09.喬 爺爺 的 一次 賭博 -GrandpaJoe'sgamble
Joe|grandpa|possessive particle|one time|gamble|
09. 乔爷爷的一次赌博- Grandpa Joe's gamble
09. Grandpa Joe's gamble
9 喬 爺爺 的 一次 賭博 。
Grandpa Qiao|grandfather|possessive particle|one time|gambling
9 Grandpa Joe's gamble.
第二天 ,查理 放學 一 回家 就 去 看 她 的 祖父母 們 ,他 發現 只有 喬 爺爺 一個 人 醒著 ,其餘 三位 老人 睡得 正 香 呢 。
the next day|Charlie|school|once|home|then|go|visit|her|possessive particle|grandparents|plural marker|he|discovered|only|Joe|grandpa|one|person|awake|the rest|three|elderly|sleeping|just|soundly|question particle
The next day, Charlie went home right after school to see his grandparents. He found that only Grandpa Joe was awake, while the other three elderly people were sound asleep.
查理 踮起 腳 走 到 床邊 。
Charlie|tiptoed|feet|walked|to|the bedside
Charlie tiptoed to the bedside.
這位 老人 狡黠 地 朝 查理 咧嘴一笑 ,然後 用 一隻 手 在 枕頭 底下 仔細 摸索著 ,他 把手 伸出來時 ,手裡 抓著 一隻 非常 老式 的 皮 餞包 。
this|old man|slyly|adverbial particle|towards|Charlie|grinned|then|using|one|hand|under|pillow|beneath|carefully|groping|he|his hand|when he reached out|in his hand|holding|one|very|old-fashioned|possessive particle|leather|briefcase
The old man grinned slyly at Charlie, then carefully groped under the pillow with one hand. When he pulled his hand out, he was holding a very old leather wallet.
他 用 睡衣 遮著 錢包 ,打開 把 錢包 翻 了 個 底朝天 ,裡面 掉 出 了 一枚 六便士 的 硬幣 ,“這 是 我 的 秘密 寶藏 ,”他 悄聲 說道 ,“別人 都 不 知道 。
He|used|pajamas|covered|wallet|opened|(particle indicating the following verb is directed at the preceding noun)|wallet|turned|past tense marker|(measure word)|upside down|inside|fell|out|past tense marker|one|sixpence|(possessive particle)|coin|this|is|my|(possessive particle)|secret|treasure|He|quietly|said|others|all|not|know
He covered the wallet with his pajamas, opened it, and turned it inside out. A sixpence coin fell out, and he whispered, "This is my secret treasure, no one else knows about it."
現在 你 我 還有 個 機會 去 試試 ,看 能否 找到 最後 那張 參觀券 。
now|you|I|still have|a|chance|to|try|see|whether or not|find|last|that|admission ticket
Now you and I still have a chance to try and see if we can find that last ticket.
怎麼樣 ,呃 ?
how about|uh
What do you think, huh?
可 你 得 幫 我 一把 。
but|you|must|help|me|a little
But you have to help me a bit.
“你 真的 要 用 你 的 錢 去 試一下 嗎 ,爺爺 ?
you|really|want|use|your|possessive particle|money|to|try|question particle|grandpa
"Do you really want to use your money to try it, Grandpa?"
”查利 低聲 問道 。
Charlie|in a low voice|asked
Charlie asked in a low voice.
“當然 是 真的 。
of course|is|true
"Of course it's true."
”老人 激動 得 唾沫 四濺 地 說道 ,“別 站著 爭論 了 ,我 跟 你 一樣 嚮往 能 找到 那張 參觀券 !
the old man|excited|adverbial particle|saliva|splattering everywhere|adverbial particle|said|don't|standing|arguing|past tense marker|I|with|you|equally|yearn for|able to|find|that|admission ticket
The old man said excitedly, "Don't stand there arguing, I long to find that ticket just like you!"
拿著 這 錢 ,到 街上 最近 的 商店 去 買下 你 第一眼 看到 的 巧克力 ,然後 立刻 拿著 它 回到 這兒 來 ,我們 一起 來 打開 它 。
holding|this|money|to|on the street|nearest|possessive particle|store|go|buy|you|first sight|saw|possessive particle|chocolate|then|immediately|holding|it|return to|here|come|we|together|come|open|it
Take this money, go to the nearest store on the street, buy the first chocolate you see, and then come back here with it immediately. We'll open it together.
查利 接過 這枚 小 銀幣 ,一溜煙 出 了 房間 。
Charlie|took|this|small|coin|in a flash|left|past tense marker|room
Charlie took the small silver coin and dashed out of the room.
五分鐘 後 他 回來 了 .
five minutes|later|he|return|past tense marker
He returned five minutes later.
“買來 了 嗎 ?
bought|past tense marker|question particle
"Did you buy it?"
”喬 爺爺 輕聲 問道 ,眼睛 裡 閃爍 著 興奮 的 光芒 。
Qiao|grandpa|softly|asked|eyes|in|sparkling|indicating|excited|possessive particle|light
Grandpa Joe asked softly, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
查利 點點頭 ,拿出 了 那 塊 巧克力 。
Charlie|nodded|took out|past tense marker|that|piece|chocolate
Charlie nodded and took out the chocolate.
包裝紙 上 寫 著 旺卡 的 令人 驚異 的 繃脆 果仁 巧克力 。
The wrapper read 'Wonka's Amazing Crunchy Nut Chocolate.'
“好 !
