Alice in Wonderland; Ch 20. (little dox chinese)
Alice im Wunderland; Kapitel 20. (Kleiner Fuchs chinesisch)
Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie; Capitolo 20. (piccola volpe cinese)
不思議の国のアリス 第 20 章 (小さなキツネの中国語)
Alice no País das Maravilhas; cap. 20 (raposinha chinesa)
Alice in Wonderland; Ch 20. (little fox chinese)
Alice in Wonderland; Ch 20. (little dox chinese)
愛麗絲 和 鷹 頭獅 衝進 法庭 。
Alice|and|eagle|lion|rushed into|courtroom
Alice and the griffin rushed into the courtroom.
那裡 已經 聚集 了 許多 動物 ,還有 一整套 撲克牌 。
there|already|gathered|past tense marker|many|animals|and also|a complete set of|playing cards
Many animals had already gathered there, along with a whole set of playing cards.
紅心 國王 和 紅心 王 後 坐在 寶座 上 。
hearts|king|and|hearts|queen|after|sits on|throne|on
The King of Hearts and the Queen of Hearts were sitting on the throne.
紅心 武士 站 在 他 的 父母 面前 。
Red Heart|Warrior|stands|in|he|possessive particle|parents|in front of
The Red Heart Warrior stands in front of his parents.
他 被 戴上 了 手銬 ,旁邊 有 兩名 士兵 看著 他 。
he|(passive marker)|put on|past tense marker|handcuffs|beside|there are|two|soldiers|watching|him
He is handcuffed, with two soldiers watching him.
“一定 是 審判 紅心 武士 。
"It must be the trial of the Red Heart Warrior.
“愛麗絲 邊 坐下 邊對 鷹 頭獅 說 ,”哦 ,快 看 !
Alice|while|sat down|while speaking to|eagle|lion|said|oh|quickly|look
"Alice said to the Griffin as she sat down, 'Oh, look!"
那 是 白兔 。
that|is|white rabbit
That is the White Rabbit.
“白兔 看上去 像是 一名 法庭 官員 。
The white rabbit|looks|like|a|court|official
The White Rabbit looks like a court official.
他 一隻 手 拿著 小號 ,另一隻 手 拿著 一卷 紙 。
He|one|hand|holding|trumpet|the other|hand|holding|a roll of|paper
He holds a trumpet in one hand and a scroll of paper in the other.
愛麗絲 看到 桌子 上 有 一盤 蛋撻 。
Alice|saw|table|on|there is|a plate of|egg tart
Alice saw a plate of egg tarts on the table.
“看到 蛋撻 我 都 餓 了 。
seeing|egg tart|I|already|hungry|past tense marker
"Seeing the egg tart makes me hungry."
”她 對 鷹頭獅 說 ,“真 希望 審判 快點 結束 ,這樣 我們 就 能 吃 蛋撻 了 。
She|to|Eagle-headed Lion|said|really|hope|trial|quickly|end|this way|we|then|can|eat|egg tart|past tense marker
" she said to the eagle-headed lion, "I really hope the trial ends soon, so we can eat egg tarts."
”沒 那麼 快 。
not|that fast|fast
"Not that fast."
“鷹頭獅 說 。
"The griffin said.
愛麗絲 看 了 一下 法庭 。
Alice|look|past tense marker|a little|courtroom
Alice glanced at the court.
雖然 她 從來 沒有 去過 法庭 ,但是 她 曾經 讀過 關於 審判 的 書 。
although|she|ever|has not|been to|court|but|she|once|read|about|trial|possessive particle|book
Although she had never been to court, she had read books about trials.
“國王 戴著 一頂 長長的 假髮 ,所以 他 是 法官 。
the king|wears|a|long|wig|so|he|is|judge
"The king wears a long wig, so he is the judge.
她 自言自語 地 說 ,“那邊 是 陪審團 ,那裡 的 12隻 動物 是 陪審員 。
She|to herself|adverbial particle|said|over there|is|jury|over there|possessive particle|12|animals|are|jurors
She muttered to herself, "Over there is the jury, and the 12 animals there are the jurors."
