28.只 剩下 查理 了 -OnlyCharlieisleft
only|is left|Charlie|past tense marker|
28. Only Charlie is left.
28 只 剩下 查理 了 。
only|remaining|Charlie|past tense marker
28 Only Charlie is left.
“接下來 該 去 哪個 房間 ?
"Where should we go next?"
”旺卡 先生 問 ,他 一 轉身 ,衝進 了 電梯 。
Mr Wangka|sir|asked|he|one|turned around|rushed into|past tense marker|elevator
Mr. Wonka asked, as he turned around and rushed into the elevator.
“來 吧 ,快點 !
come|particle suggesting suggestion or urging|hurry up
"Come on, hurry up!"},{
我們 還 得 繼續下去 !
we|still|have to|continue on
還 剩下 多少 孩子 ?
still|remaining|how many|children
小 查理 瞧瞧 喬 爺爺 , 喬 爺爺 也 瞧瞧 小 查理 。
“旺卡 先生 ,”喬 爺爺 在 他 身後 喊道 ,“只有 …只 剩下 查理 一人 了 。
Mr Wonka|sir|Charlie|grandpa|at|he|behind|shouted|only|just|remaining|Charlie|one person|past tense marker
"Mr. Wonka," Grandpa Joe shouted behind him, "there's only... only Charlie left."
旺卡 先生 猛然 轉過 身 來 ,瞪 大 眼睛 瞧著 查理 .靜默 了 一 會兒 。
Willy Wonka|Mr|suddenly|turned|body|towards|stared|wide|eyes|looking at|Charlie|silence|past tense marker|one|moment
Mr. Wonka suddenly turned around, staring wide-eyed at Charlie. He was silent for a moment.
查理 站 在 那兒 ,緊緊 抓著 喬 爺爺 的 手 。
Charlie|stands|at|there|tightly|holding|Joe|grandpa|possessive particle|hand
Charlie stood there, tightly holding Grandpa Joe's hand.
“你 是 說 ,就 剩下 你 一個 人 了 ?
you|are|saying|then|left|you|one|person|past tense marker
"Are you saying that you are the only one left?"
”旺卡 先生 問道 ,裝 出 一副 十分 驚訝 的 樣子 。
Mr Wonka|sir|asked|pretended|to show|a look|very|surprised|possessive particle|expression
Mr. Wonka asked, putting on a very surprised expression.
“怎麼 不是 呢 ,”查理 嘟噥 著 ,“就是 嘛 。
how|not|question particle|Charlie|muttered|past tense marker|exactly|particle indicating obviousness
"How could it not be?" Charlie muttered, "Exactly."
旺卡 先生 突然 變得 異乎尋常 的 激動 ,他 叫嚷 道 ;“我 親愛 的 孩子 ,這 意味著 你 贏 啦 !
Willy Wonka|Mr|suddenly|became|unusually|possessive particle|excited|he|shouted|said|I|dear|possessive particle|child|this|means|you|win|particle indicating completion or realization
Mr. Wonka suddenly became unusually excited, shouting, "My dear child, this means you’ve won!"
他 一陣風 似地 衝出 電梯 ,開始 狂熱 地 握著 查理 的 手 ,拼命 搖著 ,幾乎 要 把 查理 的 手 拉脫 了 。
He|like a gust of wind|as if|rushed out|elevator|began|frantically|adverbial particle|holding|Charlie|possessive particle|hand|desperately|shaking|almost|to|particle indicating disposal|Charlie|possessive particle|hand|pulled away|past tense marker
He rushed out of the elevator like a whirlwind, fervently shaking Charlie's hand, almost pulling it off.
“嘿 ,我要 好好 恭喜 你 !
hey|I want|properly|congratulate|you
"Hey, I want to sincerely congratulate you!"
”他 叫 道 ,‘我 真心 祝賀 你 !
He said, 'I truly wish you all the best!'
我 實在 高興 極了 !
I am really extremely happy!
沒有 比 這 更好 的 啦 !
there is not|than|this|better|particle indicating possession or modification|sentence-final particle
There is nothing better than this!
這 可真 太妙 啦 !
this|really|too wonderful|sentence-final particle
This is really amazing!
