閒談 美國 獨立 史 (5) : 為何 美國 獨立 4 年後才 制定 憲法 ? | # 陳 力簡 | # 熱點 互動 # 方菲 04/30/2021 (3)
Casual Talk on American Independence History (5): Why did the United States not establish a constitution until four years after independence? | # Chen Li Jian | # Hotspot Interaction # Fang Fei 04/30/2021 (3)
gofundme 就 這 概念 知道 嗎 ?然後 他 當時 就 給眾 籌
gofundme|just|this|concept|know|question particle|then|he|at that time|then|give to the public|raise
Do you know about the concept of gofundme? At that time, he started crowdfunding.
然後 他 就 給 了 什麼 呢 ?就 給 他 資助 學費 他 就 到 了 紐約 國王 學院
then|he|then|gave|past tense marker|what|question particle|then|gave|he|financial aid|tuition|he|then|arrived|past tense marker|New York|King's|College
And what did he give? He provided funding for tuition, and he went to King's College in New York.
紐約 的 國王 學院 就是 現在 大名鼎鼎 的 哥倫比亞大學
New York|possessive particle|King|College|is|now|very famous|possessive particle|Columbia University
King's College in New York is now famously known as Columbia University.
他 就 進 了 紐約 國王 學院 進行 學習 當然 中間 還有 好多 事
he|then|entered|past tense marker|New York|King|Academy|carry out|study|of course|in between|there are still|many|things
He entered King's College in New York to study, of course, there were many things in between.
到 了 別的 學校 等等 不管 反正 就 在 紐約 國王 學院 學習
arrive|past tense marker|other|school|etc|no matter|anyway|just|at|New York|King|College|study
He went to other schools and so on, but anyway, he was studying at King's College in New York.
他 又 是 一個 比較 什麼 他 不是 那種 就是 你 到 了 這 學習
he|again|is|a|more|what|he|is not|that kind of|just|you|arrive|past tense marker|this|study
He is also someone who is relatively... he is not the type who just studies when he gets there.
你 安安心心 學習 就 完 了 他 非常 愛 參加 各種 的 社交活動
you|with peace of mind|study|then|finished|past tense marker|he|very|loves|to participate|various|possessive particle|social activities
He really loves to participate in various social activities.
然後 他 就 跟 很多 人 混得 很 熟
Then he became very familiar with many people.
後來 他 甚至 成為 紐約 國王 學院 的 民兵 的 帶頭人 他 還 當 了 民兵 的 砲 兵 的 指揮官
later|he|even|became|New York|King|Academy|possessive particle|militia|possessive particle|leader|he|also|became|past tense marker|militia|possessive particle|artillery|soldier|possessive particle|commander
Later, he even became the leader of the militia at King's College in New York, and he also served as the commander of the militia's artillery.
後來 很多 人 在 包圍 哥倫比亞大學 當時 國王 學院
later|many|people|at|surrounded|Columbia University|at that time|King|College
Later, many people surrounded Columbia University, which was then King's College.
想 痛打 校長 的 時候
want|beat up|principal|possessive particle|when
They wanted to give the president a good beating.
因為 有 一幫 支持 英王 的 人 把 這個 國王 學院 包圍 了
because|there is|a group of|supporting|King of England|possessive particle|people|(particle indicating action)|this|king|academy|surrounded|past tense marker
Because a group of people supporting the King of England surrounded this King's College.
說 校長 不是 東西 我們 要 去 把 校長 滅了 就 痛打 校長
say|principal|is not|thing|we|want|to go|(particle indicating disposal)|principal|eliminate|then|beat up|principal
They said the principal is worthless, and we need to go and destroy the principal, so they beat up the principal.
結果 漢密爾頓 一看 說 這 不行 我 雖然 支持 獨立
result|Hamilton|at a glance|said|this|won't do|I|although|support|independence
As a result, Hamilton looked and said this is not acceptable. Although I support independence,
但是 你們 去 痛打 校長 這事 我 不能 同意
but|you (plural)|go|beat up|principal|this matter|I|cannot|agree
I cannot agree with you beating up the principal.
當時 他 就 把 這幫 人 穩住 偷偷 跟 校長 傳信
at that time|he|then|(particle indicating action)|this group of|people|kept stable|secretly|with|principal|sent a message
At that time, he stabilized this group of people and secretly sent a message to the principal.
說 你 趕緊 跑 我 把 這幫 人 穩住
say|you|quickly|run|I|(particle indicating action)|this group|people|hold down
He said, 'You hurry and run, I will keep this group steady.'
你 趕緊 跑 校長 就 趕緊 跑 了
you|quickly|run|principal|then|quickly|ran|past tense marker
So the principal hurried and ran.
所以 說 後來 漢密爾頓 贏得 了 很多 人 的 尊重 是 什麼 呢 ?
so|to say|later|Hamilton|earned|past tense marker|many|people|possessive particle|respect|is|what|question particle
So what is it that later Hamilton earned a lot of people's respect?