」陪審員 們 在 寫字板 上 忙碌 地 寫 著 什麼 。
jurors|plural marker|at|notepad|on|busily|adverbial particle|write|continuous aspect particle|what
The jurors were busy writing something on their notepads.
“他們 在 幹嘛 ?
they|are|doing what
"What are they doing?"
“愛麗絲 小聲 問 鷹 頭獅 ,”審判 還沒 開始 ,沒什麼 可寫 的 呀 !
Alice|softly|asked|Eagle|Lion|trial|not yet|started|nothing|to write|(particle)|(exclamation particle)
Alice quietly asked the griffon, "The trial hasn't started yet, there's nothing to write!"
”他們 在 寫 自己 的 名字 ,這樣 就 不會 在 審判 結束 前 忘記 自己 的 名字 了 。
They|are|writing|their|possessive particle|name|this way|then|will not|before|trial|ends|before|forget|their|possessive particle|name|past action marker
They are writing their own names, so they won't forget their names before the trial ends.
”什麼 ?
“愛麗絲 大聲 說 ,「一群 傻子 !
Alice|loudly|said|a group of|fools
Alice said loudly, "A bunch of fools!"
白兔 大喊 :”肅靜 !
White Rabbit|shouted|silence
The White Rabbit shouted: "Silence!"
」於是 愛麗絲 安靜 了 下來 。
then|Alice|quiet|past tense marker|down
" So Alice quieted down.
國王 戴上 眼鏡 ,看看 誰 還在 說話 。
the king|put on|glasses|look at|who|is still|talking
The king put on his glasses to see who was still talking.
愛麗絲 保持 安靜 。
Alice remained silent.
她 可以 從 座位 上 看到 陪審員 寫下 了 “一群 傻子 !
She|can|from|seat|on|see|juror|write down|past tense marker|a group of|fools
She could see from her seat that the jurors were writing down "A bunch of fools!"
“還沒到 審判 結束 ,他們 的 寫字板 就 會 寫 滿 了 。
not yet arrived|trial|end|they|possessive particle|writing board|then|will|write|full|past tense marker
"It's not over until the trial ends, their writing boards will be filled."
“愛麗絲 想 。
"Alice thought."
“白兔 ,請 告訴 我們 囚犯 被 指控 的 罪行 。
White Rabbit|please|tell|us|prisoner|(passive marker)|accused|possessive particle|crime
"White Rabbit, please tell us the charges against the prisoner."
」國王 說 。
the king|said
" said the King.
白兔 吹 了 三次 小號 。
The white rabbit|blew|past tense marker|three times|trumpet
The white rabbit blew the trumpet three times.
然後 ,他 展開 紙 ,讀 了 起來 :
then|he|unfolded|paper|read|past tense marker|aloud
Then, he unfolded the paper and began to read:
在 夏日 裡的 一天 ,
On a summer day,
紅心 王后 做 了 蛋撻 ,
red heart|queen|made|past tense marker|egg tart
the Queen of Hearts made tarts,
紅心 武士 偷走 蛋撻 ,
Red Heart|Warrior|Steal|Egg Tart
The red heart warrior stole the egg tart,
並 悄悄地 拿到 了 很遠 的 地方 !
and|quietly|took|past tense marker|very far|possessive particle|place
and quietly took it to a very far place!
“你們 的 裁決 是 什麼 ?
you (plural)|possessive particle|decision|is|what
"What is your verdict?
」國王 問 陪審團 。
the king|asked|the jury
" the king asked the jury.
“還有 呢 !
still have|question particle
"And there is also!"
“白兔 說 ,「我們 應該 先 傳 證人 。
White Rabbit|said|we|should|first|pass|witness
"The White Rabbit said, 'We should summon the witnesses first.'
”傳 第一個 證人 。
"Summon the first witness."
」國王 說 。
the king|said
" said the king.
白兔 又 吹 了 三次 小號 。
The white rabbit|again|blew|past tense marker|three times|trumpet
The white rabbit blew the trumpet three more times.
“第一個 證人 !
"First witness!
”他 喊道 。
" he shouted.
第一個 證人 是 瘋 帽子 。
The first witness is the Mad Hatter.
