得 聞 乎 ?」
the seventh|King Xuan of Qi|asked|said|Duke Huan of Qi|Duke Wen of Jin|possessive particle|affairs|can|obtain|heard|question particle
King Xuan of Qi asked, "Can I hear about the matters of Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin?"
孟子 對 曰 :「仲尼 之 徒 無 道 桓 、文 之 事 者 ,是 以 後世 無 傳 焉 。
Mencius|replied|said|Confucius|possessive particle|disciples|not|understand|Huan|Wen|possessive particle|affairs|those|this|therefore|later generations|not|transmit|there
Mencius|replied|said|Confucius|possessive particle|disciples|not|teach|Huan|Wen|possessive particle|affairs|those|this|therefore|later generations|not|transmit|them
Mencius replied, "The disciples of Confucius did not discuss the matters of Huan and Wen, which is why there are no records of them in later generations.
臣 未 之 聞 也 。
I|not|possessive particle|heard|particle indicating assertion
I have not heard of them either."
無 以 ,則 王 乎 ?
without|means|then|king|question particle
Without it, how can one rule?
」曰 :「德 何如 ,則 可以 王 矣 ?
said|virtue|how about|then|can|rule|particle indicating completed action
"What kind of virtue is needed to rule?"
」曰 :「保 民 而 王 ,莫 之 能 禦 也 。」
said|protect|people|and|rule|no one|them|able|resist|particle indicating assertion
"To protect the people and rule, no one can oppose it."
曰 :「若 寡人 者 ,可以 保民 乎 哉 ?
said|if|I the humble one|particle indicating a noun|can|protect the people|question particle|exclamatory particle
"As for me, can I protect the people?"
」曰 :可 。」
」 说:可以。」
" said: Yes."},{
曰 :「何 由 知 吾 可 也 ?
said|how|by|to know|I|capable|also
说: 「怎么知道我可以呢?
」 曰 : 「 臣 聞 之 胡 齕 曰 , 王 坐 於 堂 上 , 有 牽 牛 而 過 堂 下 者 , 王 見 之 , 曰 : 『 牛 何 之 ?
」 说: 「我听胡齕说,王坐在堂上,有牵牛经过堂下,王看到,问:『牛要去哪里?
』對 曰 :『將 以 釁 鐘 。
replied|said|will|use|to fill|bell
』 回答说:『要去熬钟。
』王 曰 :『舍 之 !
The king said: "Let it go!"
吾 不忍 其 觳觫 ,若 無罪 而 就 死地 。
I|cannot bear|his|punishment|if|innocent|and|to|place of death
I cannot bear to see its beak and claws, as if it were guilty and facing death.
』對 曰 :『然則 廢 釁 鐘 與 ?
The reply said: "Then should we abolish the bell of discord?"
』曰 :『何 可 廢 也 ?
said|what|can|be discarded|particle indicating affirmation
He said: "How can it be abolished?"
以 羊 易 之 !
Change sheep for it!
』不 識 有 諸 ?
not|recognize|have|you (plural)
"Do you not know there are many?"
」曰 :「有 之 。」
"Yes, there are."
曰 :「是 心 足以 王 矣 。
said|is|heart|sufficient to|king|particle indicating completed action
"This heart is enough to rule."
百姓 皆 以 王 為 愛 也 ,臣 固 知 王 之 不忍 也 。」
common people|all|regard|king|as|benevolent|particle indicating assertion|I (the servant)|certainly|know|king|possessive particle|unable to bear|also
The common people all regard the king as loving, and I certainly know that the king cannot bear it.
王 曰 :「然 。
The king said: "Indeed.
誠 有 百姓 者 。
sincerity|has|common people|particle indicating a person or thing
There are indeed common people.
齊國 雖 褊 小 ,吾 何 愛 一 牛 ?
Qi State|although|narrow|small|I|what|love|one|cow
Although the state of Qi is small, why should I love a single cow?
即 不忍 其 觳觫 ,若 無罪 而 就 死地 ,故 以 羊 易 之 也 。」
then|cannot bear|his|punishment|if|innocent|and|approach|place of death|therefore|by|sheep|exchange|it|also
That is, not to bear the pain of the slaughter, as if one were innocent and facing death, therefore it is exchanged for a sheep.
曰 :「王 無異於 百姓 之 以 王 為 愛 也 。
said|king|is no different from|common people|possessive particle|by|king|regarding|love|also
He said: "The king is no different from the common people in that he loves the king.
以 小 易 大 ,彼 惡 知 之 ?
Exchanging the small for the large, how could they know?