你 知道 從 一 開始 ,我 就 有 一個 感覺 ,一定 會 是 你 !
You know, from the very beginning, I had a feeling it would definitely be you!
幹得 好 , 查理 , 幹得 太 好 啦 !
Well done, Charlie, you did great!
這 真是 妙不可言 !
this|really is|beyond description
This is truly indescribable!
這下 好戲 才 真正 要 開場 了 !
now|good show|only|truly|about to|start|past tense marker
Now, the real show is about to begin!
不過 我們 可 不能 興奮 過頭 !
However, we must not get too excited!
我們 不能 鬧著 玩 了 !
we|cannot|play around|play|past tense marker
We can't just play around anymore!
時間 緊迫 !
time|is tight
Time is of the essence!
不能 再 浪費 了 !
cannot|again|waste|past tense marker
We can't waste any more time!
天黑 以前 我們 還有 許多 事情 要 做 !
it gets dark|before|we|still have|many|things|to|do
We still have many things to do before it gets dark!
只要 想想 有 那麼 多事 要 好好 安排 就 明白 了 !
as long as|think about it|there are|so|many things|need to|properly|arrange|then|understand|past tense marker
Just thinking about how many things need to be properly arranged makes it clear!
我們 還要 去 接人 !
we|still need to|go|pick up someone
We still need to go pick someone up!
不過 我們 很 幸運 ,我們 有 這架 偉大 的 玻璃 電梯 ,會 大大 加快 我們 辦事 的 速度 !
however|we|very|lucky|we|have|this|great|possessive particle|glass|elevator|will|greatly|speed up|our|doing business|possessive particle|speed
However, we are very lucky, we have this great glass elevator, which will greatly speed up our work!
快進來 ,親愛 的 查理 ,快進來 !
hurry in|dear|possessive particle|Charlie|hurry in
Come in quickly, dear Charlie, come in!
還有 你 ,喬 爺爺 ,先生 !
and also|you|Qiao|grandpa|sir
And you too, Grandpa Joe, sir!
不 ,不 ,您 先 請 !
No, no, please go ahead!
請 這邊 走 !
please|this way|walk
Please walk this way!
好啦 !
這回 得 由 我 來 選擇 該 按 哪個 按鈕 了 !
this time|must|by|I|come|choose|which|press|which|button|past tense marker
This time, it's up to me to choose which button to press!
”旺卡 先生 的 兩隻 炯炯有神 的 藍眼睛 在 查理 的 臉上 注視 了 一會 。
Willy Wonka|Mr|possessive particle|two|bright and expressive|possessive particle|blue eyes|at|Charlie|possessive particle|on his face|stared|past tense marker|for a while
Mr. Wonka's two bright blue eyes stared at Charlie's face for a moment.
這下 準有 什麼 古怪 的 事情 要 發生 了 ,查理 心想 。
now|surely have|something|strange|possessive particle|thing|will|happen|past tense marker|Charlie|thought
Something strange is definitely going to happen, Charlie thought.
不過 他 毫不 害怕 。
however|he|not at all|afraid
However, he was not afraid at all.
他 甚至 一點 都 不 感到 緊張 。
he|even|a little|at all|not|feels|nervous
He didn't feel nervous even a little.
他 只是 感到 極其 興奮 。
He just felt extremely excited.
喬 爺爺 也 一樣 。
Qiao|grandpa|also|the same
Grandpa Joe is the same.
這位 老人 看著 旺卡 先生 的 一舉一動 ,興奮 得 臉上 容光煥發 。
this|old man|watched|Wonka|Mr|possessive particle|every move|excited|adverbial particle|on his face|radiant
The old man watched Mr. Wonka's every move, his face glowing with excitement.
旺卡 先生 伸手 去 按 電梯 玻璃 頂上 的 一個 按鈕 。
Mr Wangka|sir|reached out|to|press|elevator|glass|top|possessive particle|one|button
Mr. Wonka reached out to press a button on the glass ceiling of the elevator.
