成長型 思維 vs固定型 思維
Mentalità di crescita vs mentalità fissa
Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset
成長型 思維 vs 固定 型 思維
Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset
我們 每個 人 可以 培養 兩種 思維 模式
we|every|person|can|cultivate|two types of|thinking|mindsets
Each of us can cultivate two types of thinking patterns
一種 思維 模式 是 將 問題 當做 學習 的 契機
a|thinking|model|is|to treat|problem|as|learning|possessive particle|opportunity
One type of thinking pattern treats problems as opportunities for learning
另 一 種 思維 模式 則是 害怕 失敗 ,迴避 問題
another|one|kind|thinking|pattern|is|fear of|failure|avoidance|problems
Another type of thinking pattern is the fear of failure, avoiding problems.
那些 迴避 問題 的 人
those|avoid|questions|possessive particle|people
Those who avoid problems.
被 稱為 具有 固定型 思維 模式 。
Are referred to as having a fixed mindset.
而 那些 興致勃勃 直面 問題 的 人
and|those|eager|face|problems|possessive particle|people
While those who eagerly face problems.
則是 具有 成長型 思維 模式
is a growth mindset.
有時候 ,我們 會 在 這 兩種 思維 模式 之間 轉換
sometimes|we|will|in|this|two types of|thinking|modes|between|switch
Sometimes, we switch between these two mindsets.
人們 擁有 固定 思維 模式
People have a fixed mindset.
是 因為 他們 相信 一些 基本 的 素質 是 固有 的
This is because they believe that certain basic qualities are inherent.
比如 智力 或 天賦
for example|intelligence|or|talent
For example, intelligence or talent.
並且 ,這些 素質 是 取得 成功 的 原因
and|these|qualities|are|achieving|success|possessive particle|reasons
Moreover, these qualities are the reasons for achieving success.
所以 ,他們 常常 喜歡 記錄 過去 的 成就
so|they|often|like|to record|past|possessive particle|achievements
Therefore, they often like to record past achievements.
但 具有 成長型 思維 模式 的 人 認為
but|has|growth-oriented|thinking|mindset|possessive particle|people|believe
But people with a growth mindset believe that.
可以 通過 實踐 活動 獲取 新 能力
New skills can be acquired through practical activities.
基於 這個 觀點 ,他們 熱衷 學習
based on|this|perspective|they|enthusiastic about|learning
Based on this perspective, they are eager to learn.
偉大 的 領導者 和 藝術家 都 具有 這個 共同點
great|possessive particle|leader|and|artist|both|possess|this|common point
Great leaders and artists share this common trait.
對於 他們 而言 ,生活 像是 一段 旅程
for|them|in terms of|life|is like|a|journey
For them, life is like a journey.
激動人心 ,充滿 奇趣
exhilarating|full of|wonder
Exciting and full of wonder.
他們 有 無限 的 機會 去 發現 探索 事物 ,取得 進步
They|have|infinite|possessive particle|opportunities|to|discover|explore|things|achieve|progress
They have endless opportunities to discover and explore things, making progress.
為了 培養 成長型 思維 模式
in order to|cultivate|growth-oriented|thinking|mindset
In order to cultivate a growth mindset.
創造 這一 術語 的 斯坦福大學 教授
create|this|term|possessive particle|Stanford University|professor
The Stanford University professor who coined this term.
CarolDweck 博士
Carol Dweck|PhD
Dr. Carol Dweck
建議 領導者 、老師 和 家長
suggests that leaders, teachers, and parents
要 對 “嘗試 ”這 一行 為 進行 鼓勵
should encourage the act of 'trying'
無論 成績 如何
no matter|grades|how
regardless of the results.
只要 學生 努力學習
as long as|student|studies hard
As long as students work hard to learn
老師 都 應該 誇獎 學生
Teachers should praise students
父母 應該 鼓勵 孩子
Parents should encourage their children
在 自己 感興趣 的 領域 培養 技能
in|oneself|interested|possessive particle|field|cultivate|skills
Cultivate skills in areas of personal interest
這 會 讓 他們 學會 如何 學習
this|will|make|them|learn|how|to learn
This will teach them how to learn.
反過來 也 會 對 課堂 學習 起到 促進作用
conversely|also|will|to|classroom|learning|have|promoting effect
Conversely, it will also promote classroom learning.
我們 虛構 了 兩位 小朋友 ,並 以此 為 例
we|imagined|past tense marker|two|children|and|using this|as|example
We created two fictional children and used them as examples.