王若隱 其 無罪 而 就 死地 ,則 牛 羊 何 擇 焉 ?
Wang Ruoyin|he|innocent|and|then|place of death|then|cattle|sheep|what|choice|there
If the king hides his innocence and faces death, then what choice is there between cattle and sheep?
」王 笑 曰 :「是 誠 何 心 哉 ?
Wang|laughed|said|is|sincerity|what|heart|particle indicating exclamation or questioning
" Wang smiled and said: "What kind of heart is this?"
我 非 愛 其 財 。
I do not love their wealth.
而 易 之 以 羊 也 ,宜 乎 百姓 之 謂 我 愛 也 。」
and|easy|possessive particle|with|sheep|also|appropriate|particle indicating a question|common people|possessive particle|to say|I|love|also
And to exchange it for sheep, it is right that the people say I love it."
曰 : 「 無 傷 也 , 是 乃 仁術 也 , 見 牛 未 見 羊 也 。
He said: "There is no harm, this is indeed a benevolent method, having seen cattle but not sheep."
君子 之於 禽獸 也 ,見 其 生 ,不忍 見 其 死 ;聞 其 聲 ,不忍 食 其 肉 。
gentleman|towards|animals|also|seeing|their|life|cannot bear|seeing|their|death|hearing|their|voice|cannot bear|eating|their|meat
A gentleman, when it comes to animals, sees them alive and cannot bear to see them die; hears their voices and cannot bear to eat their flesh.
是 以 君子 遠 庖廚 也 。」
is|by|gentleman|stay away from|kitchen|also
Therefore, a gentleman stays away from the kitchen.
王 曰 :「詩 云 :『他人 有 心 ,予 忖度 之 。
The king said: "The poem says: 'Others have intentions, I ponder them.'
』夫子 之 謂 也 。
Master|possessive particle|to say|final particle
This refers to the Master."
夫 我 乃 行 之 ,反而 求 之 ,不 得 吾 心 。
now|I|then|go|it|on the contrary|seek|it|not|obtain|my|heart
I, on the contrary, seek it, but cannot attain my heart.
夫子 言 之 於 我 心 有 戚戚 焉 。
Master|said|it|to|me|heart|has|sorrowful|particle indicating a situation
The Master spoke of it, and my heart felt a pang.
此 心 之 所以 合於 王者 ,何 也 ?」
this|heart|possessive particle|reason|in harmony with|king|what|particle indicating affirmation
What is the reason that this heart aligns with that of the king?
曰 : 「 有 復 於 王 者 曰 : 『 吾 力 足以 舉 百 鈞 』 , 而 不足以 舉 一 羽 ; 『 明 足以 察 秋毫 之 末 』 , 而 不 見 輿 薪 , 則 王 許 之 乎 ? 」
He said: "If someone were to say to the king, 'I have the strength to lift a hundred pounds,' but cannot lift a single feather; 'I have the clarity to see the tiniest detail,' but cannot see the cart of firewood, would the king allow it?"
曰 :「否 。」
He said: "No."
「今 恩 足 以及 禽獸 ,而 功 不 至於 百姓 者 ,獨 何 與 ?
now|grace|sufficient|and|beasts|but|merit|not|reach|common people|those|alone|what|to do
"Now, if grace is sufficient for both the birds and beasts, but the achievements do not reach the common people, what is the difference?"
然則 一 羽 之 不 舉 ,為 不 用力 焉 ;輿 薪 之 不 見 ,為 不 用 明 焉 ,百姓 之 不 見 保 ,為 不 用 恩 焉 。
then|one|feather|possessive particle|not|lift|because|not|exerting force|particle indicating reason|cart|firewood|possessive particle|not|seen|because|not|using|light|particle indicating reason|common people|possessive particle|not|seen|protection|because|not|using|kindness|particle indicating reason
"Thus, if a feather is not lifted, it is not due to lack of effort; if firewood is not seen, it is not due to lack of clarity; if the common people are not protected, it is not due to lack of grace."
故 王 之 不 王 ,不 為 也 ,非 不能 也 。」
therefore|king|possessive particle|not|rule|not|for|also|not|unable to|also
"Therefore, the king's failure to rule is not because he does not want to, but because he cannot."
曰 : 「 不 為 者 與 不 能 者 之 形 何以 異 ? 」
He said: "What is the difference in form between one who does not act and one who cannot act?"
曰 :「挾 太山 以 超 北海 ,語 人 曰 『我 不能 』,是 誠 不能 也 。
said|to carry|Mount Tai|in order to|surpass|the Northern Sea|to speak|people|said|I|cannot|this|truly|cannot|also
He said: "If one were to carry Mount Tai to cross the North Sea and say to others 'I cannot', that is indeed a case of inability.
