11.奇蹟 -Miracle
11. 奇迹- Miracle
11. Miracle
11 奇蹟 。
11 Miracle.
查利 走進 那 家 商店 ,把 那 枚 濕漉漉 的 五十 便士 硬幣 放到 櫃檯 上 。
Charlie|walked into|that|classifier for shops|store|(indicates the following action)|that|classifier for coins|wet|possessive particle|fifty|pence|coin|put on|counter|on
Charlie walked into that shop and placed the wet fifty pence coin on the counter.
“拿 一塊 旺卡 高級 惠普 爾 奶油 巧克力 軟糖 。
take|a piece of|Wonka|premium|HP|your|cream|chocolate|gummy candy
"Get a Wonka Premium Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight."
”他 說 ,他 又 記起 了 生日 那天 得到 的 那 塊 可愛 的 巧克力 。
he|said|he|again|remembered|past tense marker|birthday|that day|received|possessive particle|that|piece|cute|possessive particle|chocolate
He said that he remembered the lovely chocolate he received on his birthday.
櫃檯 後 的 男人 十分 肥壯 ,看來 吃 得 很 好 。
counter|behind|possessive particle|man|very|strong|it seems|eat|adverbial particle|very|well
The man behind the counter was very stout, looking like he ate very well.
他 的 嘴唇 很 厚 ,胖胖 臉頰 ,脖子 非常 粗壯 ,上面 的 肥肉 肥 都 堆 在 了 領口 ,就 象 套 了 個 橡皮圈 。
he|possessive particle|lips|very|thick|chubby|cheeks|neck|very|strong|on top|possessive particle|fat|fat|all|piled|at|past action marker|collar|just|like|put on|past action marker|measure word|rubber band
His lips were very thick, with chubby cheeks, and his neck was extremely thick, with the fat on top piled up at the collar, as if it were wearing a rubber band.
他 轉過身 取 了 一塊 那種 巧克力 ;又 轉身 把 它 遞給 查利 。
He|turned around|took|past tense marker|a piece of|that kind of|chocolate|again|turned|(particle indicating the following noun is the direct object)|it|handed to|Charlie
He turned around to get a piece of that kind of chocolate; then turned back and handed it to Charlie.
查利 抓住 巧克力 三兩下 撕去 包裝紙 ,狠狠 咬 了 一大口 。
Charlie|grabbed|chocolate|in a few quick moves|tore off|the wrapping paper|hard|bit|past tense marker|a big bite
Charlie grabbed the chocolate, tore off the wrapper in a few swift motions, and took a big bite.
然後 又 是 一口 ……再 一口 ……啊 ,往 嘴裡 塞進 大塊 大塊 香甜 而 硬實 的 東西 那 滋味 真是 美極了 !
then|again|is|one bite|again|one bite|ah|towards|mouth|stuffed in|big pieces|big pieces|sweet|and|hard|possessive particle|thing|that|taste|really|extremely delicious
Then another bite... and another... Ah, stuffing large chunks of sweet and solid goodness into his mouth was simply delightful!
嘴裡 塞滿 可口 硬實 的 食物 真 令人 渾身 舒適 ,妙不可言 啊 !
mouth|stuffed|delicious|solid|possessive particle|food|really|makes one|whole body|comfortable|indescribably wonderful|ah
Having his mouth full of delicious, solid food was incredibly comforting, indescribably wonderful!
“看來 你 想 把 一整塊 全 吃 下去 吧 ,小伙子 。
it seems|you|want|to eat|a whole piece|completely|eat|down|particle|young man
"Looks like you want to eat the whole thing, huh, kid."
”店主 愉快 地 說道 。
the shopkeeper|happily|adverbial particle|said
The shopkeeper said happily.
查利 點點頭 ,他 的 嘴裡 塞滿 了 巧克力 。
Charlie|nodded|he|possessive particle|in his mouth|stuffed full|past tense marker|chocolate
Charlie nodded, his mouth full of chocolate.
店主 把 查利 的 找 頭 放在 櫃檯 上 。
the shopkeeper|(verb particle)|Charlie|possessive particle|change|head|put on|counter|on
The shopkeeper placed Charlie's change on the counter.
“慢慢 吃 ,”他 說 ,“你 這樣 囫圇 吞 會 鬧 肚子痛 的 。
slowly|eat|he|said|you|like this|whole|swallow|will|have|stomachache|particle indicating past action
"Eat slowly," he said, "if you swallow like that, you'll get a stomachache."
”查利 仍 熱 狼吞虎咽 地 吃著 那 塊 巧克力 。
Charlie|still|hot|devouring|adverbial particle|eating|that|piece|chocolate
Charlie was still gobbling down that piece of chocolate.
他 根本 停不下來 。
he|at all|can't stop
He simply couldn't stop.
不到 半分鐘 ,整塊 巧克力 就 進 了 肚 。
less than|half a minute|whole|chocolate|then|entered|past tense marker|stomach
In less than half a minute, the whole piece of chocolate was gone.
