02. 富蘭克林去上學
Franklin goes to school
02. Franklin geht zur Schule
02. Franklin goes to school - Franklin goes to school
02. フランクリンは学校へ行く
02. 富兰克林去上学
富蘭克林 去 上學 。
Franklin||go to school
富蘭克林 會數 1、3、5, 也 會數 2、4、6。
|can count||will count
Franklin can count 1, 3, 5, and also count 2, 4, 6.
他 還 會 系 鞋帶 , 富蘭克林 會 拉拉 鎖 , 也 會系 釦子 , 可是 富蘭克林 很 害怕 上學 。
|still||tie|shoelace|Franklin||pull the|door|also|ties up|buttons|but|Franklin|very|afraid|going to school
He can also tie shoelaces, Franklin can tie a bow, and also button up, but Franklin is very afraid of going to school.
這 可 麻煩 啦 , 因為 富蘭克林 馬上 就要 成為 一名 小學生 了 。
this|can|trouble|particle indicating a change of state|because||soon||become|a|elementary school student|
This can be troublesome, because Franklin is about to become a primary school student.
富蘭克林 和 太陽 公公 一塊 起床 , 他 告訴 小 金魚 高迪 ,“ 今天 是 我 第一天 上學 !
|and|sun|grandfather|together|get up||tells||little goldfish|Gaudí|||||
Through the wonderful pictures and concise content, children can understand that not only can many children play together in school, but also learn a lot of knowledge, learn to draw, learn to write, etc. Franklin not only drew a picture for himself , I also drew a picture for my father and mother.
富蘭克林 打開 鉛筆 袋 , 張進 了 一把 尺子 , 一支 鉛筆 和 一塊 橡皮 , 還有 12 支削 好 的 彩色 鉛筆 , 然後 他 叫醒 了 爸爸媽媽 。
Franklin|opened|pencil|case|Zhang Jin|put|a|ruler|a||||eraser|there are|sharpened|sharpened||colored||then||woke up||
Franklin not only drew a picture for himself, but also a picture for his father and mother.
“ 快點兒 !
Hurry up!
” 富蘭克林 跟 他們 說 ,“ 我 今天 可 不能 遲到 。
||||||||be late
"Franklin said to them, "I can't be late today.
媽媽 看看 表 , 笑 著 說 ,“ 老師 都還沒 睡醒 呢 , 太早 啦 。
|||||||still not|woken up||Too early|
Mom looked at the clock and said smiling, "The teachers haven't even woken up yet, it's too early."
爸爸 說 ,“ 你 高興 的 睡不著 覺 了 吧 ?
|||||can't sleep|||
Dad said, "Are you so happy that you can't sleep?"
” 富蘭克林 點 了 點頭 , 時間 還 早 , 爸爸媽媽 準備 給 富蘭克林 做 一頓 豐盛 的 早餐 。
|||nodded||||mom and dad|prepare||||a meal|hearty||
Franklin nodded, it was still early, and his parents were preparing a hearty breakfast for him.
爸爸 說 ,“ 你 要 吃 的 飽飽 的 , 再 去 上學 。
Dad said, "You should eat your fill before going to school."
” 富蘭克林 一點兒 也 不 餓 ,“ 我 已經 吃飽 了 。
|||||I|already|ate enough|
Franklin wasn't hungry at all, "I'm already full."
” 他 說 ,“ 飽得 就 像是 有 好多 只 小 青蛙 在 肚子 裡 跳 呢 。
||full of||like|||only||frogs||stomach||jump|particle indicating a question
" He said, "I'm so full that it's like there are many little frogs jumping in my stomach.
” 媽媽 抱 了 抱 富蘭克林 說 ,“ 我 第一天 上學 的 時候 也 跟 你 一樣 , 但是 一會兒 啊 , 肚子 就 會 餓 啦 !
|hug|||Franklin||||||||with||like||in a little while|||||hungry|
“Mom gave Franklin a hug and said, “I was just like you on my first day of school, but soon enough, my tummy would get hungry too!”