查理 和 喬 爺爺 兩人 伸長 脖頸 去 看 那個 按鈕 旁邊 的 小 標籤 上 寫 的 是 什麼 。
Charlie|and|Joe|grandpa|the two of them|stretched|necks|to|look|that|button|next to|possessive particle|small|label|on|written|possessive particle|is|what
Charlie and Grandpa Joe both stretched their necks to see what was written on the small label next to that button.
它 寫 的 是 ……直上 ,出去 。
it|wrote|(possessive particle)|is|straight up|go out
It writes: ... go straight up, go out.
“直上 ,出去 ,”查理 捉摸 著 ,“這 又 是 什麼 房間 ?
go straight up|go out|Charlie|puzzled|particle indicating ongoing action|this|again|is|what|room
"Go straight up, go out," Charlie pondered, "what kind of room is this?"
旺卡 先生 按 了 一下 這個 按鈕 。
Mr Wangka|sir|pressed|past tense marker|a little|this|button
Mr. Wonka pressed this button.
玻璃門 關上 了 。
glass door|closed|past tense marker
The glass door closed.
“抓緊 !
hold tight
"Hold on tight!"
”旺卡 先生 喊道 。
Mr Wonka|sir|shouted
Mr. Wanka shouted.
嗖 !
電梯 就 像 一架 火箭 一樣 筆直 向上 射 了 出去 !
elevator|just|like|a|rocket|equally|straight|upward|shot|past tense marker|out
The elevator shot straight up like a rocket!
“咿嘿 !
”喬 爺爺 喊起來 。
Grandpa Joe shouted.
查理 緊緊 貼 在 喬 爺爺 的 腿 上 ,旺卡 先生 則 抓住 從 頂上 垂下 的一根 帶子 ,他們 朝 上升 啊 升 ,這回 是 筆直 地 朝 上升 去 ,一點 沒 旋轉 或 轉彎 ,電梯 越 升 越 快 ,查理 能 聽見 電梯 外面 呼呼 的 風聲 。
Charlie|tightly|stuck|on|Grandpa Joe|grandpa|possessive particle|leg|on|Willy Wonka|Mr|then|grabbed|from|above|hanging|one|strap|they|towards|ascension|exclamation|rise|this time|was|straight|adverbial particle|towards|ascension|going|a little|not|rotating|or|turning|elevator|the more|rise|the more|fast|Charlie|could|hear|elevator|outside|whistling|possessive particle|sound of wind
Charlie was tightly pressed against Grandpa Joe's leg, while Mr. Wonka grabbed a strap that hung down from above. They were rising up, straight up this time, without any spinning or turning. The elevator was going faster and faster, and Charlie could hear the whistling wind outside the elevator.
“咿嘿 !
”喬 爺爺 又 喊起來 ,“嘿 !
Grandpa Qiao shouted again, "Hey!"
我們 來 啦 !
we|come|particle indicating arrival
"We're here!"
“快 !
”旺卡 先生 叫 著 ,用 手 捶擊 著 電梯 的 牆壁 。
Mr Wanka|sir|shouted|past action marker|using|hand|hit|past action marker|elevator|possessive particle|wall
Mr. Wonka called out, pounding on the walls of the elevator with his hands.
“快 !
" Hurry up!"
再 快些 !
" Faster!"
如果 我們 不再 快 一些 , 我們 就 再也 穿 不 過去 啦 !
" If we don't hurry a bit more, we won't be able to get through!"
“穿過 什麼 ?
pass through|what
" Get through what?"
”喬 爺爺 喊道 ,“我們 必須 穿過 什麼 ?
Grandpa Qiao|grandpa|shouted|we|must|cross|what
"Grandpa Joe shouted, 'What do we have to go through?'
“啊 —哈 !
”旺卡 先生 叫 起來 ,“等 著 瞧 吧 !
Mr Wonka|sir|called|to wake up|wait|particle indicating ongoing action|to see|suggestion particle
Mr. Wonka called out, "Just wait and see!"
我 盼著 按 這個 按鈕 盼了 好幾年 了 !
I|have been hoping|to press|this|button|hoped for|several years|past tense marker
I've been looking forward to pressing this button for several years!"
直到現在 才 如願以償 !
until now|only then|had one's wish fulfilled
Finally, I have achieved my wish!