就是 法律 秩序 你別 回頭 你 搞 這 武鬥 這種 事 這就 沒什麼 應 了
it is|law|order|you shouldn't|look back|you|engage in|this|fighting|this kind of|thing|this just|doesn't have much|should|past tense marker
It's just the law and order. Don't look back. If you engage in this kind of brawl, there's really no point.
結果 後來 英軍 就 來 了 英軍 後來 攻佔 紐約 的 時候 他 還 參加 了 紐約城 防戰
as a result|later|British army|then|arrived|past tense marker|British army|later|occupied|New York|possessive particle|when|he|still|participated|past tense marker|New York City|defense battle
As a result, the British army came later. When the British army later occupied New York, he also participated in the defense of New York City.
後來 他 就 成為 華盛頓 比較 年輕 的 副官 好多 人 都 找 漢密爾頓
later|he|then|became|Washington|relatively|young|possessive particle|aide|many|people|all|looked for|Hamilton
Later, he became one of Washington's younger aides, and many people sought Hamilton.
因為 他 當時 已經 小有名氣 啦
because|he|at that time|already|somewhat famous|particle indicating a change or realization
Because he had already gained some fame at that time.
就是 當時 他 的 著作 已經 傳到 了 新英格蘭 很多 地方
at that time|at that time|he|possessive particle|works|already|reached|past tense marker|New England|many|places
At that time, his works had already spread to many places in New England.
你 就像 我們 說 的 那個 亨利 勞克斯 將軍 他 有 一個 書店
you|just like|we|said|particle indicating past action|that|Henry|Larks|general|he|has|a|bookstore
Just like we mentioned, that General Henry Knox had a bookstore.
那個 書店 裡面 賣 的 最後 一 本書
that|bookstore|inside|sells|(possessive particle)|last|one|book
The last book sold in that bookstore.
就是 在 波士頓 戰役 撤退 之前 最後 一 本 書
that is|in|Boston|battle|retreat|before|last|one|measure word for books|book
Was the last book before the retreat of the Boston campaign.
就是 亞歷山大 ·漢密爾頓 寫 的 一 本書 一個 小冊子
it is|Alexander|Hamilton|wrote|possessive particle|a|book|a|booklet
It's a book, a pamphlet written by Alexander Hamilton.
他 已經 很 有名氣 了 然後 大家 都 想 找 他 當 副官
he|already|very|famous|past tense marker|then|everyone|all|wants|to find|him|to be|deputy officer
He is already very famous, and everyone wants to have him as an aide.
好多 人 都 找 他 當 副官 說 你 當 我 副官 吧 不 當
many|people|all|looking for|he|to be|deputy|said|you|be|I|deputy|suggestion particle|not|be
Many people asked him to be their aide, saying, 'Be my aide, won't you?'
你 當 我 副官 吧 不當 你 那 什麼 兵 ?我 不當
you|treat as|I|aide|suggestion particle|not treat as|you|that|what|soldier|I|not treat as
'Be my aide, won't you? What kind of soldier are you? I won't do it.'
最後 華盛頓 知道 有 他 這麼 一個 人 了 說 你 給 我 來當 副官 吧
finally|Washington|knew|there is|he|such|one|person|past tense marker|said|you|give|me|to be|aide|suggestion particle
Finally, Washington knew that there was such a person and said, 'You come and be my aide-de-camp.'
寫 了 一封信 他 就 過去 了 因為 他 也 知道 華盛頓 最 管用
write|past tense marker|a letter|he|then|went|past tense marker|because|he|also|knows|Washington|most|effective
He wrote a letter and then went over because he also knew that Washington was the most effective.
就 等 著 華盛頓
then|wait|continuous aspect marker|Washington
So he waited for Washington.
沒錯 他 就 當上 華盛頓 的 副官 了
that's right|he|then|became|Washington|possessive particle|aide|past tense marker
That's right, he became Washington's aide-de-camp.
後來 他 這個 人 是 非常 擅於 鑽研 的 人 他 當上 華盛頓 的 副官 之後
later|he|this|person|is|very|good at|research|possessive particle|person|he|became|Washington|possessive particle|aide|after
Later, this person was very good at research. After he became Washington's aide.
覺得 當 華盛頓 副官 還 不 給力 為 什麼 呢 ?
feel|as|Washington|aide|still|not|helpful|why|what|question particle
He felt that being Washington's aide was not powerful enough. Why?
中間 他 涉及 到 很多 和 高層 人物 的 互動
In the meantime, he was involved in many interactions with high-level figures.
華盛頓 後來 的 很多 的 命令 還有 文件 、公文 啊 全是 他 處理 的
Washington|later|possessive particle|many|possessive particle|orders|and also|documents|official documents|ah|all|he|handled|past action particle
Many of Washington's later orders, documents, and official papers were all handled by him.
後來 華盛頓 就是 相當於 我 簽字 你 看看 大 差不差
later|Washington|is|equivalent to|I|sign|you|take a look|big|difference
Later, Washington was basically like, I sign it, you take a look, it's not much different.
你 給 我 起草 就 完 了 都 是 他 處理 的
you|give|me|draft|then|finished|past tense marker|all|is|he|handled|past action particle
You draft it for me, and it's done, he handles everything.