富蘭克林 只好 硬著 頭皮 吃 了 一點兒 , 他 檢查 好 書包 , 準備 上學 去 了 。
|had to|gritted|scalp|||||checked||school bag||||
Franklin reluctantly ate a little bit and checked his backpack, getting ready to go to school.
就 快 到 車站 時 , 富蘭克林 摸了摸 肚子 說 ,“ 我 不想 去 上學 了 。
As they neared the station, Franklin touched his stomach and said, “I don't want to go to school anymore.”
” 爸爸 抱 了 抱 他 , 安慰 道 ,“ 我 第一天 上學 的 時候 也 跟 你 一樣 , 看吶 !
Dad hugged him and comforted him, saying, 'When I first went to school, I was just like you, see!'
你 的 小伙伴 在 等 車 呢 。
Your little friends are waiting for the bus.
車站 有 好多 人 呀 , 小伙伴 們 的 哥哥 、 姐姐 和 爸爸 、 媽媽 都 來 送 他們 上學 了 。
||||||||older brother|sister||||||see off|||
There are many people at the station, little friends' older brothers, sisters, dads, and moms all come to send them to school.
海狸 拿出 他 最 心愛 的 圖畫書 說 ,“ 瞧 , 我會 讀書 。
beaver|took out|||||picture book||look||
The beaver took out his favorite picture book and said, "Look, I can read."
” 小熊 問 ,“ 你 都 能 讀 下來 嗎 ?
"Can you read it all?" asked the little bear.
” 海狸 驕傲 的 回答 ,“ 當然 能 啦 !
Proudly, the beaver replied, "Of course I can!"
” 富蘭克林 聽 完 摸了摸 肚子 。
" Franklin touched his stomach after hearing this.
小兔 拿出 一個 嶄新 的 筆記本 說 ,“ 瞧 , 姐姐 教 我 寫 了 好多 數字 。
Little rabbit|took out||brand new||notebook||look||teaches|I||||numbers
Little Rabbit took out a brand new notebook and said, "Look, my sister taught me to write a lot of numbers."
” 小 狐狸 問 ,“ 所有 的 數字 你 都 會 寫 嗎 ?
"The little fox asked, "Can you write all the numbers?
” 小兔 驕傲 的 回答 ,“ 當然 會 啦 !
"The little rabbit proudly answered, "Of course!"
” 富蘭克林 看 了 看 媽媽 說 ,“ 媽媽 , 我 想 回家 。
"Franklin looked at his mother and said, "Mom, I want to go home."
” 媽媽 安慰 他 ,“ 放學 的 時候 , 我們 還會 在 這接 你 的 , 到時候 你 要 告訴 我們 今天 在 學校 都 學 了 些 什麼 ?
|||after school||||will also||this|||at that time|||||||school||||some|
"His mother comforted him, "When school is over, we will come pick you up here, and then you have to tell us what you learned at school today."
校車 來 了 , 小兔 和 姐姐 手拉著 手上 了 校車 。
school bus|||Little rabbit|||holding hands|on the hands||school bus
The school bus came, and Xiaotu and her sister got on the bus hand in hand.
小熊 站 在 車 門邊 , 不停 的 跟 爸爸媽媽 揮手 說 再見 。
|stand|||by the door|||||wave||
The little bear stood by the car door, waving goodbye to his parents.
富蘭克林 抱抱 媽媽 , 又 抱抱 爸爸 , 直到 小伙伴 們 都 在 座位 上 坐 好 了 , 他 才 上車 。
|hug||again|hug|||||||seat||sit|||||get on
Franklin hugged his mother and then his father. He didn't get in the car until his friends were all seated.
在 去 學校 的 路上 , 富蘭克林 一直 望 著 窗外 , 他 覺得 自己 還 沒有 準備 好 去 上學 。
||||on the way||always|look|at|outside the window|||||||||
On the way to school, Franklin kept looking out the window. He felt that he was not ready to go to school.