好幾次 我 真想 按上去 !
several times|I|really want to|press it
Several times, I really wanted to press it!
啊 ,是的 ,我 真想 按 !
ah|yes|I|really want|press
Ah, yes, I really wanted to press it!
可 我 不想 把 工廠 的 屋頂 穿 一個 大 窟窿 !
but|I|don't want|(particle indicating disposal)|factory|possessive particle|roof|make|a|big|hole
But I don't want to make a big hole in the factory's roof!
來啦 ,孩子們 !
come on|children
Come on, kids!
升啊 ,出去 吧 !
rise ah|go out|suggestion particle
Rise up, let's go out!
“ 你 該 不是 說 ……” 喬 爺爺 喊起來 ,“…… 你 莫非 真的 是 說 這架 電梯 ……”
||||||||could it be|||||
"You can't be saying..." Grandpa Joe shouted, "...are you really saying this elevator..."
“嘿 ,不錯 ,我 就是 這個 意思 !
hey|not bad|I|exactly|this|meaning
"Hey, that's exactly what I mean!"
”旺卡 先生 答道 ,“等 著 瞧 吧 ,升 啊 ,出去 吧 !
Mr Wonka|sir|answered|wait|particle indicating ongoing action|see|suggestion particle|rise|ah|go out|suggestion particle
"Mr. Wonka replied, 'Just wait and see, it will rise, let's go out!"
” “ 可 …… 可 …… 可 電梯 是 玻璃 做 的 啊 !
"But... but... the elevator is made of glass!"
”喬 爺爺 喊道 ,“它 會 撞 得 粉碎 的 !
"Grandpa Joe shouted, 'It will smash to pieces!"
“我 倒 想 看看 它 是否 會 呢 ,”旺卡 先生 說 ,他 還是 那樣 興奮 歡快 ,“它 是 用 最好 的 厚 玻璃 做 的 。
I|actually|want|to see|it|whether|will|question particle|Wonka|Mr|said|he|still|that way|excited|cheerful|it|is|made of|best|possessive particle|thick|glass|made|particle indicating past action
"I actually want to see if it will," Mr. Wonka said, still excited and cheerful, "It's made of the best thick glass."
電梯 風馳電掣 ,飛快 地 一直 朝 上升 去 ,而且 升 得 越來越 快 ……
elevator|like the wind and lightning|very fast|adverbial particle|continuously|towards|upward|going|and|rising|adverbial particle|more and more|fast
The elevator rushed up at lightning speed, and it was getting faster and faster...
突然 ,嘩啦一聲 !
suddenly|with a crash
Suddenly, there was a loud crash!
——接著 便是 劈裡 啪啦 一陣 巨響 ,無數 碎 木頭 爛 瓦片 直接 朝 他們 頭上 砸 下來 ,喬 爺爺 叫 起來 :“救命 !
then|just|with a bang|crash|a burst of|loud noise|countless|broken|wood|rotten|tiles|directly|towards|them|above their heads|smash|down|Qiao|grandpa|shouted|out|help
— Then came a series of huge noises, and countless broken wood and tiles came crashing down on their heads. Grandpa Qiao shouted, "Help!"
世界末日 到 了 !
the end of the world|has arrived|past tense marker
The end of the world has come!
我們 完 了 !
we|finished|past tense marker
We are done!
”旺卡 先生 說 :“不 , 完 不了 !
Mr Wonka|sir|said|no||
Mr. Wonka said: "No, we are not done!"
我們 已經 穿過去 了 !
we|already|walked through|past tense marker
We have already passed through!
我們 穿 過去 了 !
we|pass|past|past tense marker
We have passed through!
”千真萬確 ,這架 電梯 已經 穿過 了 工廠 的 屋頂 ,這會兒 正 象 一架 火箭 一樣 朝 空中 竄去 ,燦爛 的 陽光 透過 玻璃 梯頂 直瀉 進來 。
absolutely true|this|elevator|already|passed through|past tense marker|factory|possessive particle|roof|at this moment|currently|like|a|rocket|like|towards|sky|shot up|brilliant|possessive particle|sunlight|through|glass|top of the elevator|directly|came in
"It's absolutely true, this elevator has already passed through the factory's roof, and right now it's shooting up into the sky like a rocket, with brilliant sunlight pouring in through the glass ceiling.