然後 他 跟 這個 大陸軍 的 上層 官員 混得 都 很 熟
then|he|with|this|mainland army|possessive particle|upper|officials|mingled|all|very|familiar
Then he got quite familiar with the upper officials of the Continental Army.
後來 他 娶 了 紐約 的 舒勒 將軍 在 大陸軍 裡面 也 是 響噹噹 的 人物 舒勒 將軍
later|he|married|past tense marker|New York|possessive particle|Schuller|general|in|Continental Army|inside|also|is|prominent|possessive particle|figure|Schuller|general
Later, he married General Schuyler from New York, who was also a prominent figure in the Continental Army.
原來 的 北方 軍 統帥 的 閨女 然後 他 就 一舉 從 一個 鳳凰 男 躍升 成為 社會 名流
originally|possessive particle|northern|army|commander|possessive particle|daughter|then|he|then|in one move|from|a|phoenix|man|leaped up|became|society|celebrity
It turns out that the daughter of the commander of the Northern Army then suddenly rose from a phoenix man to a socialite.
然後 漢密爾頓 這個 人 他 一直 想 追求 那種 一個 偉大 的 美利堅 帝國
then|Hamilton|this|person|he|always|wanted|to pursue|that kind of|a|great|possessive particle|American|empire
Then there was Hamilton, who always wanted to pursue a great American Empire.
在 很多 的 人 後人 寫 他 的 傳記 的 時候
at|many|possessive particle|people|later generations|write|he|possessive particle|biography|possessive particle|time
When many people later wrote his biography.
其實 他 已經 看到 了 如果 我們 有 中央政府 有 強大 的 銀行
actually|he|already|saw|past tense marker|if|we|have|central government|have|strong|possessive particle|bank
In fact, he had already seen that if we had a central government and a strong bank.
還有 軍隊 就是 國家 的 軍隊
The army is the army of the nation.
我們 有 這樣的話 我們 能 發展 成 一個 全世界 的 獨霸一方
If we have this kind of talk, we can develop into a global hegemon.
他 還沒想到 做到 統治 地位 反正 獨霸一方 的 美利堅 帝國
he|hasn't thought of|achieving|ruling|status|anyway|dominating|possessive particle|America|empire
He hasn't thought about achieving a dominant position anyway, the hegemonic American Empire.
他 就是 想 這樣 建立 大 政府 後來 華盛頓 當 了 總統 之後 呢
he|just|wanted|like this|to establish|big|government|later|Washington|became|past tense marker|president|after|question particle
He just wanted to establish a big government, and later Washington became president.
他 就是 華盛頓 的 第一任 財政部長
He|is|Washington|possessive particle|first|Secretary of the Treasury
He was the first Secretary of the Treasury of Washington.
什麼 第一個 國家銀行 等等 都 是 他 建立 的
what|first|national bank|etc|all|are|he|established|past action particle
The first national bank and so on were all established by him.
甚至 後來 約翰 ·亞當斯 當 總統 期間
Even later, during John Adams' presidency,
他 還成 為 全國 的 總指揮 去 和 法國 作戰
he|still became|for|the country|possessive particle|commander-in-chief|to go|and|France|fight
he became the national commander to fight against France.
哦 還 作戰
Oh, still fighting.
對 他 跟 法國 差點 打 起來 差點 動手
Yes, he almost got into a fight with France, almost came to blows.
他 當時 是 全國 軍事力量 的 總指揮
He|at that time|was|national|military force|possessive particle|commander-in-chief
At that time, he was the overall commander of the national military forces.
就是 漢密爾頓 這個 人
it is|Hamilton|this|person
It was this person, Hamilton.
他 從 心裡邊 認為 我們 應該 成立 一個 中央政府 強有力 的 中央政府
He|from|within his heart|believes|we|should|establish|a|central government|strong|possessive particle|central government
He believes from the bottom of his heart that we should establish a strong central government.
而 不能 像 現在 的 邦聯 這樣 無力
but|cannot|like|current|possessive particle|confederation|like this|powerless
And it cannot be as powerless as the current confederation.
然後 他 就 團結 了 三個 人 一個 叫 John Jay 一個 叫做 詹姆斯 · 麥迪遜
then|he|then|united|past tense marker|three|people|one|called|||one|called|James|Madison
Then he united three people, one named John Jay and another named James Madison.
這 三個 人 寫 了 八十七 篇 文章
this|three|people|wrote|past tense marker|eighty-seven|measure word for articles|articles
These three people wrote eighty-seven articles.
這 八十七 篇 文章 先後 連載 在 美國 各個 轉載
this|eighty-seven|measure word for articles|articles|successively|serialized|in|the United States|every|reprint
These eighty-seven articles were published in various reprints in the United States.
就 跟 在 論壇 上 發帖 然後 被 各個 論壇 轉載 的 概念 是 一樣 的 這 叫 聯邦 黨人 文集
then|with|at|forum|on|posting|then|by|various|forums|reprinted|(possessive particle)|concept|is|the same|(possessive particle)|this|is called|federal|party|collection
It's similar to posting on a forum and then having it reprinted on various forums; this is called The Federalist Papers.
