The Awakening of Europe
41. William's Invitation
The Awakening of Europe
42. The Struggle in Ireland
The Awakening of Europe
43. The Siege of Vienna by the Turks
The Awakening of Europe
44. The Greatness of France
The Awakening of Europe
45. The Story of the Huguenots
The Awakening of Europe
46. The Greatest General of His Age
The Awakening of Europe
47. The Battle of Blenheim
The Awakening of Europe
48. How Peter the Great Learned Shipbuilding
The Awakening of Europe
49. Charles XII of Sweden
The Awakening of Europe
50. The Boyhood of Frederick the Great
The Awakening of Europe
51. Anson's Voyage round the World
The Awakening of Europe
52. Maria Theresa
The Awakening of Europe
53. The Story of Scotland