說明 日常生活 中 存在 的 差異
explain|daily life|in|existence|possessive particle|differences
To illustrate the differences that exist in daily life.
Jay 認為
Jay believes
一個 人 要麼 行 ,要麼 不行
a|person|either|succeed|or|not succeed
a person either does or does not act
Ann 覺得 ,只要 她 想 學習
Ann|thinks|as long as|she|wants|to study
Ann thinks that as long as she wants to learn
她 就 能 學會 任何 東西
she can learn anything.
在 體育鍛煉 跳馬 時
during|physical training|vault|time
During the sports exercise of vaulting,
Jay 迴避 了 這項 挑戰
Jay|avoided|past tense marker|this|challenge
Jay avoided this challenge,
他 害怕 自己 顯得 愚蠢
He was afraid of looking foolish,
害怕 被 人 嘲笑
afraid of being laughed at.
Ann 則 覺得 這個 挑戰 很 有意思
Ann thinks this challenge is very interesting.
太 好玩 了 !
too|fun|past tense marker
It's so much fun!
她 覺得 摔倒 是 學習 的 一部分
She|thinks|falling|is|learning|possessive particle|a part
She believes that falling down is part of the learning process.
如果 自己 努力 練習
If she practices hard.
最後 沒有 人 會 嘲笑 她
finally|no|person|will|laugh at|her
In the end, no one will mock her.
Jay 拒絕 別人 的 反饋
Jay|rejects|others|possessive particle|feedback
Jay rejects others' feedback.
如果 老師 告訴 他
If the teacher tells him.
如何 能 讓 他 的 作業 完成 的 更好
how|can|make|he|possessive particle|homework|complete|particle indicating past action|better
How he can improve his assignments.
他 會 覺得 ,老師 是 對 人 不 對 事
He will feel that the teacher is biased towards people, not issues.
Ann 懂得 ,要 自我 提高
Ann|understands|needs to|self|improve
Ann understands that she needs to improve herself.
就 需要 聽取 建設性 的 批評
just|need|to listen to|constructive|possessive particle|criticism
This requires listening to constructive criticism.
她 也 明白
She also understands.
這些 批評 並 不是 針對 她 本人
these|criticisms|and|are not|directed at|her|personally
These criticisms are not directed at her personally.
而是 針對 她 當天 作業 的 完成 情況
but|regarding|her|that day|homework|possessive particle|completion|situation
Instead, they are aimed at her performance on that day's tasks.
而 Jay總是 走捷徑
but||takes shortcuts
And Jay always takes shortcuts.
for example
For example,
他 喜歡 乘坐 自動扶梯 而 不 喜歡 走 樓梯
He|likes|to take|escalator|but|not|likes|to walk|stairs
He likes to take the escalator instead of walking up the stairs.
練習 吉他 時
When practicing guitar.
一 遇到 困難 就 停下來
He stops as soon as he encounters difficulties.
Ann 一般 不 乘坐 自動扶梯
Ann|usually|does not|take|escalator
Ann usually does not take the escalator.
她 喜歡 走 樓梯
She likes to walk up the stairs.
在 腦子 裡 數 著 臺階 的 個數
in|head|inside|count|continuous aspect particle|steps|possessive particle|number
Counting the steps in her mind.
並 很 享受 血液 在 血管 裡 奔流 所 帶來 的 快感
and|very|enjoy|blood|in|blood vessels|inside|flowing|what|brings|possessive particle|pleasure
And she enjoys the thrill brought by the blood flowing through her veins.
每天 早上 ,她 會 花 15 分鐘 練習 打鼓
every day|morning|she|will|spend|minutes|practice|drumming
Every morning, she spends 15 minutes practicing the drums.
並不是說 ,她 一直 喜歡 這樣
it's not that|she|always|likes|like this
It's not that she has always liked it this way.
只是 她 明白
It's just that she understands.
努力 是 通向 多彩 生活 必經之路
hard work|is|the path to|colorful|life|necessary road
Hard work is the necessary path to a colorful life.
Ann 喜歡 看到 別人 獲得 成功
Ann enjoys seeing others succeed.
這 會 給 她 帶來 動力
This will give her motivation.
她 知道
She knows.
如果 她 鼓勵 自己 的 朋友 做 得 更好
if|she|encourages|herself|possessive particle|friend|do|particle indicating degree|better
If she encourages her friends to do better,
自己 也 會 成長
she will also grow.
