16 - The Sultan
16 - Sultonas
16 - The Sultan
#阿拉丁 和 神燈 16:國王 。
# Aladdin and the Magic Lamp 16: The King.
“我 沒 瘋 。
"I am not crazy."
”阿拉丁 對 母親 說 ,“我 只是 愛上 貝德拉 公主 了 。
Aladdin|to|mother|said|I|just|fell in love with|Bedra|princess|past tense marker
Aladdin said to his mother, "I just fell in love with Princess Badra."
”“國王 會 怎麼 想 ?
the king|will|how|think
"What would the king think?"
”澤巴 問 ,“他 怎麼 會 把 女兒 交給 你 ?
Zeba|asked|he|how|would|(verb particle)|daughter|entrust to|you
Zeba asked, "How would he entrust his daughter to you?"
誰 敢 這麼 請求 他 ?
who|dares|like this|to ask|him
Who would dare to make such a request of him?
”“您 。
you (formal)
”阿拉丁 回答 說 ,“您 去 請求 國王 。
"Aladdin replied, 'You go and request the king.'
”“什麼 ?
”澤巴 大叫 ,“我 ?
"Zeba shouted, 'Me?"
你 覺得 我 也 瘋 了 嗎 ?
you|think|I|also|crazy|past tense marker|question particle
Do you think I'm crazy too?
”“如果 您 不問 ,我 就 去 死 。
if|you|don't ask|I|then|go|die
"If you don't ask, I'll die."
”阿拉丁 說 。
Aladdin said.
“如果 我 請求 國王 這麼 荒唐 的 事情 ,我們 兩個 都 得 死 !
if|I|request|king|such|ridiculous|(possessive particle)|thing|we|both|all|have to|die
"If I request such a ridiculous thing from the king, we will both die!"
”澤巴 大叫 。
Zeba shouted.
“他 會 覺得 我們 太 大膽 ,殺死 我們 的 。
he|will|think|we|too|bold|kill|us|(past action particle)
"He will think we are too bold, and will kill us."
”阿拉丁 想 了 一會 ,說 :“國王 是 個 好人 。
Aladdin|thought|past tense marker|for a while|said|the king|is|a|good person
Aladdin thought for a moment and said: "The king is a good person."
人們 總是 去 他 那裡 請求 幫助 。
People always go to him for help.
每個 人 都 知道 。
Everyone knows this.
”“你 說得 對 。
"You are right."
”她 同意 道 ,“但是 國王 需要 得到 禮物 ,很 好 的 禮物 。
She|agreed|said|but|the king|needs|to receive|gift|very|good|possessive particle|gift
She agreed, "But the king needs to receive gifts, good gifts."
因為 他 付出 了 時間 和 智慧 。
because|he|devoted|past tense marker|time|and|wisdom
Because he has given his time and wisdom.
我們 沒有 什麼 好 禮物 送給 他 。
we|do not have|any|good|gift|to give|him
We don't have any good gifts to give him.
”“媽媽 ,您 說 的 沒錯 。
mom|you (respectful)|said|particle indicating past action|is right
"Mom, you are right."
”阿拉丁 說 ,“我們 得 帶 一個 禮物 去 引起 他 的 注意 。
Aladdin|said|we|must|bring|a|gift|to|attract|his|possessive particle|attention
"Aladdin said, 'We need to bring a gift to catch his attention.'"},{
” 他 臉色 突然 一變 , 臉上 浮起 了 一個 微笑 。
"His face suddenly changed and a smile appeared on his face.
“媽媽 。
”他 說 ,“您 忘記 我 從 寶庫 中 拿 回來 的 珠寶 了 嗎 ?
He|said|you|forget|I|from|vault|in|take|back|past action particle|jewelry|past action particle|question particle
He said, "Have you forgotten the jewels I brought back from the treasure?"
快 ,把 家裡 最好 的 碗 拿 過來 。
hurry|(particle to indicate action)|at home|best|possessive particle|bowl|take|over here
Quick, bring the best bowl in the house.
”澤巴 跑 去 了 廚房 ,阿拉丁 走 到 架子 上 的 一個 大罐 前 。
Zeba|run|to|past tense marker|kitchen|Aladdin|walked|to|shelf|on|possessive particle|a|big jar|in front of
Zebar ran to the kitchen, and Aladdin walked to a large jar on the shelf.
他 從 裡面 拿出 了 一個 裝滿 珠寶 的 皮包 。
He|from|inside|took out|past tense marker|a|filled with|jewelry|possessive particle|handbag
He took out a bag filled with jewels from inside.
“給 你 ,兒子 。
"Here you go, son."
”澤巴邊 說 邊 把 碗 遞給 阿拉丁 。
Zhababian|said|while|(indicates the action of giving)|bowl|handed to|Aladdin
Zebar said as he handed the bowl to Aladdin.
阿拉丁 把 珠寶 倒 進 碗 裡 。
Aladdin|(verb particle)|jewelry|pour|into|bowl|inside
Aladdin poured the jewels into the bowl.
美麗 的 寶石 如此 耀眼 ,以至於 澤巴 都 睜不開 眼睛 。
beautiful|possessive particle|gem|so|dazzling|to the extent that|Zeba|all|unable to open|eyes
The beautiful gems were so dazzling that Zebar couldn't even open his eyes.
“這些 都 是 世界 上 最大 的 珠寶 。
these|all|are|world|on|largest|possessive particle|jewels
"These are the largest jewels in the world."