當時 還有 說 紐約 有 一個 很 老 的 報紙 叫 New York Post
at that time|there was|said|New York|had|a|very|old|possessive particle|newspaper|called|||
At that time, there was also mention of a very old newspaper in New York called the New York Post.
就是 亞歷山大 ·漢密爾頓 創辦 的
it is|Alexander|Hamilton|founded|(possessive particle)
It was founded by Alexander Hamilton.
專門 為了 鼓動 大家 去 支持 通過 聯邦 憲法 才 組織 的 那麼 一個 玩意兒
specifically|in order to|encourage|everyone|to|support|passing|federal|constitution|only|organized|(possessive particle)|such|a|thing
A thing that was specifically organized to encourage everyone to support the passage of the federal constitution.
你 知道 嗎 ?就是 專門 罵人 用
you|know|question particle|it is|specifically|insult people|for
Do you know? It's specifically used to insult people.
我 知道了 這 就是 為什麼 紐約 百老匯 有個 特別 特別 貴 的 歌劇
I|have realized|this|is|why|New York|Broadway|has a|particularly|special|expensive|(possessive particle)|opera
I see, this is why there is a particularly expensive opera on Broadway in New York.
叫 Hamilton 漢密爾頓 你 聽說 過嗎 ? 就是 講他 的 故事 應該 是
It's called Hamilton, have you heard of it? It's about his story, I believe.
我 看過 這個 歌劇 你 看過 對
I|have seen|this|opera|you|have seen|right
I have seen this opera, have you seen it?
漢密爾頓 這個 人 對 美國 的 發展 、美國 的 成型 尤其 是 美國 憲法 起 了 重大 作用
Hamilton|this|person|to|America|possessive particle|development|America|possessive particle|formation|especially|is|America|Constitution|played|past tense marker|significant|role
Hamilton played a significant role in the development of America and the formation of America, especially the American Constitution.
但是 他 參加 憲法 大會 沒 參加 完 他 就 走 了 他 被 氣 跑 了
but|he|attended|constitution|conference|not|attend|completely|he|then|left|past tense marker|he|by|anger|run|past tense marker
However, he did not stay for the entire Constitutional Convention; he left because he was frustrated.
因為 他 覺得 中央政府 不夠 強大 是 嗎 ?
because|he|thinks|central government|not strong enough|strong|is|question particle
Because he felt that the central government was not strong enough, right?
它 強大 不 強大 這 事兒 是 日後 的 咱 建 了 政府 之後 日後 再 聊 咱 也 不 一步到位
it|strong|not|strong|this|matter|is|in the future|possessive particle|we|build|past tense marker|government|after|in the future|again|talk|we|also|not|achieve everything at once
Whether it is powerful or not, we will discuss this matter after we have established the government.
他 最 反感 的 是 什麼 呢 ?
he|most|disgusted|possessive particle|is|what|question particle
What does he dislike the most?
大家 在 制定 政府 的 時候 說
everyone|at|formulating|government|possessive particle|time|said
Everyone said while formulating the government,
咱們 得 定下來 誰 是 聯邦 的 首席 執行 長官 就 總統
we|must|determine|who|is|federal|possessive particle|chief|executive|officer|then|president
We need to determine who the Chief Executive Officer of the federation is, which is the President.
當時 還不 知道 叫 總統 呢 然後 說 怎麼 著 呢 ?
at that time|still not|knew|called|president|question particle|then|said|how|about|question particle
At that time, I didn't even know what to call the president, and then I asked, how should we address him?
有人 就 提意見 說 這個 總統 必須 是 在 美國 本土 生 的
someone|then|gave an opinion|said|this|president|must|be|in|America|native|born|particle
Someone suggested that the president must be born on American soil.
然後 他 是 西印度群島 生 的 他 就 反對 說 我 這 加入 美國 籍 了
then|he|is|West Indies|born|(possessive particle)|he|then|opposed|said|I|this|to join|United States|nationality|past tense marker
Then he was born in the West Indies, and he opposed it, saying, 'I have already become a U.S. citizen.'
沒用 大家 都 說 不行 、不行 、不行 堅決 不行 必須 得 是 美國 本土 生 的
useless|everyone|all|says|can't|can't|can't|absolutely|can't|must|have to|is|America|native|born|possessive particle
It was useless; everyone said no, no, no, absolutely not, it must be someone born on American soil.
然後 合著 把 他 當 總統 的 路 就 給 堵死 了
then|together|(particle indicating action)|he|as|president|(possessive particle)|road|then|(particle indicating action)|completely blocked|past tense marker
Then, they completely blocked the road for him to become president.
然後 除非 說 你 把 西印度群島 變成 美國 的 那 可以
then|unless|say|you|(indicates action)|West Indies|become|America|possessive particle|that|can
Unless you turn the West Indies into part of the United States, that could work.
他 就 很 生氣 就 走 了
he|then|very|angry|then|left|past tense marker
He got very angry and left.
但是 最後 他 還是 覺得 我 當 不當 總統 也 就 無所謂 了
but|in the end|he|still|felt|I|become|not become|president|also|then|it doesn't matter|past tense marker
But in the end, he still felt that whether or not he became president didn't really matter.
