Dairy is Scary
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Dairy is Scary
哈囉 ,現在 大家 都 很 忙
안녕하세요, 지금 모두 바쁩니다.
Hello, everyone is very busy right now.
所以 我要 在 5 分鐘 內 告訴 你 乳品業 是 怎麼 運作 的
so|I want to|in|minutes|within|tell|you|dairy industry|is|how|operate|past action particle
그래서 5분 안에 유제품 산업이 어떻게 운영되는지 알려드리겠습니다.
So I want to tell you how the dairy industry works in 5 minutes.
像 其他 哺乳類 ,母牛 只 在 懷孕 或是 有 牛 寶寶 的 時候
like|other|mammals|female cow|only|during|pregnancy|or|has|cow|baby|possessive particle|time
다른 포유류처럼, 암소는 임신했거나 송아지를 가졌을 때만 젖을 씁니다.
Like other mammals, cows only produce milk when they are pregnant or have a calf.
才 會 分泌 乳汁 生產 牛奶
only|will|secrete|milk|produce|cow's milk
Only then will they secrete milk and produce milk.
所以 業者 會 在 牛 十二個 月 大 的 時候
so|operator|will|at|cow|twelve|months|old|possessive particle|time
So the operators will artificially inseminate the cows when they are twelve months old.
人工授精 讓 母牛 懷孕
artificial insemination|allows|cow|to become pregnant
They will let the cows become pregnant.
而且 是 一次 又 一次 的 受孕
and|is|one time|again|one time|possessive particle|conception
And it is a repeated process of conception.
母牛 才能 持續 產出 牛奶
Cows can continuously produce milk.
這是 個 例行 作業
this is|a|routine|task
This is a routine operation.
首先 ,工人 幫 一堆 公牛 自慰
first|worker|helps|a bunch of|bulls|to masturbate
First, the workers help a bunch of bulls to masturbate.
有時候 用手 還是 用 電動 取精器
sometimes|manual|or|use|electric|ejaculation device
Sometimes they use their hands or an electric semen collector.
其實 就是 一個 巨型 假 牛 屌
Actually, it's just a giant fake bull penis.
插進 公牛 的 肛門
insert|bull|possessive particle|anus
Inserted into the bull's anus.
直到 牠 射出來 為止
until|it|shoots out|stops
Until it ejaculates.
然後 把 採集 來 的 精液
then|(particle indicating action)|collected|coming|possessive particle|semen
Then collect the semen.
注入 母牛 的 陰道 裡
inject|cow|possessive particle|vagina|inside
Inject into the cow's vagina
就 用 這根 長 管
Just use this long tube
母牛 通常
Cows usually
是 先 被困 在 業者 稱之為
is|first|trapped|in|operator|referred to as
are first trapped in what the operators call
強姦 架上
rape|on the shelf
Rape on the rack
有時候 (其實 是 每次 )他們 會 握拳
sometimes|actually|is|every time|they|will|clench their fists
Sometimes (actually every time) they will clench their fists
直接 伸進去 母牛 的 肛門 裡
directly|reach in|cow|possessive particle|anus|inside
Directly reach into the cow's anus
讓 牛 放鬆
Let the cow relax
讓 整個 過程 更 順利
Make the whole process smoother
[某 開放式 有機 自耕 農場 ]
a certain|open-style|organic|self-sustaining|farm
[ A certain open organic self-cultivating farm ]
"你 現在 感覺 怎樣 "
"How do you feel right now"
"這 隻 有點 激動 "
this|classifier for animals|a little|excited
"This one is a bit excited"
"我 想 如果 有人 這樣 對 我 的話 我 應該 也 會 "
I|think|if|someone|like this|to|me|in that case|I|should|also|would
"I think if someone treated me like this, I would too"
"抽出來 稍微 按摩 一下 "
take out|a little|massage|briefly
"Take it out and massage it a little"
[你 今天 獸交 了 沒 ?]
you|today|bestiality|past tense marker|question particle
[Did you have bestiality today?]