他 來 的 時候 ,一隻 手 拿著 茶杯 ,另一隻 手 拿著 麵包 和 黃油 。
he|arrived|past tense marker|when|one|hand|holding|teacup|the other|hand|holding|bread|and|butter
When he arrived, he held a teacup in one hand and bread with butter in the other.
“不好意思 ,陛下 ,我 把 吃的 帶過來了 。
excuse me|Your Majesty|I|(particle indicating the action of bringing)|food|brought over
"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I brought some food with me.
”他 說 ,“我 還沒 喝完 茶 就 被 傳來 了 。
He|said|I|not yet|finished drinking|tea|then|passive marker|called over|past tense marker
" he said, "I was still drinking my tea when I was summoned.
”你 應該 喝完 的 。
you|should|finish drinking|past action particle
You should finish drinking.
國王 說 ,「你 是 什麼 時候 開始 喝 的 ?
the king|said|you|are|when|time|started|drinking|past tense particle
The king said, "When did you start drinking?
瘋 帽子 看 了 眼 一 起來 的 三月 兔 和 睡鼠 。
crazy|hat|to see|past tense marker|eye|one|to get up|possessive particle|March|rabbit|and|dormouse
The Mad Hatter looked at the March Hare and the Dormouse who had just woken up.
“應該 是 3月 14號 。
"It should be March 14th."
」瘋 帽子 說 。
The Mad Hatter said.
“15號 。
No 15
"No, it's the 15th."
“三月 兔 說 。
"The March Hare said.
“16號 。
No 16
"The 16th.
“睡鼠 說 。
"The Dormouse said.
“記下來 。
write it down
"Write it down.
」國王 對 陪審團 說 。
the king|to|the jury|said
" The king said to the jury.
陪審團 的 動物 們 趕緊 把 三個 日期 記了 下來 。
jury|possessive particle|animals|plural marker|quickly|particle indicating action|three|dates|noted|down
The animals of the jury quickly noted down the three dates.
然後 ,他們 把 三個 數位 加 起來 ,再 除以 五 。
then|they|(particle indicating action)|three|digits|add|together|then|divide by|five
Then, they added the three numbers together and divided by five.
這時 ,王后 戴上 了 眼鏡 。
at this moment|the queen|put on|past tense marker|glasses
At this moment, the queen put on her glasses.
她 盯 著 瘋 帽子 看 ,瘋 帽子 的 臉色 發白 。
She|stared|at|crazy|hat|looked|crazy|hat|possessive particle|complexion|turned pale
She stared at the Mad Hatter, whose face had turned pale.
“告訴 我們 你 的 故事 ,不要 緊張 。
tell|us|your|possessive particle|story|don't|be nervous
"Tell us your story, don't be nervous.
國王 對 瘋 帽子 說 ,“要不然 ,我 會 砍掉 你 的 頭 。
the king|to|crazy|hat|said|otherwise|I|will|cut off|your|possessive particle|head
The King said to the Mad Hatter, "Otherwise, I will chop off your head.
國王 的 話 讓 瘋 帽子 變得 更加 緊張 ,他 把 茶杯 當成 麵包 咬 了 下去 。
the king|possessive particle|words|made|crazy|hat|become|even more|nervous|he|particle indicating the disposal of an object|teacup|regarded as|bread|bite|past tense marker|down
The king's words made the Mad Hatter even more nervous, and he bit down on the teacup as if it were a piece of bread.
就 在 這時 ,愛麗絲 有 一種 奇怪 的 感覺 。
just|at|this moment|Alice|has|a|strange|possessive particle|feeling
At that moment, Alice had a strange feeling.
“怎麼 回事 ?
"What is happening?"
”愛麗絲 想 。
Alice wondered.
但 她 很快 就 明白 發生 了 什麼 。
but|she|quickly|then|understood|happened|past tense marker|what
But she quickly understood what had happened.
“我 又 開始 變大 了 。
I|again|started|to grow up|past tense marker
"I'm getting big again.
可是 那些 蛋撻 我 還 一口 都 沒 吃 呢 !
but|those|egg tarts|I|still|a bite|at all|not|eaten|question particle
But I haven't eaten a single egg tart yet!
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