但是 一定 要 支持 強大 的 中央政府 畢竟 它 是 他 的 一個 政治理念
but|must|to|support|strong|possessive particle|central government|after all|it|is|he|possessive particle|a|political ideology
But it is essential to support a strong central government, after all, it is part of his political ideology.
所以 後來 雖然 他 制憲會議 沒 開 完 就 走 了 被 氣 跑 了
so|later|although|he|constitutional assembly|not|hold|completely|then|left|past tense marker|by|anger|run|past tense marker
So later, although he left the constitutional convention before it was completed, he was driven away in anger.
但是 他 後來 在 支持 聯邦 黨人 的 一系列 活動 中 可以 說 是 不遺餘力
but|he|later|in|supporting|Federal|party|possessive particle|a series of|activities|in|could|be said|is|tireless
However, he later spared no effort in a series of activities supporting the Federalists.
好 因為 時間 的 關係 他 我們 先 說 到 這兒
good|because|time|possessive particle|relationship|he|we|first|say|until|here
Alright, due to time constraints, let's stop here for now.
我 再問 你 一下 另外 一個 人 就是 你 剛才 提到 詹姆斯 ·麥迪遜
I|ask again|you|once|another|one|person|is|you|just now|mentioned|James|Madison
Let me ask you again about another person, which is the James Madison you just mentioned.
他 這 三個 人 中 的 其中 一個
he|this|three|people|among|possessive particle|among them|one
He is one of the three people.
詹姆斯 · 麥迪遜 後人 把 他 稱作 是 憲法 之 父 為 什麼 呢 ?
James|Madison|later generations|(particle indicating action)|he|called|is|Constitution|possessive particle|father|for|what|question particle
Why do later generations refer to James Madison as the Father of the Constitution?
這個 其實 也 有 訛傳 咱們 要 明白 這個 道理
this|actually|also|has|misinformation|we|need to|understand|this|principle
This actually has some misconceptions, and we need to understand this principle.
跟 咱們 所有 的 朋友 們 看 明白 這個 道理
with|we|all|possessive particle|friends|plural marker|understand|clearly|this|principle
Let all our friends understand this principle.
美國 憲法 是 可以 說 跟 維吉尼亞 憲法 很 接近
United States|Constitution|is|can|say|with|Virginia|Constitution|very|close
The U.S. Constitution can be said to be very similar to the Virginia Constitution.
而 很多 朋友 們 就 認為 維吉尼亞 憲法 肯定 是 麥迪遜 不是 的
However, many friends believe that the Virginia Constitution must be attributed to Madison, which is not the case.
其實 維吉尼亞 憲法 是 以 喬治 梅森 、理查德 ·亨利 李
actually|Virginia|constitution|is|based on|George|Mason|Richard|Henry|Lee
In fact, the Virginia Constitution is based on George Mason and Richard Henry Lee.
還有 是 帕 德利 克 · 亨利 這 一幫 人 形成 的 共識 先 寫 的 維吉尼亞 憲法
and|is|Pat|Del|ick|Henry|this|group|people|formed|possessive particle|consensus|first|wrote|possessive particle|Virginia|constitution
Also, it was the consensus formed by Patrick Henry and his group that first wrote the Virginia Constitution.
美國 憲法 可以 說 跟 維吉尼亞 憲法 相當 接近
United States|Constitution|can|say|with|Virginia|Constitution|quite|close
The United States Constitution can be said to be quite similar to the Virginia Constitution.
詹姆斯 · 麥迪遜 在 寫 維吉尼亞 憲法 的 時候 才 二 十來 歲
James|Madison|at|writing|Virginia|Constitution|(possessive particle)|time|only|two|about twenty|years old
James Madison was only in his twenties when he was writing the Virginia Constitution.
剛 從 普林斯頓大學 畢業
just|from|Princeton University|graduated
He had just graduated from Princeton University.
但是 他 有 一條 加入 到 維吉尼亞 憲法 裡面 別人 都 沒 看到
but|he|has|a provision|added|to|Virginia|constitution|inside|others|all|not|saw
But he had a clause added to the Virginia Constitution that others did not see.
就是 我們 現在 看到 的 美國 的 宗教信仰 自由 這 一 條
that is|we|now|see|possessive particle|America|possessive particle|religious belief|freedom|this|one|item
This is the clause on religious freedom that we now see in America.
是 詹姆斯 · 麥迪遜 強烈 要求 加入 到 這個 憲法 裡的
is|James|Madison|strongly|requested|to join|into|this|Constitution|in
It was strongly requested by James Madison to be included in this constitution.
所以 我們 說 的 是 維吉尼亞 憲法 都 說 有 兩個 這個 作者
so|we|said|possessive particle|is|Virginia|constitution|all|says|has|two|this|authors
So what we are saying is that the Virginia Constitution has two authors.
一個 是 喬治 梅森 、一個 是 詹姆斯 ·麥迪遜
One was George Mason, and one was James Madison.
但是 其實 結果 是 喬治 梅森 寫 了 百分之九十九
but|actually|result|is|George|Mason|wrote|past tense marker|ninety-nine percent
But actually, the result was that George Mason wrote ninety-nine percent.