"讓 牠 整個 放鬆 "
"Let it relax completely"
"希望 精液 可以 跑 到 對 的 地方 "
hope|semen|can|run|to|right|possessive particle|place
"I hope the semen can run to the right place"
"你 一定 負責 很 多隻 牛 吧 "
you|must|responsible for|very|many|cows|question particle
"You must be responsible for a lot of cows, right?"
"對 "當 牛 寶寶 一 出生
"Yes" when the calf is born
他們 馬上 就 被 抓 離開 媽媽
they are immediately taken away from their mother
被關 起來
be locked up|up
Locked up
因為 他們 如果 留在 媽媽 身邊
Because if they stay by their mother's side
他們 就 會 喝 媽媽 的 奶
They|then|will|drink|mother|possessive particle|milk
They will drink their mother's milk
科科 那 是 要 留給 我們 的 耶
haha|that|is|to|leave for|us|possessive particle|exclamation particle
Hehe, that's supposed to be saved for us!
牛 媽媽 跟 小牛
The cow mother and the calf
有 非常 深厚 的 情感
has|very|deep|possessive particle|emotion
have a very deep bond
牛 媽媽 有時候 會 一連 哭 好 幾天
cow|mother|sometimes|will|continuously|cry|very|several days
The cow mother sometimes cries for several days in a row
就 為了 找 自己的 寶貝
just|in order to|find|own|treasure
just to find her baby
哈 誰 要理 牠
Ha|who|cares about|it
Ha, who wants to care for it?
如果 牛 寶寶 是 公 的
if|cow|baby|is|male|possessive particle
If the calf is male,
牠 的 喉嚨 會 被 割開 拿去 賣掉 當 小牛肉
it|possessive particle|throat|will|passive marker|cut|taken away|sold|as|veal
its throat will be cut and sold as veal.
如果 是 母 的
if|is|mother|possessive particle
If it's female,
牠 會 被 養成 一個 產奶 機器
It will be raised as a milk machine.
就 跟 媽媽 一樣
Just like its mother.
乳牛 的 一生 中 不斷 的 被 強迫 受孕
dairy cow|possessive particle|whole life|during|constantly|adverbial particle|passive marker|forced|impregnated
Throughout a dairy cow's life, it is constantly forced to become pregnant.
才能 不停 地 分泌 牛奶
can|continuously|adverbial particle|secrete|milk
Only then can it continuously secrete milk.
導致 快速 老化
Causes rapid aging
虛脫 和 乳腺炎
Collapse and mastitis
雖然 很痛 但 在 乳牛 身上 十分 常見
although|very painful|but|on|dairy cow|body|very|common
Although very painful, it is quite common in dairy cows
也就是 牛 的 乳房 發炎 或是 感染
that is|cow|possessive particle|udder|inflammation|or|infection
It is inflammation or infection of the cow's udder
在 牛奶 裡 混進 濃 跟 血
in|milk|inside|mixed in|thick|and|blood
Mixing cream and blood into milk
也 是 常常 發生 的
also|is|often|happens|particle indicating past action
is also something that often happens.
通常 有 過濾 但 不會 完全
usually|has|filtering|but|will not|completely
Usually there is filtration, but it is not complete.
在 歐洲 ,澳洲 ,紐西蘭 和 加拿大
in|Europe|Australia|New Zealand|and|Canada
In Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
法規 允許 牛奶 每毫升 最多 有 40 萬個 體細胞
regulation|allows|milk|per milliliter|at most|has|thousand|somatic cells
Regulations allow for a maximum of 400,000 somatic cells per milliliter of milk.
那 在 美國 每 毫升 是 75 萬
that|in|the United States|every|milliliter|is|ten thousand
In the United States, it is 750,000 per milliliter.
在 巴西 則是 100 萬
In Brazil, it is 1,000,000.
體細胞 在 這邊 呢
somatic cell|at|here|question particle
What about somatic cells here?
通常 是 指 白血球
usually|is|refers to|white blood cell
Usually refers to white blood cells.
就 是 從 痘痘 裡 爆 出來 的 那個 啦
just|is|from|pimple|inside|burst|out|past action particle|that|sentence-final particle
It's the stuff that bursts out from the pimples.
