14-凱莉 去 上 舞蹈 課
14 - Kelly goes to dance class
故事 十四 :凱莉 去 上 舞蹈 課
Story Fourteen: Kelly goes to dance class
凱莉 喜歡 聽 音樂 。
Kelly likes to listen to music.
她 想要 學 舞蹈 。
She|wants|to learn|dance
She wants to learn dance.
她 去 上 她 的 第一 節 舞蹈 課 。
She|go|attend|her|possessive particle|first|class|dance|lesson
She went to her first dance class.
老師 告訴 她 要 伸展 她的 腿 。
The teacher told her to stretch her legs.
凱莉 試 著 伸展 她 的 腿 。
Kelly|tried|to|stretch|her|possessive particle|leg
Kelly tried to stretch her legs.
但是 她 並 不能 伸 的 很 遠 。
but|she|really|cannot|reach|(possessive particle)|very|far
But she couldn't stretch very far.
老師 告訴 她 跳 。
teacher|told|her|to jump
The teacher told her to jump.
凱莉 試 著 跳 ,但是 摔倒 了 。
Kelly|tried|to|jump|but|fell|past tense marker
Kelly tried to jump, but fell down.
凱莉 的 肌肉 課 後 很 酸痛 。
Kelly|possessive particle|muscle|class|after|very|sore
Kelly's muscles were very sore after the class.
可能 她 不能 學 舞蹈 。
Maybe she can't learn to dance.
用 不同 的 方式 講述 同 一 個 問題 。
use|different|possessive particle|way|narrate|same|one|measure word|question
Describe the same problem in different ways.
我 喜歡 聽 音樂 。
I like listening to music.
我 想要 學 舞蹈 。
I want to learn dance.
我 去 上 我 的 第一 節 舞蹈 課 。
I|go|attend|my|possessive particle|first|class|dance|lesson
I am going to my first dance class.
老師 告訴 我 要 伸展 我 的 腿 。
teacher|told|me|to|stretch|my|possessive particle|leg
The teacher told me to stretch my legs.
我 試著 伸展 我 的 腿 。
I|try to|stretch|my|possessive particle|leg
I tried to stretch my legs.
但是 我 並 不能 伸 的 很 遠 。
but|I|still|cannot|reach|(possessive particle)|very|far
But I couldn't stretch very far.
老師 告訴 我 跳 。
teacher|told|me|to jump
The teacher told me to jump.
我 試著 跳 ,但是 摔倒了 。
I|tried to|jump|but|fell down
I tried to jump, but I fell.
我 的 肌肉 課 後 很 酸痛 。
I|possessive particle|muscle|class|after|very|sore
My muscles are very sore after the class.
可能 我 不能 學 舞蹈 。
Maybe I can't learn to dance.
問題 :
一 :凱莉 喜歡 聽 音樂 。
1: Kelly likes to listen to music.
凱莉 喜歡 聽 音樂 嗎 ?
Kelly|likes|listening|music|question particle
Does Kelly like to listen to music?
是的 ,凱莉 喜歡 聽 音樂 。
Yes, Kelly likes to listen to music.
二 :凱莉 想 學 舞蹈 。
2|Kelly|wants|to learn|dance
2: Kelly wants to learn dance.
凱莉 想 學 舞蹈 嗎 ?
Kelly|wants|to learn|dance|question particle
Does Kelly want to learn dance?
是的 ,凱莉 想 學 舞蹈 。
yes|Kelly|wants|to learn|dance
Yes, Kelly wants to learn dance.
三 :凱莉 去 上 舞蹈 課 。
Three: Kelly goes to dance class.
凱莉 去 上 鋼琴 課 嗎 ?
Kelly|go|attend|piano|class|question particle
Does Kelly go to piano class?
不 ,凱莉 不 去 上 鋼琴 課 ,她 去 上 舞蹈 課 。
No, Kelly is not going to piano class, she is going to dance class.
四 :老師 告訴 凱莉 伸展 她 的 腿 。
four|teacher|told|Kelly|stretch|her|possessive particle|leg
Four: The teacher tells Kelly to stretch her legs.
老師 告訴 凱莉 伸展 她 的 手臂 嗎 ?
teacher|told|Kelly|stretch|her|possessive particle|arms|question particle
Did the teacher tell Kelly to stretch her arms?
不 ,老師 沒有 告訴 凱莉 伸展 她 的 手臂 。
no|teacher|did not|tell|Kelly|stretch|her|possessive particle|arm
No, the teacher did not tell Kelly to stretch her arms.
老師 告訴 她 伸展 她的 腿 。
The teacher told her to stretch her legs.
五 :凱莉 不能 把 她 的 腿 伸 的 很 遠 。
five|Kelly|cannot|(particle indicating the action of the verb)|she|possessive particle|leg|stretch|(past action particle)|very|far
Five: Kelly cannot stretch her legs very far.
凱莉 能 把 她 的 腿 伸 的 很 遠 嗎 ?
Kelly|can|(a verb particle)|she|possessive particle|leg|stretch|(a verb particle)|very|far|question particle
Can Kelly stretch her legs very far?
不 ,凱莉 不能 把 她 的 腿 伸 的 很 遠 。
no|Kelly|cannot|(particle indicating the action of moving an object)|she|possessive particle|leg|stretch|(past action particle)|very|far
No, Kelly cannot stretch her legs very far.
六 :凱莉 試 著 跳 ,但是 她 摔倒 了 。
six|Kelly|tried|continuous aspect particle|to jump|but|she|fell|past tense particle
Six: Kelly tried to jump, but she fell.
凱莉 摔倒 了 嗎 ?
Kelly|fall|past tense marker|question particle
Did Kelly fall?
是的 ,凱莉 試著 跳 ,但是 她 摔倒了 。
yes|Kelly|tried to|jump|but|she|fell down
Yes, Kelly tried to jump, but she fell.
七 :凱莉 的 肌肉 課 後 很 酸痛 。
Seven|Kelly|possessive particle|muscle|class|after|very|sore
Seven: Kelly's muscles are sore after the class.
凱莉 的 肌肉 課 後 酸痛 嗎 ?
Kelly|possessive particle|muscle|class|after|soreness|question particle
Is Kelly's muscle class sore afterwards?
是的 ,凱莉 的 肌肉 課 後 很 酸痛 。
yes|Kelly|possessive particle|muscle|class|after|very|sore
Yes, Kelly's muscle class is very sore afterwards.
八 :可能 凱莉 不能 學 跳舞 。
Eight: Kelly might not be able to learn to dance.
凱莉 能 學 跳舞 嗎 ?
Kelly|can|learn|dance|question particle
Can Kelly learn to dance?
可能 凱莉 不能 學 跳舞 。
Kylie may not be able to learn to dance.
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