對於 Jay
Regarding Jay
如果 他 的 朋友 嘗試 新 事物 並且 成功
if|he|possessive particle|friend|tries|new|things|and|succeeds
If his friends try new things and succeed
他 會 感覺 受到 了 威脅
he|will|feel|receive|past tense marker|threat
he will feel threatened
他 擔心 他們 的 成功 會 給 他 帶來 壓力
he|worries|they|possessive particle|success|will|give|him|bring|pressure
he worries that their success will put pressure on him
迫使 他 在 生活中 做 更 多 的 事情
forced|him|in|life|to do|more|many|(possessive particle)|things
Forcing him to do more things in life.
現代 企業 尋找 具有 成長型 思維 的 員工
modern|enterprise|seeks|possessing|growth-oriented|mindset|possessive particle|employees
Modern companies look for employees with a growth mindset.
因為 他們 能夠 解決 問題
because|they|are able to|solve|problem
Because they are able to solve problems.
不懼困難 ,越戰越勇
not afraid of difficulties|the more challenges faced the braver one becomes
Not afraid of difficulties, they become braver.
為了 找到 合適 的 員工
in order to|find|suitable|possessive particle|employee
To find suitable employees
一些 人 會 在 面試 時 問 求職者
some|people|will|at|interview|time|ask|job seeker
Some people will ask candidates during the interview
你 覺得 管理者 是 天生 的
Do you think managers are born
還是 可以 通過 後天 學習 ,變得 善於 管理
still|can|through|the day after tomorrow|learning|become|good at|management
or can they become good at management through learning?
Jay 認為 管理者 是 天生 的
Jay believes that managers are born.
所以 Ann 獲得 了 這份 工作
so|Ann|obtained|past tense marker|this|job
So Ann got this job.
神經學家 為 這一 觀點 找到 了 作證
neuroscientist|for|this|viewpoint|found|past tense marker|evidence
Neuroscientists have found evidence for this view.
他們 證實 ,經過 訓練
They confirm that it is through training.
大腦 就 可以 像 身體 其他 肌肉 一樣 生長
The brain can grow just like other muscles in the body.
研究 表明
Research shows that.
雙胞胎 中 ,與 原生 父母 住在一起 的
twins|among|with|biological|parents|living together|possessive particle
Among twins, those who live with their biological parents.
其 智商 往往 不如 被 收養 的 那 一個 高
his|IQ|often|not as good as|passive marker|adopted|possessive particle|that|one|high
Tend to have lower IQs than the one who was adopted.
這種 差異 似乎 源於
this kind of|difference|seems to|originate from
This difference seems to stem from
養父母 較 高 的 文化 程度
adoptive parents|relatively|high|possessive particle|cultural|level
the higher cultural level of adoptive parents
這 表明 教養 比 天性 更 重要
This indicates that upbringing is more important than nature
人 對待 事物 態度 的 一個 簡單 轉變
people|attitude towards|things|attitude|possessive particle|a|simple|change
a simple shift in a person's attitude towards things
會 導致 截然 不同 的 世界
will|lead to|completely|different|possessive particle|world
Will lead to a completely different world
不單單是 這件 事情 的 結果 不同
not only|this|matter|possessive particle|result|different
Not just the different outcomes of this matter
而是 整個 人生 的 迥異
but|whole|life|possessive particle|difference
But the entire life is vastly different
正如 已故 詩人 塞繆爾 ·貝克特 所說 :
As the late poet Samuel Beckett said:
努力 過
effort|past tense marker
Tried hard
失敗 過
Failed before
no problem
It's okay
repeatedly defeated but keeps fighting
Fall down seven times, stand up eight
縱然 失敗
even if|failure
Even in failure
卻 更加 精彩
but|even more|wonderful
it becomes even more精彩
對於 這個 觀點 ,你 怎麼 看 ?
What do you think about this perspective?
會 不會 把 問題 看得 太過 簡單 了 ?
will|will not|(particle indicating disposal)|question|see|too|simple|past tense marker
Could it be that we are viewing the problem too simplistically?
如果 你 接受 這個 觀點
If you accept this perspective
那麼 , 你 認為 固定 型 思維 和 成長型 思維 之間
then, do you think there can be a permanent shift between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset?
是否 可以 永久 的 轉變 ?
whether|can|permanent|possessive particle|change
Please share your views in the comments section below!
請 在 下面 的 評論 區 分享 你 的 觀點 !
please|in|below|possessive particle|comment|area|share|your|possessive particle|perspective
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