就是 你 說 的 膿 囉
that's|you|said|possessive particle|pus|sentence-final particle
That's the pus you mentioned.
[你 今天 喝 膿 了 嗎 ?]
you|today|drink|pus|past tense marker|question particle
[Did you drink pus today?]
發炎 和 細菌 感染 越 嚴重
Inflammation and bacterial infection become more severe.
體細胞 就 越 多
somatic cells|then|more|many
The number of somatic cells increases.
不過 別怕 還是 有 限制 的 啦
but|don't worry|still|have|limitations|possessive particle|sentence-final particle
But don't worry, there are still limits.
等到 乳牛 身體 和 精神 上 都 撐不下去 時
when|dairy cow|body|and|spirit|in|both|can no longer endure|time
When the dairy cow's body and spirit can no longer hold on.
就 會 不支 倒地
then|will|unable to support|fall down
will collapse on the ground
這些 牛 叫 軟腳 牛
these|cows|are called|soft-footed|cows
These cows are called 'soft-footed cows'.
牠 們 會 被 拖 去 屠宰 ,再 賣 去 當 牛肉
it|plural marker|will|passive marker|dragged|to|slaughter|again|sold|to|as|beef
They will be dragged off to slaughter and then sold as beef.
這 在 乳品 業界 很 平常
This is very common in the dairy industry.
就算 是 有機 農場 也 一樣
even if|is|organic|farm|also|the same
Even if it is an organic farm, it's the same.
牛 在 四五年 之間 不停 地產 奶 後 也 會 不支倒地
cow|in|four to five years|between|continuously|produce|milk|after|also|will|collapse
Cows will collapse after continuously producing milk for four to five years.
不過 就算 四五年 後 牛 還能 站
however|even if|four to five years|later|cow|can still|stand
However, even if the cows can still stand after four to five years,
牠 們 的 產量 高峰期 也 過 了
it|plural marker|possessive particle|yield|peak period|also|past|completed action marker
their peak production period has already passed.
牠 們 一樣 會 被 宰 來 做 漢堡 或 牛肉
it|plural marker|the same|will|passive marker|slaughtered|to|make|hamburger|or|beef
They will also be slaughtered to make hamburgers or beef.
你 看
乳品業 就是 肉品 業
dairy industry|is|meat|industry
The dairy industry is the meat industry.
生產 你 買過 所有 的 牛奶 的 每 一隻 牛
produce|you|have bought|all|possessive particle|milk|possessive particle|every|one|cow
Every cow that produced all the milk you have ever bought.
下場 幾乎 都 是 被 屠宰 後 做成 牛肉
next match|almost|all|is|by|slaughtered|after|made into|beef
The next stage is almost all made into beef after being slaughtered.
所以 如果 你 已經 吃 蛋奶素 了
so|if|you|already|eat|lacto-vegetarian|past tense marker
So if you are already eating an egg and dairy vegetarian diet,
你 最好 考慮 一下
you|had better|consider|a bit
you better consider it.
因為 養來 吃 的 動物
because|raised|eat|possessive particle|animal
Because the animals raised for food.
只是 直接 被 屠宰
Just directly slaughtered.
可是 乳牛 的話
but|dairy cow|if
But for dairy cows,
會 先 被 性虐待
will|first|be|sexually abused
they will first be sexually abused.
精神 上 肉體 上 被 折磨 到 極限
Mentally and physically tortured to the limit.
然後 才 被 宰殺
Then they are slaughtered.
聽 起來 比較 殘忍 耶
sounds|like|more|cruel|particle indicating affirmation
It sounds more cruel, doesn't it?
沒有 被 剝削 的 牛 在 正常 情況
no|passive marker|exploited|possessive particle|cow|in|normal|situation
Cows that are not exploited can live normally.
壽命 可是 有 20 到 25 年 唷 ,各位
lifespan|but|has|to|years|particle indicating affirmation|everyone
Their lifespan can be 20 to 25 years, everyone.
