07.查理 的 生日 -Charlie'sbirthday
07. 查理的生日- Charlie's birthday
07. Charlie's birthday
7查理 的 生日 。
Charlie|possessive particle|birthday
7 Charlie's birthday.
第二天 一早 ,查利 剛 走進 四位 老人 的 房間 ,他們 便 齊聲 喊道 :“生日快樂 !
the next day|early in the morning|Charlie|just|walked into|four|elderly people|possessive particle|room|they|then|in unison|shouted|Happy Birthday
The next morning, as Charlie just walked into the room of the four elderly people, they all shouted in unison: "Happy Birthday!"
”查理 緊張 地 笑了笑 ,在 床邊 坐下 。
Charlie|nervously|adverbial particle|forced a smile|at|bedside|sat down
Charlie nervously smiled and sat down by the bed.
他 用 雙手 小心翼翼地 捧著 他 的 禮物 ,他 僅 有 的 禮物 。
He|used|both hands|carefully|held|his|possessive particle|gift|He|only|has|possessive particle|gift
He carefully held his gift with both hands, his only gift.
包裝紙 上 寫 著 :旺卡 高級 惠普爾 奶油 巧克力 軟糖 ,美味 可口 。
wrapping paper|on|write|past action marker|Wonka|premium|Whipple|cream|chocolate|gummy candy|delicious|tasty
The wrapping paper said: Wonka's Premium Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight, delicious and tasty.
四位 老人 分 躺 在 床 的 兩頭 ,他們 靠 在 枕頭 上 ,急切 地 盯 著 查理 手中 的 巧克力 。
four|old men|separately|lie|on|bed|possessive particle|two ends|they|lean|on|pillows|on|eagerly|adverbial particle|stare|at|Charlie|in hand|possessive particle|chocolate
The four old people lay on either end of the bed, leaning on their pillows, eagerly staring at the chocolate in Charlie's hands.
巴克特 先生 和 巴克特 太太 也 來 了 ,他們 站 在 床腳 ,瞧 著 查利 。
Mr Buckett|Mr|and|Mrs Buckett|Mrs|also|came|past tense marker|they|stand|at|foot of the bed|looking|continuous aspect marker|Charlie
Mr. Bucket and Mrs. Bucket also came, standing at the foot of the bed, looking at Charlie.
房間 裡 寂靜 無聲 。
The room was silent and still.
每個 人 都 等待 著 查理 打開 他 的 禮物 。
every|person|all|waiting|continuous aspect particle|Charlie|opens|he|possessive particle|gift
Everyone was waiting for Charlie to open his gift.
查利 低頭 瞧 著 這塊 巧克力 ,他 用 手指 慢慢地 把 這塊 巧克力 周遭 兒 摸 了 一遍 。
Charlie|lowered his head|looked|at|this piece of|chocolate|he|used|finger|slowly|(particle indicating action)|this piece of|chocolate|around|child|touched|past tense marker|once
Charlie looked down at the chocolate, slowly running his fingers around it.
他 是 那麼 動情 地 撫摸 著 , 悄沒聲 兒 的 房間 裡 聽得見 巧克力 光閃閃 的 包裝紙 發出 的 輕脆 的 聲響 。
He|is|so|emotionally|adverbial particle|stroked|past action marker|quietly||possessive particle|room|inside|can hear|chocolate|shiny|possessive particle|wrapping paper|emitted|possessive particle|crisp|possessive particle|sound
He was so emotionally touching it that in the quiet room, the crisp sound of the shiny chocolate wrapper could be heard.
這時 巴克特 太太 溫和 地 說道 :“寶貝 ,如果 在 那 張 紙 下 沒 發現 你 夢寐以求 的 東西 ,不必 太 失望 。
at this moment|Buckett|Mrs|gently|adverbial particle|said|darling|if|on|that|measure word for paper|paper|under|not|found|you|dreamed of|possessive particle|thing|need not|too|disappointed
At that moment, Mrs. Buckett gently said, "Darling, if you don't find what you've been dreaming of under that paper, don't be too disappointed."
說真的 ,你 不 可能 希望 你 像 其他人 那麼 幸運 。
to be honest|you|not|possibly|hope|you|like|others|so|lucky
To be honest, you can't expect to be as lucky as others.
“她 說得 對 。
"She is right,"
巴克特 先生 說 。
Mr Buckett|Mr|said
Mr. Buckett said.
查理 什麼 也 沒 說 。
Charlie didn't say anything.
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“畢竟 全世界 只 剩下 三張 參觀券 沒 被 找到 了 ,”約瑟芬 奶奶 說 。
after all|the whole world|only|remaining|three|admission tickets|not|passive marker|found|past tense marker|Josephine|grandmother|said
"After all, there are only three tickets left in the world that haven't been found," Grandma Josephine said.
