Alice in Wonderland ; Ch 3 ( Little fox chinese )
Alice im Wunderland; Kapitel 3 (Kleiner Fuchs auf Chinesisch)
不思議の国のアリス; Ch 3 (子狐中国語)
Alisa Stebuklų šalyje; Ch 3 (Kinų kalba mažoji lapė)
Алиса в стране чудес; гл. 3 (Маленький лисенок по-китайски)
Alice in Wonderland; Ch 3 (Little fox chinese)
Alice in Wonderland; Ch 3 (Little fox chinese)
愛麗絲 夢遊 仙境 3:眼淚 池
Alice|Wonderland|in Wonderland|Tears|Pool
Alice in Wonderland 3: The Pool of Tears
“真是 越來越 奇怪 了 !
really|more and more|strange|past tense marker
"It's getting stranger and stranger!"
“愛麗絲 一邊 變 大 一邊 說 。
"Alice said as she was growing larger."}]} Please let me know if you need any further assistance! 😊 1. Alice in Wonderland; Ch 3 (Little fox chinese) 2. Alice in Wonderland 3: The Pool of Tears 3.
當 她 往 下 看時 ,她的 腳 已經 看不見 了 。
when|she|towards|down|looked|her|feet|already|invisible|past tense marker
When she looked down, her feet were already out of sight.
“再見 ,我 的 腳 !
goodbye|I|possessive particle|foot
"Goodbye, my feet!"
“愛麗絲 說 ,”不 知道 誰 可以 幫 你們 穿 上 鞋子 和 襪子 。
Alice|said|not|know|who|can|help|you (plural)|put on|on|shoes|and|socks
"Alice said, 'I don't know who can help you put on your shoes and socks.'
我 將 會 離 你們 越來越 遠 ,再也 幫 不到 你們 了 。
I|will|will|leave|you|more and more|far|no longer|help|able to|you|past tense marker
I will be getting further and further away from you, and I won't be able to help you anymore."
”接著 ,她 擔心 了 起來 。
then|she|worried|past tense marker|started
Then, she became worried.
如果 她 的 腳 不聽話 了 怎麼辦 ?
if|she|possessive particle|foot|doesn't obey|past tense marker|what to do
What if her feet didn't listen to her anymore?
“我 一定 要 對 它們 好 一點 。
I|definitely|must|to|them|nice|a little
"I must treat them a little better.
每年 耶誕節 我 都 要 給 它們 一雙 新 靴子 ,但是 給 我 自己 的 腳 送禮物 好像 很 奇怪 呢 !
every year|Christmas|I|all|want|to give|them|a pair of|new|boots|but|to give|I|myself|possessive particle|feet|giving gifts|seems|very|strange|question particle
Every Christmas, I give them a new pair of boots, but it seems strange to give a gift to my own feet!"
天啊 ,我 在 胡說八道 什麼 。
oh sky|I|am|talking nonsense|what
Oh my, what am I babbling about.
”就 在 這時 ,她 的 頭 碰到 了 大廳 的 天花板 。
just|at|that moment|she|possessive particle|head|hit|past tense marker|hall|possessive particle|ceiling
Just then, her head bumped into the ceiling of the hall.
愛麗絲 繼續 變 大 ,她 已經 超過 了 九 英尺 ,但 她 並 不 傷心 。
Alice|continued|grow|large|she|already|exceeded|past action marker|nine|feet|but|she|not|not|sad
Alice continued to grow larger, she was already over nine feet tall, but she was not sad.
現在 ,她 可以 很 容易地 夠到 玻璃 桌上 的 金鑰匙 了 。
now|she|can|very|easily|reach|glass|on the table|possessive particle|key|past action marker
Now, she could easily reach the golden key on the glass table.
愛麗絲 拿 起 鑰匙 ,迅速 打開 了 花園 的 門 。
Alice|take|up|key|quickly|opened|past tense marker|garden|possessive particle|door
Alice picked up the key and quickly opened the door to the garden.
可憐 的 愛麗絲 ,她 太 大 了 。
poor|possessive particle|Alice|she|too|old|past tense marker
Poor Alice, she was too big.
如果 她 側身 躺下來 ,就 可以 用 一隻 眼睛 看到 花園 裡面 。
if|she|sideways|lies down|then|can|with|one|eye|see|garden|inside
If she lay down on her side, she could see inside the garden with one eye.