”老人 在 床上 坐 起身 ,搓 著手 低語 道 ,“好 ——坐在 我 身邊 ,讓 我們 一起來 打開 它 。
the old man|on|the bed|sat|up|rubbed|his hands|whispered|said|good|sit next to|me|beside|let|us|together|open|it
The old man sat up in bed, rubbing his hands and whispering, "Good—sit beside me, let's open it together."
準備 好了嗎 ?
ready|are you ready
Are you ready?
“好 了 ,”查利 說 ,“準備 好 了 。
good|past tense marker|Charlie|said|prepare|ready|past tense marker
"I'm ready," Charlie said, "I'm ready."
“很 好 ,你 先 撕 第一 下 。
"Very good, you tear the first piece."
“不 ,是 你 出 的 錢 ,該 你 來 撕 。
no|is|you|pay|possessive particle|money|should|you|come|tear
"No, you paid for it, so you should tear it."
老人 用手 摸索 著 這塊 巧克力 ,手 直 打哆嗦 ,“說真的 ,我們 不會 有 什麼 希望 的 。
the old man|with his hand|groping|past tense marker|this piece of|chocolate|hand|continuously|trembling|to be honest|we|will not|have|any|hope|particle indicating possession or modification
The old man groped for the piece of chocolate, his hands trembling, "To be honest, we won't have any hope."
”他 嘟囔 著 ,格格 笑 了 兩聲 ,
he|muttered|continuous action particle|giggle|laughed|past tense marker|two times
" he mumbled, and Gegge chuckled twice,
“我們 不會 有 什麼 希望 的 ,是 嗎 ?
we|will not|have|any|hope|particle indicating past action|is|question particle
"We won't have any hope, will we?"
“是的 ,”查利 說 ,“我 明白 。
"Yes," Charlie said, "I understand."
他們 互相 望望 ,一起 神經質 地 格格笑 了 起來 。
They|each other|glanced|together|nervously|adverbial particle|giggled|past tense marker|started
They looked at each other and nervously chuckled together.
“別忘了 ,”喬 爺爺 說 ,“還有 一絲 希望 ,裡面 或許 就 有 那 參觀券 ,你 說 是 嗎 ?
don't forget|Grandpa Qiao|grandfather|said|there is still|a glimmer of|hope|inside|perhaps|just|have|that|admission ticket|you|said|is|question particle
"Don't forget," Grandpa Joe said, "there's still a glimmer of hope; perhaps the ticket is inside, don't you think?"
“是的 ,”查利 說 ,“當然 囉 。
yes|Charlie|said|of course|particle indicating a change or realization
"Yes," Charlie said, "of course."
為什麼 你 不 把 它 撕開 ,爺爺 ?
why|you|not|(a particle indicating disposal)|it|tear open|grandpa
Why don't you tear it open, Grandpa?
“很快 就 會 見分曉 的 ,我 的 孩子 ,馬上 就 會 的 .你 覺得 我 該 先 撕 哪 一頭 ?
very soon|will|will|be clear|particle indicating past action|I|possessive particle|child|immediately|will|will|particle indicating past action|you|think|I|should|first|tear|which|one end
"We will find out soon, my child, very soon. Which end do you think I should tear first?
“那 一角 ,離 你 遠 的 那 一角 。
that|corner|away from|you|far|possessive particle|that|corner
"That corner, the one farthest from you."
不過 別 撕開 太 多 ,別 讓 我們 一下 看到 裡面 的 一切 。
but|don't|tear open|too|much|don't|let|us|at once|see|inside|possessive particle|everything
But don't tear it open too much, don't let us see everything inside at once.
“就 這點 行 嗎 ?
then|this point|okay|question particle
"Is this enough?
”老人 問 。
the old man|asked
" the old man asked.
“對 。
好 ,再 撕開 一點 。
okay|again|tear open|a little
Okay, tear a little more.
“你 來 撕 吧 ,”喬 爺爺 說 ,“我 太 緊張 了 。
you|come|tear|suggestion particle|Qiao|grandpa|said|I|too|nervous|past tense marker
"You do it," Grandpa Qiao said, "I'm too nervous."
“不 ,爺爺 。
"No, Grandpa.
得 由 你 親手 撕開 。
must|by|you|personally|tear open
It has to be you who tears it open yourself."
“那麼 好 吧 全 撕開 啦 。
then|good|suggestion particle|all|tear open|completed action particle
"Well then, let's tear it all open."
”他 一下 把 全部 包裝紙 都 撕去 。
he|in one go|(particle indicating disposal)|all|wrapping paper|all|tore off
He immediately tore off all the wrapping paper.
他們 兩人 一起 瞪大眼 盯著 看 裡面 是 什麼 。
they|two people|together|opened their eyes wide|stared at|looking|inside|is|what
The two of them stared wide-eyed at what was inside.
就是 一塊 巧克力 ,別的 什麼 也 沒有 。
just|a piece of|chocolate|anything else|what|also|is not
It was just a piece of chocolate, nothing else.
頓時 他們 覺得 這 事 太 可笑 了 ,兩人 一起 放聲 大笑 起來 。
suddenly|they|felt|this|thing|too|ridiculous|past tense marker|the two people|together|loudly|laughed|started
Suddenly, they found this matter too funny, and the two of them burst into laughter.
“出 什麼 事 啦 !
"What happened!"
”約瑟芬 奶奶 突然 驚醒 ,大聲 叫 起來 。
Josephine|grandmother|suddenly|woke up|loudly|called|out
Grandma Josephine suddenly woke up and shouted loudly.
“沒什麼 ,”喬 爺爺 說 ,睡 你 的 吧 。
it's nothing|Qiao|grandpa|said|sleep|you|possessive particle|suggestion particle
"It's nothing," Grandpa Joe said, "Just go back to sleep."
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