五 秒鐘 後 他們 已經 升 到 了 一千 英尺 的 高空 。
five|seconds|later|they|already|ascended|to|past tense marker|one thousand|feet|possessive particle|altitude
Five seconds later, they had already ascended to a height of one thousand feet.
“這架 電梯 準是 發瘋 了 !
this elevator|elevator|must be|crazy|past tense marker
"This elevator must be crazy!"
”喬 爺爺 喊道 。
" Grandpa Joe shouted.
“ 別怕 , 親愛 的 先生 ,” 旺卡 先生 鎮靜 地說 , 他 又 按 了 一下 另 一個 按鈕 。
"Don't be afraid, dear sir," Mr. Wonka said calmly, as he pressed another button.
電梯 停住 了 ,它 不再 上升 而是 高懸 在 半空 ,象 一架 直升飛機 似地 停 在 那兒 ,停 在 工廠 和 整個 城鎮 的 上空 ,鎮子 在 他們 腳下 一覽無餘 ,看上去 就 像 一張 明信片 !
elevator|stopped|past tense marker|it|no longer|ascended|but|hovering|in|midair|like|a|helicopter|as if|stopped|in|there|stopped|in|factory|and|entire|town|possessive particle|above|town|in|them|underfoot|completely visible|looked|just|like|a|postcard
The elevator stopped, no longer rising but hanging in mid-air, like a helicopter suspended there, hovering above the factory and the entire town, with the village laid out beneath them like a postcard!
查理 從 腳下 的 玻璃 地板 俯瞰 下去 ,能 看見 底下 遠遠 的 房屋 和 街道 ,一切 都 變得 那麼 小 ,他 還 看到 厚厚 地 覆蓋 了 整個 大地 的 白雪 。
Charlie|from|underfoot|possessive particle|glass|floor|looked down|down|can|see|below|far away|possessive particle|houses|and|streets|everything|all|became|so|small|he|also|saw|thickly|adverbial particle|covered|past tense marker|entire|earth|possessive particle|white snow
Charlie looked down through the glass floor beneath his feet and could see the distant houses and streets below, everything becoming so small, and he could also see the thick blanket of white snow covering the entire ground.
站 在 離 地 這麼 高 的 空中 ,腳下 又 是 透明 的 玻璃 ,真 讓人 有 一種 驚懼 的 感覺 ,就 好像 自己 腳下 什麼 也 沒有 似的 。
stand|in|from|ground|so|high|(possessive particle)|in the air|underfoot|again|is|transparent|(adjective particle)|glass|really|makes people|have|a kind of|fear|(adjective particle)|feeling|just|as if|oneself|underfoot|anything|also|not|like
Standing so high in the air, with transparent glass beneath his feet, gave him a sense of fear, as if there was nothing beneath him.
“我們 不會 出事 麼 ?
we|won't|have an accident|question particle
"Are we not going to have an accident?"
”喬 爺爺 大聲 問道 ,“這 東西 怎麼 竟 會 停住 不 動 呢 ?
Grandpa Qiao|grandfather|loudly|asked|this|thing|how|unexpectedly|would|stop|not|move|question particle
Grandpa Joe asked loudly, "How could this thing just stop and not move?"
“是 糖 能 !
"It's the sugar energy!"
”旺卡 先生 答道 ,“一百萬 能量 的 糖 能 !
Mr Wonka|sir|answered|one million|energy|possessive particle|candy|can
Mr. Wonka replied, "One million units of energy from sugar!"
噢 ,看 哪 ,”他 叫 道 ,朝下 指著 ,“那 幾個 孩子 都 出來 了 !
oh|look|where|he|shouted|said|downwards|pointed|those|several|children|all|came out|past tense marker
Oh, look there," he called out, pointing down, "those kids have all come out!
他們 正 準備 回家 去 呢 !
They|currently|are preparing|home|to go|question particle
They are getting ready to go home!
SENT_CWT:AFkKFwvL=6.85 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=4.06
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