為 長 者 折 枝 , 語 人 曰 『 我 不能 』 , 是 不 為 也 , 非 不能 也 。
If one were to break a branch for a leader and say to others 'I cannot', that is a case of not acting, not inability.
故 王 之 不 王 ,非 挾 太山 以 超 北海 之 類 也 ;王 之 不 王 ,是 折枝 之 類 也 。
therefore|king|possessive particle|not|rule|not|carry|Mount Tai|in order to|surpass|the Northern Sea|possessive particle|class|also|king|possessive particle|not|rule|is|breaking a branch|possessive particle|class|also
Therefore, the king's failure to rule is not like carrying Mount Tai to cross the North Sea; the king's failure to rule is like breaking a branch.
老 吾 老 , 以及 人 之 老 ; 幼 吾 幼 , 以及 人 之 幼 。
Respect the elderly, and also the elderly of others; care for the young, and also the young of others.
天下 可 運 於 掌 。
the world|can|be controlled|in|palm
The world can be held in one's hands.
詩 云 :『刑 于 寡 妻 ,至 于 兄弟 ,以 御 于 家 邦 。』
poem|said|punishment|to|few|wife|up to|to|brothers|in order to|govern|in|family|state
The poem says: 'Punishment is for the few, up to the brothers, to govern the family and the nation.'
言舉 斯 心 加諸 彼 而 已 。
speech and action|this|heart|added to|others|and|already
This means to apply this heart to others and nothing more.
故 推 恩 足以 保 四海 ,不 推 恩 無以 保 妻子 。
therefore|to push|kindness|sufficient to|protect|all under heaven|not|to push|kindness|without|protect|wife and children
Therefore, promoting kindness is enough to protect the four seas; without promoting kindness, one cannot protect their wife and children.
古 之 人 所以 大過 人 者 無 他 焉 ,善 推 其 所為 而已 矣 。
ancient|possessive particle|people|reason|surpass|others|particle indicating the subject|not|other|there|good|to push|their|actions|and nothing more|final particle
What ancient people did to surpass others was nothing more than being good at promoting what they did.
今 恩 足 以 及 禽獸 ,而 功 不 至於 百姓 者 ,獨 何 與 ?
now|grace|sufficient|to|and|beasts|but|merit|not|reach|common people|those|alone|what|to do
Now, kindness extends even to birds and beasts, yet the achievements do not reach the common people; what is the reason for this?
權 ,然後 知 輕重 ;度 ,然後 知 長短 。
weight|then|know|lightness and heaviness|measure|then|know|length and shortness
With power, one then knows the weight of things; with measurement, one then knows the length and shortness.
物 皆 然 ,心 為 甚 。
things|all|natural|mind|is|very much
Everything is natural, but the heart is the most.
王 請 度 之 !
Wang|please|measure|possessive particle
The king asks to measure it!
抑 王 興 甲 兵 ,危 士臣 ,構 怨 於 諸侯 ,然後 快 於 心 與 ?」
or|Wang|Xiong|armor|soldiers|Wei|scholar-officials|to create|resentment|among|feudal lords|only then|happy|in|heart|with
Or does the king raise soldiers, endanger the ministers, and create resentment among the lords, and then feel satisfied in his heart?
王 曰 :「否 。
The king said: "No."
吾 何 快 於 是 ?
Why am I so eager about this?
將 以 求 吾 所 大 欲 也 。」
will|with|seek|I|what|great|desire|particle indicating assertion
I will seek to fulfill my greatest desires.
曰 :「王 之 所 大 欲 可 得 聞 與 ?
said|king|possessive particle|place|great|desire|can|obtain|heard|with
He said: "Can the king's greatest desires be heard?
」王 笑 而 不 言 。
" The king smiled and said nothing.
曰 :「為 肥 甘 不足 於 口 與 ?
He said: "Is it that the rich and sweet are not enough for the mouth?"},{
輕 煖 不足 於 體 與 ?
抑為 采色 不足 視 於 目 與 ?
聲音 不足 聽 於 耳 與 ?
便 嬖 不足 使 令 於 前 與 ?
then|favored|insufficient|to make|to command|in|front|to give
便 嬖 不足 使 令 於 前 與 ?
Is it not enough to use the favor of the front?
王 之 諸 臣 皆 足以 供 之 ,而 王 豈 為 是 哉 ?
the king|possessive particle|all|ministers|all|sufficient to|provide|him|but|the king|how|act|this|question particle
王 的 臣子 都 足以 供 應 他 , 而 王 怎麼會 為 這個 呢 ?