而 詹姆斯 · 麥迪遜 只 寫 了 百分之一 那個 概念 給 我 啊
but|James|Madison|only|wrote|past tense marker|one percent|that|concept|to give|me|ah
And James Madison only wrote one percent of that concept, give it to me.
他 把 這個 宗教信仰 自由 這個 事兒 加進來 了
he|(particle indicating the handling of an object)|this|religious belief|freedom|this|matter|included|past tense marker
He added this thing about religious freedom.
就是 宗教信仰 自由 他 就 說 了 一句 名言 說 什麼 呢 ?
it is|religious belief|freedom|he|then|said|past tense marker|one sentence|famous saying|to say|what|question particle
It is religious belief freedom, and he said a famous quote, what did he say?
如果 一個 人 不能 自由 信仰 他 的 宗教 這個 人 也 是 沒有 自由 的
if|a|person|cannot|freely|practice|his|possessive particle|religion|this|person|also|is|without|freedom|possessive particle
If a person cannot freely believe in their religion, then that person is also not free.
這 很 對 呀
this|very|correct|particle indicating affirmation
That's very true.
對 他 把 這個 宗教信仰 自由 加進去 了
to|he|particle indicating disposal|this|religious belief|freedom|added|past tense marker
He included this religious belief freedom.
所以 說 維吉尼亞 憲法 有人 說 是 他們 倆 一起 寫 的
so|say|Virginia|Constitution|someone|said|is|they|two|together|wrote|past tense marker
So it is said that the Virginia Constitution was written by both of them together.
就是 相當於 都 在 那兒 聯名 署 一個 文章
that is|equivalent to|all|at|there|co-signing|signing|one|article
It's equivalent to both of them co-signing an article there.
人家 做 了 百分之九十九 的 工作 你 掛個 名 其實 這個 概念 是 這樣 的
If someone does ninety-nine percent of the work and you just put your name on it, this is actually the concept.
他 這個 宗教信仰 自由 這個 是 他 提 出來 的 對
he|this|religious belief|freedom|this|is|he|proposed|out|past action particle|correct
This religious freedom was proposed by him, right?
後來 在 寫 憲法 的 過程 中 他 不是 寫 憲法 的 人
later|at|writing|constitution|possessive particle|process|in|he|was not|writing|constitution|possessive particle|person
Later, during the process of writing the constitution, he was not the person who wrote the constitution.
咱們 要 明白 憲法 不是 某個 人 寫 出來 的
we|need to|understand|constitution|is not|some|person|written|out|past action particle
We need to understand that the constitution is not written by a single person.
而是 各方 博弈 和 各方 妥協 的 一個 結果
but|all parties|game|and|all parties|compromise|possessive particle|a|result
Instead, it is the result of negotiations and compromises among various parties.
而且 大家 都 要 同意 一些 根本 的 原則 大家 都 要 同意 才能 有 憲法 這回 事兒
Moreover, everyone must agree on some fundamental principles; only then can there be a constitution.
這個 原則 是 沒有 詹姆斯 · 麥迪遜 他 也 會 有 這個 原則 的
this|principle|is|without|James|Madison|he|also|would|have|this|principle|(possessive particle)
This principle exists without James Madison, and he would also have this principle.
什麼 個人 的 liberty 、權利 、法案 這些 東西 都 會 有 的
what|personal|possessive particle|liberty|rights|bill|these|things|all|will|have|possessive particle
What personal liberties, rights, and bills will all exist.
但是 之所以 說 是 他 寫 的
but|the reason|said|is|he|wrote|past action particle
But the reason it is said that he wrote it,
是 因為 詹姆斯 ·麥迪遜 這個 人 的 職業 操守 和 職業 精神 、敬業精神 值得 我們 崇敬
is|because|James|Madison|this|person|possessive particle|professional|ethics|and|professional|spirit|dedication|is worthy of|us|respect
is because James Madison's professional ethics and spirit of dedication are worthy of our respect.
是 怎麼 著 呢 ?開會 的 時候 咱們 大家 都 知道
is|how|past action marker|question particle|meeting|possessive particle|time|we|everyone|all|know
What is going on? During the meeting, we all know.
你們 在 公司 裡 、學校 裡 開會 在 那 一 坐 基本上 都 想 別的 其實
you (plural)|at|company|inside|school|inside|have a meeting|at|that|one|seat|basically|all|think|of other things|actually
When you have meetings in the company or at school, everyone basically thinks about other things.
該 發言 的 時候 發言人 家 麥迪遜 坐 到 那兒
should|speak|possessive particle|when|speaker|family|Madison|sit|to|there
When it's time to speak, Madison sits there.
人家 也 沒 手機 對 吧 也 沒 有 wifi 也 沒 有 什麼 筆記本
they|also|don't have|cellphone|right|question particle|also|don't have|have|wifi|also|don't have|have|any|notebook
They also don't have a phone, right? They don't have wifi, and they don't have any notebooks.
人家 就 拿著 筆 在 那 記 你 誰 張三 說 了 一句 什麼 記下來
others|then|holding|pen|at|that|write|you|who|Zhang San|said|past tense marker|a sentence|what|wrote down
Someone took a pen and noted down what Zhang San said.