至於 進入 花園 ,那 就 非常 困難 了 。
as for|entering|garden|that|then|very|difficult|past tense marker
As for entering the garden, that was very difficult.
愛麗絲 又 哭 了 起來 。
Alice|again|cried|past tense marker|started
Alice started crying again.
愛麗絲 試圖 責備 自己 ,但 卻 哭 得 更 兇 了 。
Alice|tried|to blame|herself|but|actually|cry|(adverbial particle)|even|fiercely|past tense marker
Alice tried to blame herself, but ended up crying even harder.
她 流 了 一大堆 眼淚 ,眼淚 變成 一個 大水池 ,有 四 英寸 深 ,淹 了 半個 大廳 。
She|shed|past tense marker|a big pile of|tears|tears|became|a|big swimming pool|has|four|inches|deep|flooded|past tense marker|half of|hall
She shed a great deal of tears, which formed a large pool, four inches deep, flooding half the hall.
過了 一會兒 ,愛麗絲 聽到 遠處 傳來 腳步聲 。
after|a while|Alice|heard|from afar|coming|footsteps
After a while, Alice heard footsteps coming from a distance.
她 趕快 擦乾 眼淚 ,看看 是 誰 來 了 。
She|quickly|wiped dry|tears|look|is|who|come|past tense marker
She quickly wiped her tears and looked to see who had come.
是 那 隻 白兔 。
is|that|measure word for animals|white rabbit
It was the white rabbit.
他 穿著 外套 ,手裡 拿著 白 手套 和 扇子 。
He|is wearing|coat|in his hand|is holding|white|gloves|and|fan
He was wearing a coat, holding white gloves and a fan in his hands.
他 在 黑暗 的 大廳 裡邊 跑 邊 自言自語 :“公爵夫人 !
He|in|darkness|possessive particle|hall|inside|ran|while|talking to himself|Duchess
He was running in the dark hall while muttering to himself: 'Duchess!'
公爵夫人 !
如果 我 遲到 了 ,她 一定 會 非常 生氣 的 !
if|I|am late|past tense marker|she|definitely|will|very|angry|particle indicating certainty
If I'm late, she will definitely be very angry!
”愛麗絲 現在 已經 非常 絕望 了 。
Alice|now|already|very|desperate|past tense marker
Alice is now very desperate.
她 願意 向 任何人 尋求 説 明 ,即使 是 一隻 會 說話 的 兔子 。
She|is willing|to|anyone|seek|||even if|is|a|||(possessive particle)|rabbit
She is willing to seek an explanation from anyone, even a talking rabbit.
她 耐心 地 等 著 。
She|patiently|adverbial particle|wait|continuous aspect particle
She waited patiently.
直到 兔子 跑 近 ,她 才 用 輕柔 的 聲音 說 :“不好意思 ......”白兔 嚇 了 一大跳 ,扔掉 了 手裡 的 手套 和 扇子 ,快速 地 跑 進 黑暗 中 。
until|rabbit|ran|close|she|only then|used|gentle|possessive particle|voice|said|excuse me|white rabbit|scared|past tense marker|a big jump|threw away|past tense marker|in hand|possessive particle|gloves|and|fan|quickly|adverbial particle|ran|into|darkness|in
Only when the rabbit ran close did she say in a gentle voice, "Excuse me..." The white rabbit was startled, dropped the gloves and fan in his hands, and quickly ran into the darkness.
愛麗絲 撿起 兔子 的 東西 。
Alice|picked up|rabbit|possessive particle|thing
Alice picked up the rabbit's things.
因為 大廳 很 熱 ,愛麗絲 開始 用 扇子 扇風 。
Because the hall was very hot, Alice began to fan herself with the fan.
“今天 的 每一件 事情 都 很 奇怪 。
today|possessive particle|every|thing|all|very|strange
"Everything today is very strange."},{
“愛麗絲 說 ,”昨天 一切 都 還 很 正常 。
"Everything was fine yesterday," said Alice.
我 這 一夜之間 我 是 怎麼 變成 這樣 的 ?
I|this|overnight|I|am|how|became|like this|past action particle
How did I become like this overnight?