”阿拉丁 說 ,“您 得 把 它們 送給 國王 ,然後 告訴 他 您 的 兒子 有 多麼 想 娶 他 女兒 。
Aladdin|said|you|must|to|them|give to|king|then|tell|him|you|possessive particle|son|has|how much|wants|to marry|his|daughter
Aladdin said, "You must give them to the king and tell him how much your son wants to marry his daughter."
”“我會 照 你 說 的 做 的 ,兒子 。
I will|according to|you|said|particle indicating past action|do|particle indicating past action|son
"I will do as you say, my son."
”澤巴 說 。
Zebah said.
她 來到 了 一個 宮殿 大廳 ,大廳 裡 擠滿 了 想見 國王 的 人 。
She|arrived|past tense marker|a|palace|hall|hall|inside|was crowded|past tense marker|wanting to see|king|possessive particle|people
She arrived at a palace hall, which was crowded with people wanting to see the king.
澤巴 很 緊張 ,那些 人 看起來 都 很 富有 。
Zeba was very nervous; those people all looked very wealthy.
“他們 肯定 都 是 些 很 重要 的 人 !
they|definitely|all|are|some|very|important|possessive particle|people
"They must all be very important people!"
”她 想 。
she thought.
國王 最 信任 的 首席 大臣 注視 著 一切 。
the king|most|trusted|possessive particle|chief|minister|gazed|continuous aspect particle|everything
The king's most trusted chief minister watched everything.
他 看見 澤巴 走進 大廳 ,坐在 靠 牆 角落 的 位置 。
He|saw|Zeba|walked into|hall|sat in|against|wall|corner|possessive particle|seat
He saw Zeba walk into the hall and sit in a corner against the wall.
“那個 女人 是 誰 ?
"Who is that woman?"
她 拿著 什麼 ?
she|is holding|what
"What is she holding?"
”他 想 ,“她 來 找 國王 做 什麼 ?
He thought, "What is she coming to see the king for?"
”隨著 國王 走進 大廳 ,喇叭 聲 響 了 起來 ,國王 坐 上 了 他 的 寶座 。
as|the king|walked into|the hall|trumpet|sound|sounded|past tense marker|up|the king|sat|on|past tense marker|his|possessive particle|throne
As the king walked into the hall, the trumpet sounded, and the king took his seat on the throne.
每個 人 都 站 到 了 國王 前面 ,請求 他 的 幫助 。
every|person|all|stood|to|past tense marker|king|in front of|requested|he|possessive particle|help
Everyone stood before the king, asking for his help.
澤巴 一邊 看 一邊 聽 。
Zeba watched and listened.
但是 她 太 害怕 了 ,不敢 開口 跟 國王 說話 。
but|she|too|scared|past tense marker|dared not|to speak|with|the king|to talk
But she was too scared to speak to the king.
當 集會 結束 之後 ,她 回 了 家 。
when|meeting|ended|after|she|returned|past tense marker|home
After the meeting ended, she went home.
每天 ,澤巴 都 去 大廳 ,坐在 相同 的 位置 。
Every day|Zeba|always|goes|hall|sits in|same|possessive particle|seat
Every day, Zeba would go to the hall and sit in the same spot.
許多天 過去 了 ,她 還是 不敢 跟 國王 開口 說 她 兒子 的 事情 。
many days|passed|past tense marker|she|still|didn't dare|with|the king|to speak|to say|her|son|possessive particle|matter
Many days passed, and she still didn't dare to tell the king about her son.
每晚 ,她 都 帶著 珠寶 回家 。
every night|she|always|brings|jewelry|home
Every night, she brings jewelry home.
一天 ,國王 向 首席 大臣 傾 過 身子 。
One day|the king|towards|chief|minister|leaned|over|body
One day, the king leaned over to the chief minister.
“那個 每天 都 來 的 女人 是 誰 ?
that|every day|all|comes|possessive particle|woman|is|who
"Who is that woman who comes every day?"
”他 悄聲 說 ,“她 想 幹什麼 ?
He|quietly|said|she|wants|to do what
" he whispered, "What does she want?"
”“她 不是 什麼 重要 的 人 。
She|is not|any|important|possessive particle|person
"She is not an important person."
”首席 大臣 皺 皺眉 回答 道 ,“她 可能 只是 想來 抱怨 她 的 鄰居 。
chief|minister|frown|frowned|replied|said|she|probably|just|wants to come|complain|her|possessive particle|neighbor
The Prime Minister frowned and replied, "She might just want to complain about her neighbor."
”但是 國王 對 這個 答案 並 不 滿意 。
but|the king|to|this|answer|not|not|satisfied
But the king was not satisfied with this answer.
“明天 ,你 把 她 帶 到 我 這兒 來 。
tomorrow|you|(a particle indicating the disposal of an object)|her|bring|to|I|here|come
"Tomorrow, bring her to me."
”第二天 ,澤巴 還是 坐在 老 位置 ,她 一邊 看 一邊 等 ,突然 看到 首席 大臣 指向 她 。
the next day|Zeba|still|sitting in|old|seat|she|while|watching|while|waiting|suddenly|saw|chief|minister|pointing at|her
The next day, Zeba was still sitting in her old spot, watching and waiting, when she suddenly saw the Prime Minister pointing at her.
“站 起來 。
"Stand up."
”他 命令 道 ,“去 見 國王 !
"He commanded, 'Go meet the king!'"
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