李四 說 了 一句 什麼 記下來 都 不 帶上 廁所 的
Li Si|said|past tense marker|a sentence|what|written down|all|not|bring to|bathroom|possessive particle
Li Si said something, and it was noted down, but it wasn't taken to the bathroom.
最 勤勞 的 一個 人
most|hardworking|possessive particle|one|person
The most hardworking person.
誰 說 了 什麼 他 記 了 超過 二十萬 字 的 文件
who|said|past tense marker|what|he|wrote|past tense marker|more than|200000|characters|possessive particle|document
Who said what, he recorded over two hundred thousand words of documents.
然後 各方 在 討論 的 時候 我 說 了 一些 什麼
then|all parties|during|discussion|possessive particle|time|I|said|past tense marker|some|what
Then, during the discussions, I said something.
咱們 前面 說 華盛頓 把 大家 打包 的 文件 說 誰 說 了 什麼 都 得 拿走
we|earlier|said|Washington|(indicates action)|everyone|packed|(possessive particle)|documents|said|who|said|past tense marker|anything|all|must|take away
Earlier, we mentioned that Washington packed up the documents and said that whoever said anything had to take it away.
以防 後來 日後 被 政敵 給 攻擊 那個 文件 都 是 詹姆斯 · 麥迪遜 主筆 的 他 寫 的
in case|later|in the future|by|political enemies|to|attack|that|document|all|is|James|Madison|principal author|possessive particle|he|wrote|past action particle
To prevent being attacked by political opponents later, that document was all written by James Madison.
所以 大家 後來 就 以訛傳訛 傳成 了 他 寫 的 憲法
so|everyone|later|then|by miscommunication|spread|past tense marker|he|wrote|possessive particle|constitution
So later, everyone spread the rumor that he wrote the Constitution.
美國 憲法 你 也 可以 說 是 他 寫 的
United States|Constitution|you|also|can|say|is|he|wrote|past tense marker
The United States Constitution, you could also say, is written by him.
但是 其實 我 應該 嚴格 的 說 是 他 整理 幫著 各方 整理 的
but|actually|I|should|strictly|possessive particle|speaking|is|he|organizing|helping|all parties|organizing|possessive particle
But actually, I should strictly say that he organized it, helping various parties to organize.
他 是 一個 起到 了 書記員 的 作用
He|is|a|played|past tense marker|secretary|possessive particle|role
He played the role of a secretary.
而 美國 憲法 的 形成 是 各方 利益 博弈 的 結果
and|United States|Constitution|possessive particle|formation|is|all parties|interests|game|possessive particle|result
The formation of the United States Constitution is the result of the game of interests among various parties.
對 那 當然 咱們 得 這麼 說
right|then|of course|we|must|like this|say
Of course, we have to say it this way.
那 當然 他 只是 個 記錄員 當然 他 是 其中 一員 嘛
then|of course|he|just|a|recorder|of course|he|is|among them|a member|particle
Of course, he is just a recorder, and he is one of them.
那個 憲法 當時 五十幾個 代表 在 那 坐 下來 討論
that|constitution|at that time|over fifty|representatives|at|that|sat|down|discussion
At that time, more than fifty representatives sat down to discuss that constitution.
肯定 是 各方 博弈 、激烈 爭吵 然後 你 讓 一步 我 進一步 這種 東西 的 結果
definitely|is|all parties|game|intense|argument|then|you|give|one step|I|one step further|this kind of|thing|possessive particle|result
It must have been a result of various parties negotiating, intense arguments, and then you take a step back, I take a step forward.
當然 他 說 是 因為 他 的 傑出 演說 、協商 談判 和 這個 企圖心
of course|he|said|is|because|he|possessive particle|outstanding|speech|negotiation|discussion|and|this|ambition
Of course, he said it was because of his outstanding speeches, negotiation skills, and this ambition.
我 不 知道 這個 什麼 意思 啊 說 讓 他 贏得 憲法 之 父 的 美名
I|not|know|this|what|meaning|ah|to say|let|he|win|constitution|possessive particle|father|possessive particle|good reputation
I don't know what this means, saying it earned him the title of Father of the Constitution.
所以 並 不是 說 是 因為 他 寫 憲法
so|not|is not|saying|is|because|he|wrote|constitution
So it's not that he wrote the Constitution.
兩方 吵起來 然後 他 去 和稀泥 去
both parties|started arguing|then|he|went|mediate|to
The two sides got into a fight, and then he went to mediate.
說 不要 吵 了 、 不要 吵 了
Stop arguing, stop arguing.
咱們 再 meet in the middle (彼此 妥協 )就 搞 這 東西
we|again|meet|in|the|middle|each other|compromise|then|do|this|thing
Let's meet in the middle and compromise on this.
OK 了解 那 是 這 意思
OK, I understand that this is what it means.
所以 實際上 這個 制憲會議 是 在 1787 年 五月份 開 的
so|actually|this|Constitutional Convention|was|in|year|May|held|past tense marker
So actually, this constitutional convention was held in May 1787.