“你 得 記住 ,“喬治娜 外婆 說 ,“不管 結果 如何 。
you|must|remember|Georgina|grandmother|said|no matter|result|how
"You have to remember," Grandma Georgina said, "no matter what the outcome is."
你 總 得到 了 這塊 巧克力 ”
you|always|received|past tense marker|this piece of|chocolate
"You must have gotten this piece of chocolate."
“旺卡 高級 惠普 爾 奶油 巧克力 軟精 美味可口 !
Wonka|premium|HP|your|cream|chocolate|soft candy|delicious
"Willy Wonka's premium cream chocolate fudge is delicious!"
”喬治 外公 大聲 說 。
George's grandfather said loudly.
“這是 最高級 的 糖果 !
this is|highest grade|possessive particle|candy
"This is the finest candy!"
你 一定 喜歡 !
You must like it!
”“是的 ,”查理 喃喃地 說道 ,“我 明白 。
"Yes," Charlie murmured, "I understand."
"“別去 想著 那些 金 參觀券 ,好好 享用 這塊 巧克力 吧 ,”喬 爺爺 說道 ,“你 為 什麼 還 不 把 它 撕開 ?
don't go|thinking about|those|gold|admission tickets|well|enjoy|this piece of|chocolate|particle suggesting suggestion|Qiao|grandpa|said|you|for|what|still|not|particle indicating action|it|tear open
"Don't think about those golden tickets, just enjoy this piece of chocolate," Grandpa Joe said, "Why haven't you torn it open yet?"
大家 都 明白 ,希望 在 這麼 一小塊 巧克力 裡 發現 有 一張 神奇 的 參觀券 那 是 可笑 的 ,因此 他們 都 盡可能 表現得 十分 溫柔 和善 ,這樣 可 讓 查理 不至 太 失望 。
everyone|all|understands|hope|in|such|a small piece of|chocolate|inside|to find|there is|a|magical|possessive particle|ticket|that|is|ridiculous|particle indicating adjective|therefore|they|all|as much as possible|behaved|very|gently|kindly|this way|can|make|Charlie|not to be|too|disappointed
Everyone understood that hoping to find a magical ticket in such a small piece of chocolate was ridiculous, so they all tried to act as gentle and kind as possible, so that Charlie wouldn't be too disappointed.
然而 有 一點 這些 大 人們 也 都 知道 ,那 就是 :不管 這種 碰運氣 的 機會 是 多麼 小 ,然而 機會 畢竟 存在 。
however|there is|a little|these|big|people|also|all|know|that|is|no matter|this kind of|taking a chance|(possessive particle)|opportunity|is|how much|small|however|opportunity|after all|exists
However, there is one thing that these adults all know, which is: no matter how small the chance of this kind of luck is, the opportunity does exist after all.
機會 就 在 這塊 巧克力 裡 。
opportunity|just|in|this piece of|chocolate|inside
The opportunity is in this chocolate.
這塊 特殊 的 巧克力 就 同 任何 其他 的 這種 巧克力 一樣 有 可能 藏有 一張 金 參觀券 。
this piece|special|possessive particle|chocolate|just|like|any|other|possessive particle|this kind of|chocolate|equally|has|possibility|hidden|one|gold|admission ticket
This special chocolate, like any other chocolate of this kind, has the possibility of hiding a golden ticket.
這 就是 祖父母 、外公 外婆 以及 父母親 都 集中 在 這 間 屋子 裡 的 緣故 ,他們 實際上 也 同查利 一樣 緊張 和 激動 ,儘管 他們 極力 裝出 若無其事 的 樣子 。
this|is|grandparents|maternal grandfather|maternal grandmother|and|parents|all|gathered|in|this|measure word for rooms|house|inside|possessive particle|reason|they|actually|also|like Charlie|same|nervous|and|excited|although|they|desperately|pretended to be|nonchalant|possessive particle|appearance
This is the reason why the grandparents, grandpa and grandma, and parents are all gathered in this room; they are actually as nervous and excited as Charlie, even though they are trying their best to act nonchalant.
“你 最好 先 把 它 撕開 ,要不 你 上學 就 會 遲到 了 。
you|had better|first|(particle indicating disposal)|it|tear open|otherwise|you|school|then|will|be late|past tense marker
"You better tear it open first, otherwise you'll be late for school."
”喬 爺爺 說 。
Grandpa Joe said.
“你 就 乾脆 把 它 撕開 算了 。
you|then|simply|(particle indicating action)|it|tear open|forget it
"You might as well just tear it open."
”喬治 外公 說 。
George|maternal grandfather|said
Grandpa George said.
“ 打開 它 , 親愛 的 ,” 喬治 娜 外婆 說 ,“ 請 打開 它 , 你 真 讓 我 等不及 了 。
"Open it, dear," Grandma Georgina said, "Please open it, I really can't wait any longer.