今天 早上 我 確實 感覺 有 一點兒 不同 。
today|morning|I|indeed|feel|have|a little|different
I did feel a little different this morning.
”愛麗絲 繼續 扇扇子 。
Alice|continued|fanning herself
Alice continued to fan herself.
“也許 我 變成 了 另外 一個 人 。
maybe|I|become|past tense marker|another|one|person
"Maybe I have become another person."
她 想起 了 她 的 朋友 們 。
She|remembered|past tense marker|her|possessive particle|friend|plural marker
She thought of her friends.
她 沒有 變成 他們 中 的 任何 一個 。
She|did not|become|they|in|possessive particle|any|one
She had not become any of them.
愛麗絲 又 大哭 了 起來 。
Alice|again|cried loudly|past tense marker|started
Alice started crying again.
“要是 夏洛特 能 看到 這個 兔子 洞 ,然後 大喊 我 的 名字 該 多 好 !
if|Charlotte|could|see|this|rabbit|hole|then|shout|my|possessive particle|name|should|how|good
"If only Charlotte could see this rabbit hole and shout my name!"
我 實在 不想 再 一個 人 待 在 這裡 了 !
I|really|don't want|another|one|person|to stay|in|this place|past tense marker
I really don't want to be alone here anymore!
她 邊 說 邊 看 了 一下 自己 的 手 。
she|while|talking|while|looking|past tense marker|a glance|herself|possessive particle|hand
She said this while looking at her own hands.
她 的 一隻 手 居然 已經 戴上 了 兔子 的 手套 。
She|possessive particle|one|hand|unexpectedly|already|put on|past tense marker|rabbit|possessive particle|gloves
One of her hands had actually put on a rabbit's glove.
“我 是 怎麼 戴上 這 隻 手套 的 呢 ?
I|am|how|put on|this|measure word for gloves|glove|past action particle|question particle
"How did I put on this glove?"
我 一定 又 變小 了 !
I|definitely|again|became smaller|past tense marker
I must have shrunk again!
“ 愛麗絲 跑 回 桌子 , 站 在 桌子 旁邊 作 對比 。
"Alice ran back to the table, standing next to it for comparison.
她 覺得 自己 差不多 有 兩 英尺 高 。
She felt that she was almost two feet tall.
而且 ,她 還 在 不斷 地 變小 !
moreover|she|still|continuously|constantly|adverbial particle|getting smaller
Moreover, she was constantly getting smaller!
“一定 是 扇子 。
"It must be the fan.
“愛麗絲 說 。
"Alice said.
為了 不讓 自己 小到 消失 ,她 扔掉 了 扇子 。
in order to|not let|herself|small enough to|disappear|she|threw away|past tense marker|fan
In order not to let herself shrink to nothing, she threw away the fan.
“真險 啊 !
really dangerous|ah
"That was close!"
現在 可以 去 花園 了 !
now|can|go|garden|past tense marker
Now I can go to the garden!
”愛麗絲 跑 到 花園 門前 ,但是 門 又 關上 了 。
Alice|ran|to|garden|in front of the door|but|door|again|closed|past tense marker
" Alice ran to the garden door, but the door closed again.
愛麗絲 沒有 鑰匙 。
Alice|does not have|key
Alice has no key.
她 在 大廳 裡 找 了 找 ,發現 鑰匙 在 玻璃 桌 上 。
She|in|hall|inside|looked for|past tense marker|looked|found|key|on|glass|table|on
She looked around the hall and found the key on the glass table.
“鑰匙 是 怎麼 到 那裡 去 的 呢 ?
key|is|how|get to|there|go|past action particle|question particle
"How did the key get there?"
“愛麗絲 絕望 地 看著 它 ,”現在 比 之前 還要 糟糕 。
Alice|despair|adverbial particle|looked at|it|now|than|before|even more|worse
"Alice looked at it in despair, it was worse than before."
因為 我 從來 沒有 變得 這麼 小過 !
because|I|ever|have not|become|this|small before
Because I have never been this small before!
”突然 ,愛麗絲 的 腳 滑 了 一下 。
suddenly|Alice|possessive particle|foot|slipped|past tense marker|a little
Suddenly, Alice's foot slipped.
她 掉 進 了 一灘 鹽水 裡 。
She|fell|into|past tense marker|a puddle|salt water|inside
She fell into a puddle of salt water.
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