小兔 一邊 跳 一邊 大聲 的 問 ,“ 學校 裡 的 老師 會 不會 特別 厲害 呢 ?
|while|||loudly||||||||||really amazing|
The little rabbit jumped and asked loudly, "Are the teachers in the school particularly powerful?"
” 海狸 早就 坐不住 了 , 他 問 ,“ 學校 裡 有沒有 衛生間 呢 ?
|long ago|can't sit|||asked|||have|bathroom|
" Beaver couldn't sit still for a long time. He asked, "Is there a bathroom in the school?
” 小熊 拿 著 空空 的 零食 袋 說 ,“ 要是 誰 帶 了 好多 的 零食 就 好 了 。
|||empty||snacks|||if only|who||||||||
"Little Bear held up the empty snack bag and said, "It would be great if someone brought a lot of snacks.
” 富蘭克林 什麼 也 沒 說 , 他 覺得 校車 開 的 好慢 , 好慢 呀 !
||||||||||so slow||
"Franklin didn't say anything. He felt that the school bus was driving so slowly, so slowly!
終於 到 學校 了 , 貓頭鷹 老師 早就 到 了 。
We finally arrived at school. Teacher Owl had already arrived.
貓頭鷹 老師 溫柔 的 對 大家 說 ,“ 早上好 , 同學們 !
|teacher|gentle|||||Good morning|students
The gentle owl teacher said, 'Good morning, students!' to everyone.
” 他 告訴 大家 把 外套 掛 在 哪兒 , 還給 大家 安排 好 座位 , 接著 他 帶 大家 找到 了 衛生間 , 還 送給 每位 同學 一個 水果 。
he||||coat|hang||where|||arrange|||||||||||gave to|every student|classmate||fruit
He told everyone where to hang their coats, assigned seats to everyone, then he took everyone to the bathroom and gave each student a piece of fruit.
海狸 和 小熊 , 一個 在 讀書 , 一個 在 寫寫畫畫 。
|||one|||||write and draw
The beaver and the bear, one is studying, the other is drawing and painting.
小兔 學 起來 做飯 , 只有 富蘭克林 坐在 座位 上 一動不動 。
The little rabbit learned to cook, but Franklin sat motionless in his seat.
貓頭鷹 老師 問 ,“ 富蘭克林 , 你 今天 想 學 什麼 呢 ?
Miss Owl asked, "Franklin, what would you like to learn today?"
“ 我 也 不 知道 ,” 富蘭克林 摸了摸 肚子 說 ,“ 我 不會 像 小兔 那樣 寫出 所用 的 數字 , 也 不會 像 海狸 那樣 讀 一本 完整 的 書 。
|||||touched|||||||like that|write out|used|||||||||a complete book|complete||book
"I don't know either," Franklin said, patting his stomach. "I can't write numbers like Little Rabbit, nor can I read a whole book like Beaver."
” 貓頭鷹 老師 說 ,“ 小兔 和 海狸 會 在 學校 裡 學到 更 多 的 東西 , 你 呀 , 也 一樣 。
"Little Rabbit and Beaver will learn more things in school, and you will do the same," Miss Owl said.
於是 , 富蘭克林 在 紙 上 畫畫 。
So|||paper||draw pictures
So Franklin drew on paper.
貓頭鷹 老師 看 了 他 的 畫 , 誇獎 道 ,“ 哦 , 你 真是 一個 小 藝術家 呢 !
||||||painting|Praise|said|||really is|||artist|
The owl teacher looked at his painting and praised, "Oh, you are truly a little artist!"
” 富蘭克林 挺直 了 腰板 開心 的 說 ,“ 我 還 認識 好多 顏色 呢 。
Franklin stood up straight and happily said, "I know a lot of colors too."
” 貓頭鷹 老師 拿 起 一支 彩色 鉛筆 問 他 ,“ 那 這 是 什麼 顏色 呀 ?
The owl teacher picked up a colored pencil and asked him, "So, what color is this?"