All of the king's ministers are sufficient to provide for him, and would the king do this for that?
」曰 :「否 。
」 說 : 「 不對 。
He said: "No.
吾 不 為 是 也 。」
I|do not|act for|this|particle indicating assertion
我 不是 為 這個 。 」
I do not do this."
曰 :「然則 王 之 所 大 欲 可 知 已 。
said|then|king|possessive particle|what|great|desire|can|know|already
He said: "Then the king's greatest desire can be known.
欲 辟 土地 ,朝 秦 楚 ,蒞 中國 而 撫 四夷 也 。
to desire|open up|territory|towards|Qin|Chu|arrive|China|and|pacify|the four barbarian tribes|also
He wishes to expand territory, to approach Qin and Chu, to rule over China and pacify the four barbarians.
以 若 所 為 求 若 所 欲 ,猶 緣 木 而 求 魚 也 。」
using|if|what|to be|seek|if|what|desire|just like|relying on|wood|and|seek|fish|also
To seek what you want in such a way is like trying to catch fish by climbing a tree."
曰 :「若 是 其 甚 與 ?
said|if|it|his|very|to be compared
He said: "Is this really the case?"
」曰 :「殆 有 甚 焉 。
said|probably|have|much|in it
」 说 : 「 几乎没有什么 。
" It is said: "There is hardly anything worse.
緣木求魚 ,雖 不 得 魚 ,無 後災 。
to seek fish in a tree|although|not|obtain|fish|without|later disaster
Climbing a tree to catch a fish, even if you don't catch a fish, there will be no disaster afterwards.
以 若 所 為 ,求 若 所 欲 ,盡 心力 而 為 之 ,後 必 有 災 。」
using|if|what|to do|seeking|if|what|desire|exhaust|mental effort|and|to do|it|later|surely|have|disaster
以你所做的,求你所想要的,尽心尽力去做,后面一定会有灾难。 」
If you do what you do, seeking what you desire, and put in all your heart and effort to do it, there will definitely be disaster afterwards."
曰 :「可 得 聞 與 ?」
说 : 「 可以听到吗? 」
It was said: "Can I hear more about this?"
曰 :「鄒人 與 楚人 戰 ,則 王 以為 孰 勝 ?」
said|people of Zou|and|people of Chu|fight|then|the king|thinks|who|will win
He said: "If the people of Zou fight against the people of Chu, who does the king think will win?"
曰 :「楚人 勝 。」
said|Chu people|win
He said: "The people of Chu will win."
曰 : 「 然 則 小 固 不 可以 敵 大 , 寡 固 不 可以 敵 眾 , 弱 固 不 可以 敵 彊 。
He said: "Then the small cannot resist the large, the few cannot resist the many, and the weak cannot resist the strong.
海內 之 地方 千里 者 九 ,齊集 有 其 一 。
within the seas|possessive particle|places|thousand miles|those|nine|gathered|have|its|one
There are nine regions within a thousand miles, and one of them is gathered here.
以 一 服 八 ,何以 異於 鄒敵 楚 哉 ?
using|one|defeat|eight|how can|be different from|the enemy of Zou|Chu|particle indicating a question
If one serves eight, how is it different from the enemies of Zou and Chu?
蓋 亦 反 其 本 矣 。
to cover|also|to return|his|origin|past tense particle
It is indeed a return to its origin.
今 王 發 政 施 仁 , 使 天下 仕 者 皆 欲 立於 王 之 朝 , 耕 者 皆 欲 耕 於 王 之 野 , 商賈 皆 欲 藏 於 王 之 市 , 行旅 皆 欲 出於 王 之 塗 , 天下 之 欲 疾 其 君 者 皆 欲 赴 愬 於 王 。
Now the king implements policies of benevolence, making all those who serve in the world wish to stand in the king's court, all farmers wish to cultivate in the king's fields, all merchants wish to store in the king's market, and all travelers wish to travel on the king's roads. Those in the world who desire to be close to their ruler all wish to appeal to the king.
其 若 是 ,孰 能 禦 之 ?」
In such a case, who can resist it?