關於 鈣質 和 蛋白質 呢
about|calcium|and|protein|question particle
Regarding calcium and protein,
各項 研究 一次 又 一次 的 證明
each item|research|once|again|once|possessive particle|proof
various studies have repeatedly proven
食用 越 多 乳製品 的 人
consuming|the more|many|dairy products|possessive particle|people
that people who consume more dairy products
會 有 越 高 的 機率 發生 骨折
will|have|the more|high|(possessive particle)|probability|occur|fracture
have a higher likelihood of experiencing fractures.
和 骨質酥鬆 症
and osteoporosis
植物性 的 鈣質 和 蛋白質
plant-based|possessive particle|calcium|and|protein
plant-based calcium and protein
又 多 又 優質
both|many|again|high quality
both abundant and high-quality
所以 你 真的 不 需要 去 吸 牛 的 奶
so|you|really|not|need|to|suck|cow|possessive particle|milk
so you really don't need to consume cow's milk
乳品業 者 早已 染指 了
dairy industry|person|already|involved|past tense marker
Dairy industry players have long been involved.
教育 體系
Education system.
營養學 課程
Nutrition courses.
還有 媒體
And the media.
就 為了 說服 我們 喝 牛奶
then|in order to|persuade|us|drink|milk
Just to persuade us to drink milk.
你 在 學校 學了 牛奶 好 棒棒
You learned that milk is great at school.
可不是 因為 幕後 有 一群 關心 你 健康 的 人
not at all|because|behind the scenes|there are|a group of|caring about|your|health|possessive particle|people
It's not because there are a group of people behind the scenes who care about your health.
那 是 因為 乳品業 者 付 了 大筆 的 錢
|||||paid||a large sum||
It's because the dairy industry paid a large sum of money.
讓 你 和 你 的 孩子 能 聽到 這樣 的 訊息
let|you|and||possessive particle||||||message
Let you and your child hear such messages.
不管 是 學校 ,電視
no matter|is|school|television
Whether it's school, television,
廣告 看 板 ,雜誌
advertisement|to see|board|magazine
advertising billboards, magazines,
還是 你 的 醫生
still|your|possessive particle|doctor
or your doctor.
他們 才 不 需要 上 幾個 小時 的 營養 課程
They|only|not|need|attend|a few|hours|possessive particle|nutrition|classes
They don't need to take a few hours of nutrition classes.
來 教 你 去 喝 牛奶
To teach you to drink milk.
你 想想看 ,犀牛 奶
you|think about it|rhino|milk
Just think about it, rhino milk.
是 給 小 犀牛 喝 的
is|give|little|rhinoceros|drink|past action particle
Is for baby rhinos to drink.
dog milk
Dog milk
是 給 小狗 喝 的
is|for|puppy|drinking|particle indicating past action
is for puppies to drink
貓 奶
Cat milk
是 給 小貓 喝 的
is|for|kitten|drinking|particle indicating past action
is for kittens to drink
老鼠 奶
Mouse milk
是 給 小老鼠 喝 的
is|for|little mouse|to drink|particle indicating past action
is for little mice to drink.
那 牛奶
Then what about cow's milk?
是 給人 喝 的 ?
is|for people|drink|question particle
Is it for people to drink?
錯 那 是 給 小牛 喝 的
wrong|that|is|for|calf|drinking|particle indicating past action
Wrong, that's for the calves to drink.
頭腦 有 問題 才 去 吃 全素 ?
Only someone with a problem in their head would go vegan?
哈 牛奶 才 可怕 勒
Haha, milk is the scary one.
試試看 杏仁 奶 , 大麻 奶 , 亞麻 仁奶
|almond||hemp||flax|flaxseed milk
Try almond milk, hemp milk, flaxseed milk.
米奶 ,巴西 堅果 奶
rice milk|Brazil|nut|milk
Rice milk, Brazil nut milk
夏威夷 豆 奶 ,腰果 奶
Hawaiian bean milk, cashew milk
什麼 奶 都 好
Any milk is fine
就是 不要 牛奶
just|don't want|milk
Just don't want cow's milk
牠 的 濃汁 流 出來 了
it|possessive particle|thick juice|flow|out|past tense marker
Its thick juice is flowing out.
看起來 不錯
Looks good.
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