“ 這是 一種 奇怪 的 藍色 ,” 富蘭克林 眨 了 眨眼睛 說 ,“ 是 寶石藍 。
This is|a kind|||blue||blinked|past action particle|blink|||gem blue
"It's a strange blue," Franklin said with a wink. "It's sapphire blue."
“ 真棒 , 富蘭克林 。
“Great job, Franklin.
” 貓頭鷹 老師 誇獎 道 ,“ 你 想學 什麼 呢 ?
||praises|||want to learn||
” praised Mr. Owl, “What do you want to learn?
富蘭克林 什麼 都 想學 , 這太難 決定 了 。
||||this is too hard||
Franklin wants to learn everything, it's too hard to decide.
他 請 貓頭鷹 老師 教他 讀書 , 還 自己 用 積木 搭 了 一個 漂亮 的 城堡 。
|please|||teach him|study||||blocks|build|||||castle
He asked the owl teacher to teach him how to read, and he built a beautiful castle with the blocks by himself.
富蘭克林 學著 在 學校 的 小 超市 裡 收錢 , 還 畫 了 四張 好看 的 畫 , 一張 送給 老師 , 一張 留給 自己 , 還有 兩張 要 送給 爸爸媽媽 , 真是 美好 的 一天 呀 !
|learn to|||||supermarket||collecting money||||four|||paintings|one||||leave|||two sheets|||||wonderful|||
Franklin learned to collect money in the school's mini mart, and also drew four nice pictures. He gave one to the teacher, kept one for himself, and planned to give the other two to his parents. What a wonderful day!
放學 的 路上 , 富蘭克林 坐在 校車 的 最後 一排 , 被 車顛 的 搖搖晃晃 。
|||||school bus|||one row||bumpy ride||bouncing
On the way home from school, Franklin sat in the back row of the school bus, rocking back and forth with the bus.
他 在 校車 上 玩 的 開心 極了 , 差點兒 忘 了 下車 呢 。
||school bus|||||so much|almost|||get off|
He had a great time playing on the school bus and almost forgot to get off.
爸爸媽媽 早就 來 車站 等 他 了 , 富蘭克林 剛 一下 車 , 爸爸 就 抱 起 他 來 , 關心 的 問道 ,“ 餓壞 了 吧 , 寶貝兒 。
|||||||||a moment||||picked up|up|||with concern||asked|starving|||baby
His parents had been waiting for him at the station. As soon as Franklin got off the bus, his father picked him up and asked with concern, "Are you hungry, sweetheart?"
” 富蘭克林 在 學校 玩得 太高興 了 , 早就 忘 了 餓肚子 的 事情 。
|||had fun|too happy|||||hungry||
Franklin was having so much fun at school that he had already forgotten about being hungry.
他 說 ,“ 我 餓 了 。
He said, "I'm hungry."
” 爸爸 笑 著 說 ,“ 你 馬上 就 能 吃 到 好吃 的 晚餐 嘍 。
"Dad smiled and said, "You'll be able to eat a delicious dinner soon."
回到 家 , 媽媽 溫柔 的 說 ,“ 寶貝兒 , 你 看 我們 給 你 做 了 這個 。
Back at home, mom gently said, "Sweetheart, look at what we made for you."
” 她 拿出 了 富蘭克林 最愛 吃 的 蒼蠅 餡餅 。
|took out|||favorite|||fly|fly pie
” She took out Franklin’s favorite fly pie.
富蘭克林 懂事 的 說 ,“ 爸爸 , 媽媽 , 你們 看 我 給 你們 畫 了 這個 。
Franklin said sensibly, "Dad, Mom, look, I drew this for you.
” 說完 , 他 把 自己 畫 的 兩張 漂亮 的 畫 送給 了 爸爸媽媽 , 還給 了 他們 兩個 緊緊 的 擁抱 。
finished speaking||||||||||||||||two|tight||hug
Mom and Dad had been waiting for him at the station a long time ago. As soon as Franklin got off the bus, Dad picked him up and asked caringly, "You're hungry, baby.