王 曰 :「吾 惛 ,不能 進 於 是 矣 。
Wang|said|I|drowsy|cannot|advance|in|this|particle indicating completed action
Wang said: "I am confused and cannot proceed with this."},{
願 夫子 輔 吾 志 ,明 以 教 我 。
我 雖 不 敏 ,請 嘗試 之 。」
曰 :「無 恆產 而 有 恆心 者 ,惟 士 為 能 。
said|without|permanent property|but|have|constant mind|one who|only|scholar|is|capable
若 民 ,則 無恆產 ,因 無 恆心 。
if|people|then|have no permanent property|because|no|permanent intention
If the people have no constant property, it is because they have no constancy in their hearts.
苟 無 恆心 ,放辟 ,邪侈 ,無 不 為 已 。
If there is no constancy in the heart, they will indulge in debauchery and do anything.
及 陷於 罪 ,然後 從 而 刑之 ,是 罔民 也 。
and|trapped in|crime|then|follow|and|punish|is|harming the people|also
Only after falling into sin and then being punished is it a betrayal of the people.
焉 有 仁人 在位 ,罔民 而 可 為 也 ?
where|there is|benevolent person|in power|harm the people|and|can|be done|question particle
How can a benevolent person be in power while betraying the people?
是 故 明君 制 民 之 產 ,必 使 仰 足以 事 父母 ,俯 足以 畜 妻子 ,樂 歲 終身 飽 ,凶 年 免於 死亡 。
is|therefore|wise ruler|regulate|people|possessive particle|wealth|must|make|look up|sufficient to|support|parents|look down|sufficient to|raise|wife and children|happy|years|lifelong|satisfied|famine|years|free from|death
Thus, a wise ruler must ensure that the people's livelihood allows them to support their parents above and to raise their wives and children below, to enjoy a full life throughout the years, and to be spared from death in times of famine.
然後 驅 而 之 善 ,故 民 之 從 之 也 輕 。
Only then can they be guided towards goodness, and thus the people's following will be light.
今 也 制 民 之 產 ,仰 不足以 事 父母 ,俯 不足以 畜 妻子 ,樂 歲 終身 苦 ,凶 年 不 免 於 死亡 。
now|also|govern|people|possessive particle|wealth|looking up|not sufficient to|serve|parents|looking down|not sufficient to|support|wife and children|happiness|years|lifelong|suffering|famine|years|not|escape|from|death
Now, however, the people's livelihood is such that they cannot support their parents above, nor can they raise their wives and children below, they suffer throughout their lives, and they are not spared from death in times of famine.
此 惟 救 死 而 恐 不 贍 ,奚 暇 治 禮義 哉 ?
this|only|save|death|but|fear|not|provide|what|leisure|govern|propriety and righteousness|question particle
In this case, they can only save themselves from death but fear they will not be provided for; what leisure do they have to cultivate propriety and righteousness?
王 欲 行 之 ,則 盍 反 其 本 矣 。
Wang|desires|to act|it|then|why not|return|its|origin|particle indicating completed action
If the king wants to act, then why not return to the basics?
五 畝 之 宅 ,樹 之 以 桑 ,五十 者 可以 衣帛 矣 ;雞 豚 狗 彘 之 畜 ,無 失 其 時 ,七十 者 可以 食 肉 矣 ;百 畝 之 田 ,勿 奪 其 時 ,八 口 之 家 可以 無 飢 矣 ;謹 庠序 之 教 ,申 之 以 孝悌 之 義 ,頒 白 者 不 負 戴 於 道路 矣 。
five|mu (a unit of area)|possessive particle|house|plant|possessive particle|with|mulberry|fifty|those|can|wear silk|past action particle|chicken|pig|dog|pig|possessive particle|livestock|not|lose|its|time|seventy|those|can|eat|meat|past action particle|hundred|mu (a unit of area)|possessive particle|field|do not|take away|its|time|eight|people|possessive particle|family|can|not|hungry|past action particle|carefully|school|possessive particle|teaching|extend|possessive particle|with|filial piety and brotherly love|possessive particle|righteousness|distribute|white-haired|those|not|burden|carry|on|road|past action particle
A house of five acres, planted with mulberry trees, can provide clothing for fifty people; if the livestock of chickens, pigs, dogs, and boars are not neglected in their time, seventy people can eat meat; a hundred acres of farmland, if not taken away at the right time, can feed a family of eight without hunger; carefully teach the school rules, reinforce them with the principles of filial piety and brotherly love, so that the elderly do not have to carry burdens on the road.
老者 衣帛 食 肉 ,黎民 不 飢 不 寒 ,然而 不 王 者 ,未 之 有 也 。」
old man|wears silk|eats|meat|common people|not|hungry|not|cold|yet|not|rule|one|not yet|possessive particle|have|also
The elderly wear fine clothes and eat meat, the common people are not hungry or cold, yet there is no king; this has never happened before.
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