”一點一點地 ,查利 用 手指 撕開 一小角 包裝紙 。
little by little|Charlie|using|finger|tore open|a small corner|wrapping paper
" Bit by bit, Charlie used his fingers to tear off a small corner of the wrapping paper.
床上 的 四個 老人 都 前傾 著 身子 , 伸長 了 他們 的 瘦骨磷峋 的 脖子 。
||||||||||||thin and bony||
The four old people on the bed all leaned forward, stretching their thin, bony necks.
突然 ,查利 似乎 再也 忍不住 了 ,一下子 把 包裝紙 撕去 一半 …… 一塊 淡褐色 塗著 奶油 的 巧克力 …… 掉 在 了 他 的 膝蓋 上 。
suddenly|Charlie|seemed|no longer|could hold back|past tense marker|in one go|(particle indicating the following verb is directed at the object)|wrapping paper|tore off|half|a piece|light brown|spread with|cream|possessive particle|chocolate|fell|on|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|knee|on
Suddenly, Charlie seemed to be unable to hold back any longer, and he tore off half of the wrapping paper in one go... A piece of light brown chocolate coated with cream... fell onto his lap.
根本 看不見 有 什麼 金 參觀券 。
at all|can't see|has|any|gold|admission ticket
I can't see what kind of golden tickets there are.
“唔 ——就 這麼回事 !
hmm|then|that's how it is
"Hmm—so that's how it is!
”喬 爺爺 歡快 地 說道 ,“這 同 我們 估計 的 完全 一樣 。
Grandpa Qiao|grandfather|happily|adverbial particle|said|this|with|we|estimated|possessive particle|completely|the same
" Grandpa Joe said cheerfully, "This is exactly what we expected.
”查利 抬起 頭 ,只見 床上 那 四張 和藹 的 老臉 正 關注 地 望 著 他 。
Charlie|lifted|head|only saw|on the bed|that|four|kind|possessive particle|old faces|right now|attentively|adverbial particle|looking|continuous aspect particle|him
" Charlie looked up and saw the four kind old faces on the bed looking at him attentively.
他朝 他們 笑了笑 ,那 是 一絲 悲哀 的 笑容 ,然後 他 聳聳肩 ,撿起 那 塊 巧克力 。
he towards|they|smiled|that|is|a trace of|sadness|possessive particle|smile|then|he|shrugged|picked up|that|piece|chocolate
He smiled at them, a smile tinged with a hint of sadness, then he shrugged and picked up the piece of chocolate.
把 它 遞給 媽媽 ,說道 ;“哈 ,媽媽 ,嘗 一點兒 ,我們 一起來 分享 它 ,我要 每個 人 都 嚐嚐 。
to hand over|it|to give|mom|said|ha|mom|to taste|a little|we|together|to share|it|I want|every|person|all|to taste
He handed it to his mom, saying, "Ha, mom, try a little, let's share it together, I want everyone to have a taste."
”“這 絕對 不行 !
this|absolutely|won't do
"Absolutely not!"
”媽媽 說 。
Mom said.
其餘 的 人 也 都 叫 起來 :“不行 ,不行 !
the rest|possessive particle|people|also|all|called|up|no good|no good
The rest of the people also shouted: "No, no!"
我們 可 沒 夢想過 要 有 巧克力 !
we|but|not|dreamed of|to have|have|chocolate
We never dreamed of having chocolate!
那 都 是 你 的 !
that|all|is|you|possessive particle
That's all yours!
”“請 吧 ,”查利 懇求 道 ,一邊 轉過身 ,把 這塊 巧克力 遞給 了 喬 爺爺 。
please|suggestion particle|Charlie|pleaded|said|while|turned around|(indicates the action of giving)|this piece of|chocolate|handed to|past tense marker|Grandpa Joe|grandpa
"Please," Charlie pleaded, turning around and handing the piece of chocolate to Grandpa Joe.
可 他 不肯 ,其他人 也 都 不忍心 吃 一點點 。
but|he|refuses|other people|also|all|can't bear|eat|a little bit
But he is unwilling, and the others also can't bear to eat even a little.
“該 上學 了 ,我 的 寶貝 。
should|go to school|past tense marker|I|possessive particle|baby
"It's time for school, my dear."
”巴克特 太太 說 ,用 一隻 手臂 摟住 了 查利 瘦削 的 肩膀 ,“快 去 吧 ,要不 你 會 遲到 了 。
Mrs Buckett|Mrs|said|with|one|arm|hugged|past tense marker|Charlie|skinny|possessive particle|shoulder|hurry|go|suggestion particle|otherwise|you|will|be late|past tense marker
Mrs. Buckett said, wrapping one arm around Charlie's thin shoulders, "Hurry up, or you'll be late."
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