然後 一直 開一開 開 到 九月
Then keep opening it until September.
所以 我 覺得 這麼 一個 複雜 的 憲法
so|I|think|such|a|complex|possessive particle|constitution
So I think this is such a complex constitution.
可以 說 是 人類 歷史 上 最 複雜 的 一部 憲法 然後 這麼 多人 參與
can|say|is|humanity|history|on|most|complex|possessive particle|a|constitution|then|so|many people|participate
It can be said to be the most complex constitution in human history, and so many people participated.
應該 說 是 最 貨真價實 的 一部 憲法
should|say|is|most|genuine|possessive particle|a|constitution
It should be said to be the most genuine constitution.
最 貨真價實 的 一部 憲法 然後 這麼 多人 參與 居然 能 達成 共識
most|genuine and fair-priced|possessive particle|a|constitution|then|so|many people|participate|unexpectedly|can|reach|consensus
The most genuine and practical constitution, and so many people participating can actually reach a consensus.
你 甭管 他 幾個 月 我 覺得 要是 達不成 共識 一百個 月 都 沒有 用
you|no matter|he|how many|months|I|think|if|cannot reach|consensus|one hundred|months|all|no|use
No matter how many months it takes, I think if a consensus cannot be reached, it won't matter even if it takes a hundred months.
但是 四個 月 肯定 是 一個 特別 長 的 協商 過程
but|four|months|definitely|is|a|particularly|long|possessive particle|negotiation|process
However, four months is definitely a particularly long negotiation process.
但是 能夠 達成 共識 我 覺得 是 個 奇蹟 啊
but|able to|reach|consensus|I|feel|is|a|miracle|ah
But being able to reach a consensus, I think, is a miracle.
但 時間 關係 這樣 我 先 請 您 講一講 這個 制憲會議 開頭 的 一個 小 過程
but|time|constraint|like this|I|first|please|you|talk about|this|constitutional assembly|beginning|possessive particle|a|small|process
But due to time constraints, I will ask you to talk about a small process at the beginning of this constitutional assembly.
然後 我們 這集 就 到 這 我們 下集 再 把 他 講完 再 談 憲法
then|we|this episode|just|arrive|this|we|next episode|again|(a particle indicating the disposal of an object)|he|finish talking about|again|discuss|constitution
Then we will end this episode here, and we will continue to discuss it in the next episode.
好 的 其實 制憲會議 本身 這個 事 是 人們 推動 的
good|possessive particle|actually|constitutional assembly|itself|this|matter|is|people|promoted|past action particle
Actually, the constitutional assembly itself was driven by the people.
就是 誰 呢 ? 一幫人 一幫人 你 看 我 現在 能想 起來 的 有 幾個
So who were they? A group of people, and I can think of a few right now.
羅伯特 · 莫里斯 、 華盛頓 華盛頓 不公 開說
Robert Morris, Washington Washington did not publicly say.
因為 他 的 基本上 想 隱藏 自己 觀點 當然 他 支持
because|he|possessive particle|basically|wants|to hide|himself|viewpoint|of course|he|supports
Because he basically wanted to hide his own views, of course he supported.
還有 漢密爾頓 還有 一個 人 叫 John Dickinson 、
there is also|Hamilton|there is also|one|person|named||
Also Hamilton, and there was a person named John Dickinson,
John Jay 、約翰 ·亞當斯 這些 人 都 支持
John Jay, John Adams, these people all supported.
因爲 約翰 · 亞當斯 還有 托瑪斯 · 傑夫 遜 也 支持
because|John|Adams|and also|Thomas|Jefferson|son|also|support
Because John Adams and Thomas Jefferson also supported it.
為 什麼 呢 ?但是 他 沒有 參加
why|what|question particle|but|he|did not|attend
Why is that? But he did not participate.
因為 這 兩個 人 一個 是 駐英 大使 托瑪斯 ·傑夫 遜 是 駐法 大使
Because these two people, one is the ambassador to England, Thomas Jefferson is the ambassador to France.
他們 倆 在 海外 非常 受氣 就 說 美國 也 沒有 一個 常備軍 是 吧
they|two|in|overseas|very|bullied|then|said|America|also|does not have|a|standing army|is|question particle
Both of them were very unpopular overseas, just like saying that America also does not have a standing army.
他當 大使 嗎 ? 他 不在 那 ?
Is he an ambassador? He is not there?
他 在 英國 和 法國 當 大使 人家 不 哩 他
He|in|the UK|and|France|serves as|ambassador|others|not|particle indicating a question|he
He is an ambassador in the UK and France, but they are not there.
不理 你
Ignoring you.
比如說 參加 英國 宮廷 的 活動 去 了 還有 歐洲 的 列強 們 都 不哩 他
for example|participate|England|court|possessive particle|event|go|past tense marker|and also|Europe|possessive particle|great powers|plural marker|all|not|he
For example, he went to participate in activities at the British court, and the great powers of Europe are also not there.
說 什麼 美國 什麼 叫 美國 ? 沒聽說過
What is America? I've never heard of it.
你 知道 嗎 ?就是 這 概念
you|know|question particle|that is|this|concept
Do you know? It's this concept.
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