他 幾乎 連 氣 都 透不過 來 了 , 可 他 覺得 舒服 極了 , 愉快 極了 。
He could hardly catch his breath, but he felt extremely comfortable and very happy.
他 正 伸手 去 取 找 頭 ,卻 又 停住 了 。
He|just|reached out|to|take|find|head|but|again|stopped|past tense marker
He was reaching out to take the coin, but then he stopped.
他 眼睛 的 高度 剛好 超過 櫃檯 ,他 睜大 眼睛 看著 放在 櫃檯 上 的 銀幣 ,都 是 些 五 便土 的 硬幣 ,一共 有 九枚 。
He|eyes|possessive particle|height|just|exceeds|counter|He|opened|eyes|looked at|placed on|counter|on|possessive particle|coins|all|are|some|five|cent|possessive particle|coins|in total|has|nine pieces
His eyes were just above the counter, and he stared wide-eyed at the coins placed on the counter, all of them were five-cent coins, totaling nine.
這麼 說 他 再 花 去 一枚 肯定 不會 有 什麼 關係 的 ……
so|say|he|again|spend|go|one|definitely|will not|have|any|relationship|particle
That means if he spent one more, it definitely wouldn't matter...
“ 我 想 ,” 他 不動聲色 地說 :“ 我 想 …… 再要 一塊 那種 巧克力 。
"I think," he said nonchalantly, "I want... one more of that kind of chocolate."
請 再 給 我 一塊 同樣 牌子 的 巧克力 。
please|again|give|me|a piece|same|brand|possessive particle|chocolate
Please give me another piece of chocolate of the same brand.
”“當然 羅 !
of course|Luo
"Of course, Roy!"
”肥胖 的 店主 說 ,又 從 身後 架子 上 拿出 了 一塊 高級 惠普爾 奶油 巧克力 軟糖 ,把 它 放在 櫃檯 上 。
obese|possessive particle|shopkeeper|said|again|from|behind|shelf|on|took out|past tense marker|a piece|premium|Whittaker's|cream|chocolate|soft candy|particle indicating disposal|it|placed on|counter|on
The overweight shopkeeper said, and took out a piece of premium HP cream chocolate fudge from the shelf behind him, placing it on the counter.
查利 拿起 它 ,撕去 了 包裝紙 ……突然 ……就在 那層 包裝紙 底下 ……發出 了 一道 炫目 的 金子 的 閃光 。
Charlie|picked up|it|tore off|past tense marker|wrapping paper|suddenly|just at|that layer|wrapping paper|underneath|emitted|past tense marker|a|dazzling|possessive particle|gold|possessive particle|flash
Charlie picked it up, tore off the wrapping paper... Suddenly... right beneath that layer of wrapping paper... a dazzling flash of gold shone out.
查利 的 心 停止 了 跳動 。
Charlie|possessive particle|heart|stopped|past tense marker|beating
Charlie's heart stopped beating.
"別 停下 ,一直 奔到 家裡 ,明白 嗎 ?
don't|stop|keep|running to|home|understand|question particle
"Don't stop, keep running home, understand?"
”查利 點點頭 。
"" Charlie nodded.
‘你 是 懂事 的 ,”胖 店主 說 ,他 停頓 — 下 ,朝 查利 笑笑 ,又 說 :“我 有 一種 感覺 ,你 需要 這麼 個 機會 。
you|are|sensible|(particle indicating possession or modification)|fat|shopkeeper|said|he|paused|a moment|towards|Charlie|smiled|again|said|I|have|a kind of|feeling|you|need|such a|(measure word)|opportunity
"You are understanding," said the chubby shopkeeper, pausing for a moment, smiling at Charlie, and then added: "I have a feeling that you need this opportunity."
我 非常 高興 你 得到 了 它 。
I|very|happy|you|got|past tense marker|it
"I am very happy that you got it."
視 你 好運 ,小伙子 。
wish|you|good luck|young man
"Best of luck to you, kid."
”“謝謝 ,”查利 說 。
thank you|Charlie|said
"Thank you," Charlie said.
他 轉過身 ,撒開 兩腿 ,盡力 飛快 地 踏雪 朝 家裡 奔去 。
He|turned around|spread apart|two legs|with all his might|quickly|adverbial particle|stepping on the snow|towards|home|ran
He turned around, spread his legs, and tried his best to run quickly through the snow towards home.
他 跑過 威利 ·旺卡 先生 的 工廠 時 ,轉身 朝 它 揮揮手 ,不禁 唱起來 :“我 就 會 見到 你 了 !
He|ran past|Willy|Wonka|Mr|possessive particle|factory|when|turned around|towards|it|waved|couldn't help but|started singing|I|will|definitely|see|you|past tense particle
As he ran past Mr. Willy Wonka's factory, he turned and waved at it, and couldn't help but sing: "I will see you soon!
我 很快 就要 見到 你 啦 !
I|soon|will|see|you|particle indicating excitement
I will see you very soon!"
”五分鐘 後 他 就 回到 了 家裡 。
five minutes|later|he|then|returned|past tense marker|home
" Five minutes later, he returned home.
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